Here’s How Fast and Brutally Migrants and Locals Can Turn Against Each Other
When a migrant was murdered by a local, the media didn't say a word. But a video of the event ...
When a migrant was murdered by a local, the media didn't say a word. But a video of the event ...
During an economic crisis, someone will always figure out a way to make a living ripping off struggling, desperate people. ...
No matter how much preparing you do, sometimes there are lessons to be learned and moments you will wish you ...
In South America, just like North American, small businesses have suffered greatly under the restrictions during COVID. But not everyone ...
If you want your small business to survive during emergency events, having a business continuity plan is highly advised. Especially ...
Some people take refrigeration for granted. What would you do if you found yourself without one? How would you adapt ...
Drying meat without a dehydrator is an old-fashioned process that has almost been lost over time. Here's one way to ...
Biogas is reasonably easy to produce, environmentally safe, and is made from readily available resources, making it an excellent choice ...
Fuel in Venezuela is not only limited, but apparently it's so low in quality vehicles are suffering almost irreparable damage. ...
It took a global pandemic, a toilet paper shortage, and a subsequent economic crisis to make people realize that preppers ...
The more isolated and secluded you are, the more silent your choice of self-defense weapons needs to be. Here are ...
Venezuela has gone almost completely cashless. Why? The current government wants to make it seem as though there's a recovery. ...
Looking back on the past, no matter how rough it was, has its advantages. Lessons from the past can be ...
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