The Chilling Similarities Between the Ukrainian Genocide and the Depopulation of Venezuela
When compared with the Ukrainian genocide, history indicates that the depopulation of Venezuela by hunger and disease was deliberate - ...
When compared with the Ukrainian genocide, history indicates that the depopulation of Venezuela by hunger and disease was deliberate - ...
In Venezuela, many formerly forgotten diseases are making a deadly comeback as the lack of sanitation and the increase of ...
The destruction of Venezuela was a deliberate act to break the wills and take away the freedom of the people. ...
Can we prepare for everything? We certainly could never have imagined...or prepped for...what happened in Venezuela.
And the worst part is? It isn't even rare for cops to participate in terrible crimes like kidnapping people and ...
When the SHTF, some cops and soldiers will go rogue - especially the ones who already had that tendency before. ...
"Those with guns, organization, and discipline are the ones who control the entire economy in a collapse. The present situation ...
Anxiety. Anguish. Anger. These are just some of the emotions that hit you when dealing with a long-term crisis. ...
Would your home security stand up to widespread civil unrest, burgeoning crime rates, and a starving population? Jose shares the ...
President Maduro wanted Oscar Perez, rebel cop of Venezuela, dead. Last week he, his team, a pregnant woman, and a ...
How did the slow-motion collapse of Venezuela really happen? Part 2 of this cautionary first-person account provides the real ...
How did the slow-motion collapse of Venezuela really happen? Learn the details in part one of this cautionary first-person ...
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