Special Report: Antibiotic Resistant Diseases in Venezuela
Antibiotic-resistant illnesses are on the rise in Venezuela. Add this to malnutrition and poverty, and many are dying from things ...
Antibiotic-resistant illnesses are on the rise in Venezuela. Add this to malnutrition and poverty, and many are dying from things ...
You've probably seen articles about kids in Venezuela fainting at school due to a lack of food. The starvation of ...
If your partner isn't on board with prepping, it can make getting prepared a lot more difficult. And when the ...
You may feel stress every day but when the SHTF, your stress will peak at entirely new levels. Here's how ...
Based on what I have learned after living through SHTF in Venezuela, I want to provide you with a few ...
Someone is organizing those vagrants. There is someone behind providing drugs. Weapons. Someone telling when to attack what. This is ...
Wages as low as $3 a MONTH, paired with hyperinflation, have condemned millions of Venezuelan people to misery, hunger, and ...
Civilian turmoil can happen so suddenly that the only option you will have is to bug in. Here's how to ...
Through the collapse of his home country, this author learned that there are two things that you should never take ...
There are important preparedness lessons to learn from the Vargas Tragedy. In part one, we covered the first four lessons. ...
The Vargas Tragedy was a combination of landslides and floods that occurred on the Caribbean coast of Venezuela back in ...
There are many advantages to owning land. Here are the three Jose finds the most important.
Once regular law and order end, expect gangs, crime, and violence to spread. Jose shares some cautionary tales from Venezuela ...
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