Volcanic Winter and Other Famines
Volcanic winter could cause severe, lengthy famines for the areas involved, and that's not the only thing that could leave ...
Volcanic winter could cause severe, lengthy famines for the areas involved, and that's not the only thing that could leave ...
Do you have the right tools for longterm maintenance? Check out this list for keeping things running.
True resilience lies in the ability to maintain and repair the tools and infrastructure that sustain us in the ...
There's a good reason why practically all industries adopt standards for seamless operations. Here's how you can apply this to ...
Many have predicted a devaluation of the dollar. But few have shared the reality of living through the death of ...
A disruption of international trade, whatever the cause, will trigger a cascade of effects that impact multiple dimensions of our ...
In both North and South America, we share a common history and independence, which is more than enough for despotic ...
The mass displacement of populations has been a recurring feature of human history. It's weaponized migration.
Do you have a leaky roof? Is it raining where you are? Here's how to repair the roof and protect ...
A total economic and social collapse is a catastrophic event. Recognizing the early signs can be a game-changer for your ...
You have to be incredibly careful what you post online in Venezuela. Digital spying leaves users at risk of visits ...
Daily life in Venezuela is at a new low for many citizens. Jose shares a glimpse into his day and ...
The first 3 weeks after a fraudulent election in Venezuela have been dangerous and violent, and the shortages of past ...
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