Dear Diary, It’s Me, Jessica: Part 18
Jessica is happy to be claimed by a stray pet. In more alarming news, Four Corners could be facing its ...
Jessica is happy to be claimed by a stray pet. In more alarming news, Four Corners could be facing its ...
Progress is made on a permanent outdoor cooking set-up and as harvest time approaches, the group must deal with food ...
A trip to get school books turns out to be far more eventful than expected, and the reality of having ...
Jessica is present at a very important meeting that sets the tone for the future of the community and its ...
After an unsettling event, the group decides to get serious about the future of the community. Big changes are ...
Everything has changed after the Battle of Four Corners. Jessica sets off with a group to find supplies elsewhere.
Who survived and who didn't in the battle at the market place? Jessica realizes how much her perspective has ...
There is no choice but to fight the gang that threatens the market. Jessica is helping to prepare the battlespace ...
We recently talked about how to make your own lunch meat with beef. This week, learn how to make a ...
Making your own lunch meat is a great way to make meat last longer and save a LOT of money ...
Jessica runs into a classmate who had been her enemy back when she had gone to school and realizes how ...
Jessica's family runs out of a very important commodity and she hears more of the story of the newcomers' journey ...
Jessica gets to go along for an eye-opening trip to the market and sees how dramatically the world outside has ...
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