The Terrifying Truth About Those Apartment Buildings in Aurora

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Author of The Widow in the Woods

A while back, I wrote an article about migrant crime in the US being up. In it, I posted a video that showed an apartment building in Aurora, Colorado, that was being taken over by force by gang members.

A couple of folks in the comments said it wasn’t happening. The local politicians said it wasn’t happening. The left-wing news said it wasn’t happening.

But now, CBZ Management, the property management group that handles the buildings, has gone on the record on X to tell their story.

Spoiler: It did, in fact, happen, exactly as reported here.

If you don’t have it already, it might be time to grab a physical copy of my anthology from The OP, How to Survive During Dangerous Times.

Here’s what CBZ had to say.

Here is what the company managing the buildings had to say about what happened.

Gangs have taken control of several of our properties in Aurora, Colorado. In an attempt to discredit this fact for political purposes and avoid governmental accountability, some have spread false information about our situation. Let’s set the record straight…


“We started managing these buildings when new owners acquired the Colorado properties in 2019. At the time, the properties were in poor condition, and our mission was to renovate them, thereby increasing their value.

This was an ambitious project that would significantly benefit the people of Aurora while providing returns to the new owners. We understood this project would take years to yield results and would be both time-consuming and costly, involving comprehensive upgrades to every unit and the overall structure.

To manage the project effectively, given our New York-based operations, our representative moved to Colorado with his family. We also undertook a complete renovation of nearly every unit in the now well-known building you’ve seen in the news. (The images shown depict our newly renovated apartments.)

Everything was progressing smoothly: property values were rising, and vacancy rates were dropping. It was a win-win for both the owners and the city of Aurora.

Then, the gangs arrived…”

The tweet included some photos of the apartments.

After some time, we noticed a rise in crime and tenant complaints. The most alarming moment occurred when our local CBZ representative was attacked at the end of 2023. He had gone to inspect a recently vacated three-bedroom apartment (a rare occurrence for such a large unit) only to find a group of men already inside.

When he refused their $500 bribe to overlook the situation, they brutally attacked him. (This photo was taken shortly after he escaped, just before being admitted to the hospital.

The video footage comes from one of our security cameras, capturing part of the assault.)

After the attack on our CBZ representative, he began getting threatening text messages. We also frequently found people illegally occupying newly vacated apartments during scheduled tours. This was initially attributed to an influx of migrants exploiting squatter laws. We even received a call from a tenant returning from vacation, only to find strangers living in his apartment. This legitimate tenant was forced to find a new home after police couldn’t help him.


When confronted, many of these illegal tenants and squatters claimed they had already paid rent, which we soon realized was true—but not to us. They were paying rent to a different entity.
To address this entity (gangs) we contacted every city official we could think of for help with the problem. Unfortunately, none were willing to take meaningful action. Meanwhile, our CBZ representative continued receiving threatening messages, in which these criminals revealed his home address and his spouse’s name.
Finally, the APD, FBI and Homeland Security informed us that those sending the messages and controlling our buildings were part of the notorious Tren De Aragua gang from Venezuela. They also mentioned that our situation was just “a blip on the radar,” as this gang is causing significant problems nationwide.
Two days after our FBI meeting, the gang confronted our on-site manager, asserting control over all three properties. They offered an ultimatum: share rental income 50/50 or lose the buildings permanently. They also threatened to harm him and his family.
For the safety of our management team and their families, we withdrew them from the properties and focused on seeking help from government agencies.

“Once we fully understood what we—and our tenants—were facing, we expected a swift response, with the city offering meaningful resources and police protection—perhaps even from the National Guard—to help us regain control of our properties.

That never happened.

Instead, we were left helpless, watching as violence, bullets, and destruction overtook our buildings. Many of our legitimate tenants fled out of fear.

Despite the obvious crisis, several city officials refused to acknowledge the reality. Instead, they blamed us, citing “code violations” as the reason for shutting down our property—violations we couldn’t resolve for tenants who weren’t even ours.



Finally, one city councilwoman, @DaniJurinsky, decided to take action after one of our last remaining legitimate tenants, Cindy Romero, reached out to her in desperation.

Luckily, Cindy had her own cameras (most of ours had been destroyed by the gangs) and provided video proof to the councilwoman. She realized the city could no longer ignore the situation if it was documented on camera. Once she gathered sufficient video evidence, she assisted the tenant in relocating to safety before publicly releasing the footage.


Despite clear evidence, many still deny the reality of the situation, sometimes using us as scapegoats. That’s why we are no longer staying silent. We will continue to counter falsehoods with simple facts and evidence. Yes, gangs did take control of our apartment complexes in Aurora, Colorado, and the government did nothing. That is the real story. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

The situation has not been resolved.

But don’t worry. It’s just a handful of apartment buildings.

In an interview with Martha Radditz of ABC News, she decided to “fact check” Vice Presidential candidate JD Vance. Then, she uttered words to Vance that she’s probably still having nightmares about.

See the exchange below.

What are your thoughts?

Is it okay if it’s only a few properties being taken over by Venezuelan gangs? Is the company’s story, videos, and images enough to convince you that it’s truly happening? What do you think is the solution to problems like this?

Let’s discuss it in the comments section.

About Daisy

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, adventure-seeking, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty; 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived; and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. Her work is widely republished across alternative media and she has appeared in many interviews.

Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books, 12 self-published books, and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses at SelfRelianceand You can find her on FacebookPinterestGabMeWeParlerInstagram, and Twitter.

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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32 Responses

  1. This situation reminds me of how the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report used to be the gold standard for understanding crime in the U.S., but it isn’t anymore because cities like Chicago are no longer required to provide the data. They stopped doing it, which makes it look like crime is down, so that when the Bidenistas claim that crime is down, the UCR appears to back them up. Crime is exploding. This denial of what happened in Aurora is part of the gas-lighting.

  2. This and the lack of government response to Hurricane Helene victims in North Carolina are proof that Government is not doing its job in protecting and serving We the People. Want more? Keep voting for the Blue.

    1. There are stories circulating that the major biker gangs are going to battle these thugs. Thing could get “interesting”.

    2. The problem there is the “Posse Comitatus” restrictions we live under here in the States. In the United States, the Posse Comitatus Act prohibits the use of the federal military to enforce civilian law, unless Congress explicitly authorizes it. If we changed Posse Comitatus law to allow the military to step in, we run the risk of of the Army, etc. being used by rogue legislators using our military to put down peaceful demonstrations. There’s no easy answer except to get the Colorado authorities to MOVE these people out and relocate them to the state prisons and keep high level foot patrols in those apartments to squash any fools from coming back.

  3. My wife was the owner of 2 duplexes on Ironton St. In Aurora. 14 blocks from the apartment buildings in this article. She passed away a year ago and after 6 months I sold the properties to new owners. Just in time. A month later the Venesuelan gangs came in and demanded “protection” payments from the new tennents. Pray for Trump. No one else has the courage to fix it.

  4. So this was not happening is what they said. Yet we now have video evidence. Yet they try to play it off (i.e. the Vance interview on ABC) that it is only one apartment building. Like that is better?
    Last week down in San Antonio, TX, they arrested over 150 Tren De Aragua gang members. So, yes, while the FBI says it Aurora is a blip on their radar and it is happening all over the country, I call that a real problem.
    Yesterday former president Bill Clinton, while campaigning for Harris/Waltz said the quiet part out loud,
    “You had a case in Georgia not very long ago … a young woman who had been killed by an immigrant. If they all had been properly vetted, that probably wouldn’t have happened.”
    So, were these fine upstanding immigrants vetted too?

  5. Colorado has become the new Liberal stomping grounds. Specifically the Denver metro area and ski resort cities through out the state. There are still a few Conservative strong holds but most of them are slowly fading to Liberalism. The city and state elected officials won’t do anything to upset the minorities and Illegals as that is their voter base. I’m just glad we moved out of Colorado 2 years ago as we saw the inevitable slide into chaos that the liberals bring with them. Even Colorado Springs which is just south and one if not the largest military cities in the country with it’s 5 military installations is becoming more and more Liberal in it’s Cities Elected Officials and policies.

  6. So we had a problem with a pack of homeless idiots hanging out at the commuter train station across the street from our business.

    They were selling drugs, drinking, holding court and being a nuisance as well as harassing legitimate businesses along the street.

    So one of the local aldermen came for something and I pointed them out and told him they had to go, that their presence was a detriment to the downtown area as well as the safety of the community.

    He’s a Brown educated attorney and said “well, they’re not doing anything illegal.

    I said that’s fine if that the hill you want to make a stand. Tomorrow I’m going to take three one hundred dollar bills and offer three of them a job. I’m going to take them to YOUR house, and have them spend the day on the parkway (which is legally public property)

    I’m sure your life will be delighted that the smells will be hanging out on your front lawn, and I bet she runs out of patience before I run out of hundred dollar bills.

    They were cleaned up the next day.

    The city needs to be co-opted into doing the same and park these vermin outside the state capitol or better yet, outside the homes of every legislator who says nothing is wrong.

    1. Parker, please print this out and send it to CBZ management company. Also republish it wherever the web content offers an excuse.

    2. That is exactly what I did Parker and it worked! I contacted the mayor and all city councillors over our neighbourhood being targetted by homeless drug addicts etc. I asked for the mayor’s and councillor’s adresses and was going to pay the homeless addicts to go their homes and hang out. I advised city council that my organization was going to be holding a series of rolling protests in their neighbourhoods and wanted to know what safety protocols my organization would have to follow. (My organization consisted of myself haha) The unofficial homeless “shelter” in our hood was shortly thereafter closed. When the problem ends up on the bureacrats’ actual physical doorsteps it always get solved. There’s a creative solution to every problem.

  7. Truculence works better than pitchforks is my understanding about history like this. Stop paying taxes (legally–see Freedom Law School or actual IRS manual), use cash and barter, grow your own food (a penny saved is tax free), and get to know your neighbors.

    1. Lady Life,

      I’ve said this for years. Not sure if it’s legal but what would happen if a few million Americans stopped paying their taxes?

  8. Dear Daisy,
    THIS is the way the gangs start to occupy spaces wherever they arrive, even bringing their families and terrifying the neighbors already established to avoid someone snitching on them. I will make this post anonymously but I guess most people should know where this comes from.

    That said, US people should understand the incredibly high risk of these practices. You already have Serbian/Croatian mafias, Russian mafia, Cartels and other failed states byproducts of criminals pouring into your homeland. The most those thugs come in, once their critical mass reachs an inflection point, gang wars will be inevitable.
    Politicians don’t care a dime; all they are after is deceiving people for some time, enough to keep their privileges and add voters, no matter where they come from.
    LEOs are afraid of acting because of the politicians looking to use them as scape goats and prosecuting them for “brutality”.
    It’s the same pattern we’re seeing in Europe. And see how that went.
    So, unless the people gets organized and kick the politicians allowing this status quo, things will go downhill FAST.

  9. Who is paying the politicians that are supporting this?

    Maybe that can be found out and reported to the IRS and election commissions?

    Go after the politicians who are aiding and abetting these criminals.

  10. The problem with the initial story in the media was it was the entire city. Another problem came up was that residents were complaining that the management company was refusing to make repairs on the building (most accounts say one building). Now we have heard from the management company. But a tactic of management companies of apartment complexes is the only way to break a lease is to make the complex unsafe/get tenants to leave voluntarily. So I would take what a property owner/manager with a grain of salt. Perhaps an investigation will clear the management company.

    1. That’s not true – nobody said it was the entire city. The repairs weren’t made because they couldn’t safely be made due to the gang activity. It baffles me how you can be this in line with the gaslighting.

      Nobody is as blind as someone who refuses to see, I guess.

    2. Armed gang, watch the video, violent gang, watch the video, of course anyone with any sense self preservation is not going to go there until the area is secure.
      In the initial reporting, they said it was several apartment buildings. Then MSM tried to gaslight us by saying it was only one. If you watch the video of the mayor of Aurora, saying it is in fact several buildings.
      Are you implying the property owners are employing the gang to get paying residents out? Then the gangs rent units out, not paying the property owners at all? What sense does that make?
      An investigation? You really think MSM wants an investigation? That might then show exactly what they have been trying to gaslight us on.

    3. Bad news, Tren de Aragua had also taken over of four apartment complexes in San Antonio, TX.
      “ is not naming the three other apartment complexes to avoid jeopardizing ongoing police investigations.

      However, the locations were confirmed by law enforcement sources, and we spent days visiting the sites where we spoke to terrified residents.”

  11. It makes me wish for old-west law and order. I understand the gangs (not this particular one but gang mentality) because it is simple domination and greater violence will make one King of the Hill. Martha Radditz’s “just a few is a few” is too many being allowed to rule anywhere. It undermines all property rights, and tenants’ rights, and allowing it to go one is ridiculous. It’s anarchy and no one is doing a thing to stop it. I don’t understand a nation that allows any entity, especially a foreign one, to rule over Americans in place of the rule of law. It is anti-American in actions. It is lawlessness. It is unlawful and endangers citizens. It robs citizens. On so many levels it is just wrong. If it were in the county I live in (there are gangs here also) but there are limits to what the folks here would stand for. We aren’t particularly pro-government either. Just don’t scam, shoot, rape, rob, or mess with us too much or face Hell by daybreak. I made even MS13 neighbors walk lightly about stealing any more from my property. I announced, quietly, to neighbors here that I was tired of it and after dark, at odd hours, I was dressed in dark sweats carrying weapons and a belt of bullets and a bandolier of shells for the shotgun and walked inside my property. I can walk the main few acres without a light and still see pretty good and I have dogs that look out for me. One night I was out and so was my son. I came upon at least 2 I was sure of who had broken into the big shop building. I called my son to go around and we’d have them trapped. I had quietly blocked all the other doors. Then I told him if they come out empty-handed let them leave by the west fence path. If they start something I’m going to scream loud enough to wake the village while Im shooting to get rid of the trash. Then I can “truthfully” say “I was scared for my life”. He laughed and called back you’ve got it. One was outside and one was inside but burst out of the door running toward the fence with the outside buddy on his heels. In the morning I found power tools piled near the inside of the door. and It’s been several years and I have never seen anyone back to steal from me except the teen son of someone I know. That kid and his cousin were banned from my property day or night after that. The runners were family to MS13 members. Dead now. And no I had nothing to do with that. The lifestyle got them eventually. Could it have gone bad? That was a chance I took. But it was stand up or let them run over me. I’d rather die and at 77 I’m old enough to know that will get here soon enough anyway. So it’s not such a big gamble anymore.
    Why are the police allowing this? No backing from the people and the courts! Why is the government allowing this? No reason to fight what is the way of current leadership. Few charged, no jail time, no fines, no prison time. Toothless courts. Why are people deprived of legitimate income and protections? That’s what is on the line with the current elections. Keep this crap in power, or make a change!
    James Gregg: What power does a management company have if the police and government won’t back them up and do their job? NONE!

  12. It seems like the government is not your friend – nor is it your protector.
    The same goes for the police departments in larger cities. America is going to have to protect itself. No other way about it. Idiots like that news reporter talking to Vance are not going to help any at all either. There won’t be any truth coming from them.
    Keep your head on a swivel, America.
    We truly are living in some exciting times.

  13. lol.. you look hard enough, you can find something/someone to “prove” your belief. All of a sudden the property management tells their “story” to the organic prepper?

    1. Can you not read? Everything Daisy posted is from the property management X account. To include video of these things happening. To include the mayor of Aurora stating that the property management team has been forced out, with violence, by the gang of several properties.
      Learn to READ!

      1. She doesn’t come here to have a conversation but rather to poke her woke finger in our eyes. Sometimes, against my better judgment, I read her comments thinking “how can she possible spin this issue?” but she always does.

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