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The biggest emergency food company in the US can’t get food.
Augason Farms released the following letter to customers and suppliers.
They are literally out of business until the end of the year because they can’t get supplies. If a company with resources like that can’t get supplies, what do you think is going to happen to the rest of us?
This isn’t a scare tactic. It’s a reality check. I want to help you.
I do not use scare tactics to get people to prep. I present information and you can make your own decisions. But getting this letter was a reality check and I have almost as much food as I can afford to stuff in my 600 square foot apartment and my storage units.This makes the Pantry Bundle Plus product we’re offering at a fraction of the regular price one of the best investments you can make. I added a bonus lesson to the Build a Better Pantry on a Budget course about prepping during supply chain shortages. (That was sent to everyone who purchased the course previously – if you didn’t get it, please let us know so we can get you access.)
With The Pantry Bundle Plus, get a 12-week interactive course with a bonus supply chain shortage lesson, 3 full-length PDF cookbooks, and a 40-minute water-preparedness webinar not available for sale anywhere else.
The regular price for all this would be $115 and we’re offering it this weekend only for $39.95. It’s a TON of information and resources.
If you can’t make the purchase right now, I get it. I promise that I will be writing about this topic in more detail on the website but if you want to get started RIGHT NOW with checklists, courses, and advice on how to do this in an organized, affordable fashion, this bundle can help you immediately. You can begin TODAY.
What should you do next?
Learn how to get your pantry built and create your own supply chain with this bundle. And if you are already well-set, think about other non-food supplies you’ll want to have on hand, such as spare parts, computer supplies, over-the-counter medical goods, and hygiene supplies.
The best time to get prepped was yesterday. The second best time is RIGHT NOW. Grab our Pantry Bundle PLUS bundle and get cracking. Or get going on your own. Just do what you can. This letter from Augason Farms is a warning for all of us. Please don’t wait to get prepped. You’ll look back on this and regret your lack of action.
5 Responses
Yep…heard about this earlier. Just a suggestion….make sure you got the essentials. I’d sit here and spout off a bunch of ways to do it, but most here know already. Folks…this is not going to get any better. I wish that it’s was, but we are headed into the new “normal” that is going to be worse than anything this country has ever seen. Just keep your humanity! When the rules are no longer in play and they do what they want forget…quit thinking somehow it’s going to get better…it’s not! They are not done yet.
How accurate is this? The same low quality photo is circulating and that’s all I can find. Their official website does not mention this for example. There is no other photo or information regarding this. Is there more information/proof this letter accurate?
Honeyville is also just about out of everything….my guess is the Augason letter is probably valid.
Honestly, it’s past time to have the essentials. If people are waiting until now then they haven’t been paying attention to the world.
At this point I’m still buying food, but its more replacing what we use or thinking about adding things that we don’t normally cook with. We don’t use much in the way of dry beans but I’ve been considering adding them as a just in case item.
Normally I don’t stock long term storage foods that we don’t eat, but with the way things are going extra calories are just that. Plus they can be used for barter if nothing else.
A more accurate headline would be ” Augason Farms to Pause Sales Through Some Channels”. Yesterday I checked the websites for Sam’s Club , Walmart, and Amazon. No mentions of pauses or shutdowns.
This morning I got around to checking Auganson’s website and I see that they are not currently selling on their site. The note at the top of the page said they are making their vendors inventory top priority. The scanned letter in the article looks like something sent to a small vendor.
Auganson has been struggling to keep up with demand since at least Feb of 2020. At the start of the pandemic the things I wanted to buy from them had a two month wait. Sam’s Club and Amazon are still short on anything I would really want.
Right now you need the knowledge to put together what you need for yourself from what is available.