Special Report: Antibiotic Resistant Diseases in Venezuela

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If you did a survey, asking a bunch of more or less informed people about which they think is one of the most important scientific advances of the 20th century, it´s very likely that antibiotic drugs is going to be one of the most popular answers. These new discoveries saved so many lives that it´s hard to have a clear picture.

As someone focused to technical and engineering approaches, my concern is not what to do with the new diseases. It´s evolutionary. It´s inevitable the appearance of such organisms. It´s just the way Mother Nature decided so life can keep going. But we have forgotten that, although we humans are (supposedly) the “most” evolved organisms, we are still part of the ecosystem, meaning with this that we´re just food or shelter for something else.

I´m sure many people are out there with tons of medical/scientific knowledge about this, much more than I know. This article is just intended to inform about the current state of the diffusion of such disease, and some useful tips in case an outbreak of some variant can cut loose. This could generate a real problem in other countries with a high population density. Not exactly a concern in Venezuela these times, but…you know what I mean. As a matter of fact, one of the attractive features of my homeland is a relatively low population density and a wide variety of microclimates. I won´t mention the negative aspects though, as they´re unrelated to the land itself.

I have some close acquaintances in the medical field in Venezuela. However, upon consulting them about this, I noticed a certain reticence. It´s quite logical though. They don´t know (yet) I am documenting weekly and publishing for our community and the rest of the world.

But when I read reports like this where people die because of diseases that were eradicated over 60 years ago it´s something to think about. I know, paludism is not combated with antibiotics, but still…

We all have read about the effects this resistance can generate in the future. And what I mean as “future” is the next 15 years. The lifespan of bacteria and yeasts are so short, that their mutation capability is huge, and this is a big problem for us, water and mineral walking bags that may become their potential habitat.

This is being treated with big secrecy. Chances are, it´s not only in Venezuela this is being covered up. There are tons of reasons why a serious government would cover those suspicious deaths.

Antibiotic-resistant diseases are on the uptick in Venezuela.

In Venezuela, there were reports of an increasing number of cases where Shigella strain treated with ciprofloxacin was ineffective. This was not directly related to the collapse, though. Honduras, Chile and Republica Dominicana had the same problem according to this report.

This is bad: that bacteria produces dysentery. Thank God there are some natural treatments that, although they can be slower than conventional medicines, can be as effective. Most of the cases, heal by themselves in a few days, once the body starts to react and using its own defenses. But in children under 5, it´s very dangerous. Kiddo had it a couple of times…and pediatricians were very specific on prescribing antibiotics: they can complicate themselves quite fast. I can´t be more thankful to God because the collapse hadn´t been started by then.

Statistics are reliable as long as the input is correct. Otherwise, it´s garbage.

It´s highly worrisome that one of the authorities (I mean the real ones) in the country, like MD. Jaime Torres, Chief of Tropical Medicine Institute from the Universidad Central de Venezuela (where I studied engineering and one of the best of South America) since 2013 several newborns have died because of the Candida Auris, one of the deadliest varieties of the antibiotic-resistant yeast strains. Even though, Dr. Torres believes it´s unlikely an epidemics of this disease in our territory, infections in already ill patients is something to be expected from now on.

This is just a small sample of resistant bacteria. I don´t think there is a way to measure how many others are out there, rather than using statistics or simulations based in the data the scientists already have got.

In times of collapse, people are more susceptible to infection.

One of my motivations to write this, was because a close friend (and one of the smarter persons I´ve known) almost dies while doing some shelves mounting at his apartment. He suffered a nasty infection (got a cut in one of his fingers that affected the bone) because, for some reason, the germs, or bacteria, or whatever he got, could get into his bone marrow (or something like that) and one week later he was in a private clinic, receiving an antibiotics cocktail enough to heal a horse, according to his own words, feeling his veins like being on fire.

That is one of the reasons why I´m so obsessive about wearing gloves and generally body armor: in these abnormal conditions, a wound can be bad, very bad. I´ve taught my kiddo how powerful is crushing some bark tree and throw it in boiling water to make an emergency antiseptic rinse solution for some open wound, provided there is no alcohol nor oxygenated water. But this is part of another article I will write about what survival skills (being in urban environments for the moment) I have taught to my kid.

Why is this important in the Venezuelan example? Because this infection agent affects mainly to those with a weak immune system, and this is exactly what malnutrition does: to get your defenses lower and lower. This is one of the symptoms that made us to start to believe this was engineered: first, scarcity, then hyperinflation, followed by lack of medicines.

If you don´t have money, you can´t eat well. If you are not properly fed, you get sick.

Depending on how sick you get, you could find medicines but, if you can´t afford them, your condition could keep worsening.

Once people dies…then it is one less problem. One potential opposition member less.

One supporter of the resistance less.

The herd gets smaller, and easier to control.

I´m just the messenger. Don´t judge me. Just pointing out the facts of what I have seen.

There are some promising advances.

I feel optimistic, though, because once you understand some basic principles of how Mother Nature works, you see how powerful the tools mankind has available are. My love for theoretical physics has taught me how powerful universe forces are: light, heat, inertia…in ways that we never could have imagined.

There are some other options with promising results, like the therapies with fagos, according to this article.  (please use your browser to translate it).

And, if there is something that our governments worldwide should have learned, is, regulation on the antibiotics prescription is not going to work. Developing new, innovative therapies without the risk of generating more resistant strains, is.

Teaching people to improve their natural defenses, works. Using modern digital technologies to track everyone´s usage of antibiotics, works. If AI is being used to track us, then, for God´s sake, put it to work in something useful, not on reading whatever one wants to write. Using AIs to develop new solutions for this type of problems, works. Using AI to develop new methods for industrial farming without the need for actual antibiotics staffing, should work. Avoiding abuse of antibiotics in big industrial cattle production, works. Sure, they need to flood their products with all kind of that stuff in order to be “productive”, and to keep the shareholders profits the way have always been.

That´s great, and I applaud it. Capitalism is great, as long as doesn´t start killing the coming generations for profit…and that shareholder should think about what could happen if one of his grandchildren gets sick in that fancy school in the Hamptons, a variety which can easily mutate into antibiotic-resistant lethal pneumonia. There´s no amount of money enough to cover that. If there are no next generations, then…what use has those huge profits anyway?…

And don´t even make me start thinking what would happen if those organisms fall in the wrong hands. Jeez.

In the meantime, we have some ways to use our own intelligence to get our system stronger: colloidal silver, natural herbs, just to mention a few. Come on people, this is an organic healing website. We all know how good garlic can be as an antibiotic, for example. And to make run away potential lovers if we’re not careful, too.

For every disease in nature, we can find the cure, in nature itself. We just haven’t found it yet.

This is why I fell in love with this website as soon as I arrived: the sustainable living concept is in every bit, in the first place.

Thanks for reading people!

Picture of J.G. Martinez D

J.G. Martinez D

About Jose Jose is an upper middle class professional. He is a former worker of the oil state company with a Bachelor’s degree from one of the best national Universities. He has a small 4 members family, plus two cats and a dog. An old but in good shape SUV, a good 150 square meters house in a nice neighborhood, in a small but (formerly) prosperous city with two middle size malls. Jose is a prepper and shares his eyewitness accounts and survival stories from the collapse of his beloved Venezuela. Thanks to your help Jose has gotten his family out of Venezuela. They are currently setting up a new life in another country. Follow Jose on YouTube and gain access to his exclusive content on Patreon. Donations: paypal.me/JoseM151

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10 Responses

  1. What is paludism? It’s Malaria! I had malaria as a child and it’s horrible. I don’t know if the terrible nightmares and daymares were a result of the disease or the drug they gave me. at that time, it was 78 years ago and I believe it was quinine. I don’t wish this on anyone!

    1. Yes, quinine is what you are supposed to take before, during and after visiting a malaria-infested country. I got it in 1980. I believe it is the disease itself that causes the delirium because of it’s affect on the liver. To this day, I do everything I can to support my liver because of the damage that was done so long ago. It’s an uphill battle to be sure.

  2. Jose, I value every article you write and share with us. All of the information that helped you survive could one day help many of us. Isn’t it ironic that mankind is stuck between their parasitic governments and the parasitic microbes. Everything is looking for a free ride.

  3. All of the Candida family of organisms are resistant to Antibiotics, because they are not bacteria, they’re Pathogenic Fungi of the Ascomycetes. phylum. Fungal infections occur in humans when both healthy and unhealthy bacteria die typically in response to the antibiotics used. Using Candida as an example is a very poor example, because it isn’t a typical pathogen, but a specific indicator of the common floral/faunal disruption as a result of medical treatment.

    1. Candida problems have become much more common BECAUSE of the use, overuse and misuse of antibiotics by doctors and hospitals. When one takes antibiotics by mouth, the bacteria in their entire digestive tract is killed off, including the helpful bacteria which keep candida and other organisms under control. So then the candida (and other non-bacterial organisms) flourish out of balance and health problems are created.

  4. Jose, you mentioned colloidal silver, but only at the end. Silver kills all known bacteria, even the MRSA bugs. Even better, because of the way silver kills the bugs, they cannot develop resistance to silver. Therefore it’s best to clean wounds right away with colloidal silver, to make sure you don’t end up with tetanus or some other nasty, preventable disease.

    Even if one is very poor, once can scrounge a coin which contains silver. Better is to be prepared with at least two coins, preferably ones with pure silver content. Also a nine-volt battery, and wires to connect the battery to the coin(s).

    The above is the bare-minimum setup to make home-brew silver solution. Made that way, it will be a mixture of elemental solver, ionic silver and colloidal silver. Still, if faced with potential dysentery or tetanus, it’s great to have around. Such home-brew solution should be made and used fresh. The elemental and ionic silver will settle out of solution over time.

    If you aren’t yet in desperation mode, it’s best to buy or build a quality colloidal silver generator, a multimeter with which to test the resistance of your solution (and therefore infer silver concentration) and buy the purest silver rods you can find. These items won’t set you back even $50 if you shop wisely, and a set of thin silver rods will produce hundreds of gallons of good-quality colloidal silver solution.

    Another thing to keep on hand is pure DMSO. Find the purest liquid form you can find. DMSO not only kills bacteria and fungus, it also transports other medicinal substances through the skin and into the bloodstream. It improves circulation and speeds healing, including aiding in collagen synthesis in the skin.

    There are many plants which have antibiotic properties, including oregano, melaleuca, clove, etc. Learn what grows in your area which has antibiotic properties and grow some so you will always have effective medicine close at hand if/when needed.

    1. Neutralizing your stomach acid with Baking Soda 15 minutes prior to drinking Colloidal Silver allows the silver to IMMEDIATELY enter and FLOOD the blood stream unchanged.
      I have yet to see a systemic infection that survived a night after doing that a couple of times.

      A personal story:of desperation giving rise to the origins of the protocol: https://silverpuppy.com/article/tactic-that-worked-for-me

  5. If you ingest Colloidal Silver on a regular basis, be sure you also take a good probiotic. The Colloidal Silver will hammer the good bacteria in your gut.

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