EARLY WARNING: Is Another Lockdown Coming? Here’s How to Get Prepared NOW

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Author of The Ultimate Guide to Frugal Living and the Build a Better Pantry on a Budget online course

If the level of fear being incited by the media and the White House are any indication, it may not be long before the United States mandates another lockdown, complete with business closures, lay0ffs, and the further destruction of the economy.

If you look at the patterns that preceded the first lockdown, we’re seeing almost identical intensity in the warnings, mask mandates, and other restrictions that led up to it. This article isn’t about whether or not this is right or wrong. It’s about getting prepared before the general public empties the shelves.

I strongly advise you to get prepped right now and make a plan on how you intend to handle it if this comes to pass. This warning is not a prediction. It’s a comparative analysis of the circumstances surrounding previous lockdowns. By examining patterns, you can often deduce what’s coming next.

Use what you’ve learned.

This isn’t our first rodeo, or even our second. That means we have some experience under our belts that can help us be even better prepared if another round of restrictions come to pass. I’ve written about this when helping folks get prepared for the Second Wave, and much of the same information applies. If any of the following appears familiar, that’s why.

Think about what you’ve learned and ask yourself the following questions.

What do you wish you’d done differently?

It’s easy to play quarterback after the game is done, but this exercise isn’t about beating yourself up. It’s about learning from your experience.

  • Is there anything you wish you’d done differently?
  • What food did you run out of the fastest?
  • Were there non-food supplies you didn’t think to buy?
  • Was there anything that broke and you didn’t have the necessary tools or supplies to repair it?
  • About what item did you think, “Dang, I wish I had XXXXXX?”
  • Were there people who hunkered down with you who made things difficult or unpleasant? How can you make it better with those folks in the future? And will you even want them to come over next time?
  • Are there things you could have prepared to keep your kids or other family members more content?

Ask yourself these questions while you’ve got some time to sit and contemplate the lockdown. The things you wish you’d done differently are going to be very important things to address for the future.

What are the things you were satisfied with?

Luckily, we all probably had more successes than failures in this lockdown, so think about the successes. Here are a few examples of some things that may have worked well for you.

  • You had enough in your emergency fund to cover any shortfalls.
  • You were able to make tasty, nutritious, and filling meals from your supplies.
  • You didn’t need to leave the house for X amount of time for groceries.
  • You and your family bonded and enjoyed spending this time together.
  • You discovered your group worked really well together.
  • You did something productive with your time at home.

So for you, what were the things that worked and how can you replicate those things in the future?

Make some notes.

Go over the two lists you’ve made and start a third list of the things you either need to buy or need to do before the next time there’s a lockdown. Using the examples above:

  • Get more ingredients for favorite meals.
  • Restock your pantry so you can hunker down for a couple of months.
  • Get a larger quantity of the things you ran out of first.
  • Get any needed tools and repair materials.
  • Grab multiples of the things you may have forgotten like shampoo, soap, toothbrushes, etc.
  • Get some things to stash away for future entertainment purposes.
  • Figure out how to extricate yourself from partnerships that didn’t work.
  • For partnerships that did work, make sure they’re on the same page for next time around.
  • Do an inventory of supplies so you can replenish the things you used.

This is something that will take longer than 15-20 minutes at the kitchen table. Really spend some time being thorough with regard to this self-analysis.

Look at your budget.

Millions of Americans saw dramatic changes in their incomes over the past months. This is an important factor in future preparations.

If you’re just barely managing to pay your bills, you may have difficulty stocking up for Round 2. If this is the case, you’ll need to take a close look at your budget.

  • Be sure to take advantage of whatever the government is offering in the way of financial assistance.
  • Talk to your creditors and see if they’ll work with you.
  • Try a month of flat-broke eating. to put aside some cash for stockpiling.
  • Add just a few extra things per week. (These are the things I buy every time I go shopping.)
  • Don’t spend frivolously. I know it feels like we just got out of prison. However, if you go and spend hundreds of dollars eating at restaurants, you’re going to regret it when the next lockdown rolls around and you don’t have enough supplies.
  • See if there are any fixed expenses you can cut.

This is the time to reduce your output as much as possible so you can replenish your home for the future.

What should you get for the next lockdown?

Aside from the things you’ve determined above that you need, there are some other things you may want to get for the second wave of lockdowns. Think about the things that ran out first and the things that had purchase limits. when you see them back on shelves, do some stocking up:

  • Toilet paper (the gold bars of the coronavirus pandemic! I recently subscribed to Who Gives a Crap, a TP delivery company. It isn’t the cheapest toilet paper around, but they delivered consistently throughout the first lockdown when you could only find those tiny little 4-packs.)
  • Paper towels
  • Lysol wipes
  • Paper plates
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Disinfectant cleaners
  • Bleach
  • Flour
  • Yeast
  • Baking powder
  • Baking soda
  • Meat
  • Canned goods
  • Dry foods like pasta and rice
  • Cough medicine with an expectorant
  • Cold and flu medicine
  • Ibuprofen
  • Tylenol
  • Vitamin C

If you store them properly, all of these items will serve you well in the future even if this article is totally wrong and there is never another lockdown. They’ll help you to be ready for all manner of emergencies, not just mandated self-quarantines.

Make sure you have the following medical items too so you can monitor yourself and your family:

When should you start getting supplies for the second wave?

Think back to when the outbreak began to come to the public eye. It only took two days for the shelves to become nearly bare. Here are some pictures as a reminder. It would be pretty foolish to wait until the rest of the country becomes aware and there’s another run on things, leaving the media to scold preppers for hoarding.

Of course, it’s not preppers doing the “hoarding.” We already got our stuff weeks, months, or even years ago.

My advice is to start replenishing your supplies immediately. Take a look at your lists and begin fulfilling them as soon as you can.

You don’t have to buy these things all at once. But start now. Grab a couple of items and put them back. Do this every time you are out. If money isn’t tight, buy one of everything on your list that you might reasonably need when you’re out.

I have a feeling that the supply chain isn’t going to bounce back this time around, at least not very quickly. Think about anything you might need to repair or replace that is made in China, and if you can afford it, get the parts and items you may need.

Mentally preparing for the next lockdown

Something that is potentially even more important than your physical preparations is the mental ones.

Did you find yourself reeling in shock that it happened? Were you depressed or anxious? Lonely or isolated? Understand first that all those feelings are completely normal during a time period of dramatic change. You’re human and you’re allowed to have feelings. When there’s so much uncertainty, it can be difficult to prepare for the future. It’s the ability to move past these feelings and still accomplish the things that need to be done that is important. A lot of people have suffered problems with their mental health during the past year and a half, and being a prepper doesn’t exclude you from a normal reaction to prolonged stress.

Think also about the personalities you encountered within your group. Obviously, you’re not going to kick your bratty teen out of the house the next time there’s a quarantine but the involvement of certain people is optional. Some folks really surprise us (unpleasantly) with the way they behave under pressure.

Other things you may want to do before the next lockdown

The following items are miscellaneous tasks you may want to undertake. Most of them will be effective not only in a lockdown scenario but also during other types of emergencies.

You may have also noticed things in your outer circle that were unsettling. I wrote more about the different kinds of people you may have encountered – friends, neighbors, coworkers, etc. – during the lockdown. You should take some of the time you have between now and the next lockdown to assess these folks a little bit more closely. Pay strict attention to the things they say and do once this is over. Do they “joke” about coming to your place? Are they spending frivolously? Did they learn a lesson and decide to get better prepared? This will tell you a lot about them and let you know if you need to begin quietly distancing yourself from them.

If you weren’t happy with where you took shelter during this period of lockdown, examine the reasons why. We were in an apartment that shared ventilation with the neighbors. (It was an old house turned into a duplex.) That was okay for us because the neighbors were also self-quarantining carefully, but if they moved out and someone else moved in, would it be okay then? We also didn’t have a place for a garden, and there were a few issues that would make the house fairly easy to break into if someone was interested in doing so.

When you examine this, you may need to make a major decision – is it time to relocate? Or you may simply need to make some adjustments to the place where you are like a padlock on the gate, a new fence, security film on the windows, etc. This article has some tips on home security.

If your home needs some repairs, do it while there isn’t an active virus floating around. Our dryer died during the first lockdown but we weren’t crazy about the idea of some repair person stomping through the apartment, spreading his germs, and potentially seeing our stockpile of canned goods. If you have an appliance giving its last gasp, this might be a good time to replace it. (If you can – there are long waiting lists for appliances of many types.) The better maintained your home is, the less likely it is that you’ll have a repair emergency during the lockdown.

Take the opportunity to get any services performed that were needed before or during the lockdown. If there is a medical procedure you require, go ahead and get it done. Many patients saw their treatments delayed for months to prevent them from possibly coming into contact with COVID patients. Get everyone a dental exam and get your pets to the vet if necessary. If you need to have your house sprayed or gutters cleaned, get all of that stuff done as soon as you can.

Work toward greater self-reliance. Get those chickens you’ve been thinking about. Plant a garden and set up cold frames to extend your growing season. Get yourself well-positioned for an uncertain future.

Prepare your family

Your family may want to live in a rosy world in which this was an unpleasant interlude and now it’s over. It’s tempting to let them have that happiness, but it’s a mistake not to add at least a small dose of reality. If it hasn’t crossed their mind that the future could hold more lockdowns, it’s going to be a stunning blow when (or if) it happens again.

You also don’t want to meet pushback when you try to replenish supplies. Consider reminding them, “Remember the toilet paper apocalypse? We don’t want to run into that problem again!” or “Weren’t you happy we had this when we were stuck at home?”

If you see the situation is beginning to look like you might be facing another lockdown soon, casually mention it to family members. Don’t terrify them but begin gently making them aware that the situation could change quickly.

On the other hand, you may find that family members who previously thought you were a little bit nuts are now far more on board with preparedness. This might be a great time to start teaching them more.

The time to prepare is right now

Here’s a great article written by other preppers who share what they learned during the first lockdown.

I may be wrong. I hope I am. I don’t see how our economy will withstand the restrictions we’ve gone through before.

But the signs are all there. The urgency is increasing. The fear is palpable. The best thing you can do is be ahead of the crowds. I also think we’re going to see even more stress, increased violence, and complete desperation for many families that are at the ends of their ropes.

What are you expecting?

Do you expect to see another lockdown soon? What warning signs have you on high alert? How are you preparing? Are you making any changes? Let’s talk about it in the comments.

About Daisy

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3) PreppersDailyNews.com, an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs The Op Online Classroom and Bookstore. You can find her on FacebookPinterestGabMeWeParlerInstagram, and Twitter.

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3) PreppersDailyNews.com, an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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83 Responses

  1. First people I personally know, neighbors 2 doors down, just came down with COVID Delta variant. Shouldn’t be a surprise because altho they were vaxxed early on, they stopped all protocols as soon as possible and went back to their shopping, eating out, bowling, travel, etc.

    So, other than barricading ourselves in our house we are sticking with what we’ve been doing – curbside shopping, back to masks when out, no more once a month eating out and we might stop that, and stocking up.

    Stocking up, because it’s also hurricane season, on TP, feminine hygiene products (Proctor & Gamble, Kimberly Clark are increasing prices in Sept), bleach, we have plenty of disinfecting wipes, spray, hand sanitizer. Plus we’ll order more food items like meat & poultry both fresh and canned, cheese, bacon, coffee and tea, tofu, TVP, oatmeal. Normally about 6 months worth. I routinely have 24 bottles of water, from the tap, that I rotate out plus we have a swimming pool to use for bathing, it works in a pinch.

    Biggest thing for us is entertainment – we have internet, Roku, Prime with 2 additional channels plus lots of jigsaw puzzles, books of sudoku, crosswords, hidden words, etc. Internet access to e-books thru local library and Internet Archives.

    We think a mental attitude of positivity is most important – we didn’t and don’t feel deprived, we know we are fortunate in having a roof over our heads, food to eat, clothes to wear and a lifestyle that requires little money.

  2. Being an accidental lone wolf, the isolation was the hardest to deal with last time. I’m good for supplies although I could rotate a few things, I’ve worked from home for years, and I’ve cut expenses as much as possible. It was being by myself that was the hardest thing to deal with. My volunteer activities have never really come back and judging by current policies, won’t anytime soon. Social media isn’t my idea of a social life! So that’s what I’ve been working on-some kind of human interaction without divulging too much of my own plans. This is not as easy as it sounds. And keeping my own positivity up! Also not easy. And facing the fact that lone wolves often end up dead in SHTF situations. So, mental preparedness is my big area of focus.

    1. I hear you there! I am fortunate in that my three kids still live with me but as a divorcee church and volunteering were huge social outlets for me, and I’m not sure when/how these things will come back. Church is trying to come back but we’ll see how long this lasts. I really hope something works out for you! Being the only adult in the house is hard.

      1. I’m another singleton who found living alone pretty difficult. I’m a hardcore introvert, so it took a while before it got to me, but after months of just going to the grocery store and coming home, I was pretty bummed.

        1. I too am pretty comfortable being alone – I thought it would be nice not to have to explain why I didn’t go anywhere or see anyone. For a while it was very comfortable. I wanted for nothing material. I did find that after a couple months I was missing seeing a face when I spoke with family or friends…and the “human touch” from someone was also missed. I do believe we’ll be in the same boat again but I doubt it will be accepted as easily as the first time – even though not all was quiet or accepted. I have some good neighbors, a handful of good friends and family who I will keep up with and we will, between us all, make sure everyone has what they need. I’m thinking this rollercoaster is the new normal.

          1. -Feathered Farmer,
            Your “we’ll be in the same boat again” comment made me think of an interesting article I read recently.
            It is not so much as we are in the same boat, but we are all on the same stormy sea. Some fared quite well, thinking the Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Box stores.
            Others did not, small businesses, some small land lords, some peoples mental health, education/distance learning.
            Makes me think what is the condition of your (not you per say, but people in general) boat with the next storm on the horizon? Not just physical, but financial, mental etc.

    2. Hey Jayne. I have always admired your posts. It is difficult when you’re a lone wolf. I thought I was too, within my own house and neighborhood, but I have found a few people that I can speak with, without divulging my preps. Found an unlikely ally that’s a ham radio expert and he’s trading me a handheld already programmed for my old antique plug in the wall ham LOL. I found another neighbor that gave me some of his gardening tips and some seeds from his garden, which I traded him some of my moringa seeds. I think that living in a household where everyone thinks I am nutso, my family I meant, has caused me to just shut my mouth about politics, religion, prepping, finances, etc. It is a very lonely world out here and I know what exactly what you mean. The thing that most gives me hope, is that we’re not alone, there are millions of people like us out there. We’re just not giving out info readily. I deleted all my social media accounts in 2020 because it was just ticking me off and I have a big mouth so best to just be the “gray man, or gray woman in my case” . I thank God for Daisy and every one on here, because I don’t feel so alone. You take Miss Jayne.

    3. I struggles with this too. I found myself in the garden alone a lot. I sing and talk to God while I garden but its still lonely.
      Im married but my husband had to work all the time because of covid. He was glad for the break this summer. I don’t want to deal with that in the winter when Im mostly stuck inside. Near the end of lockdowns I discovered marco polo. Its a recording video chat app that I used to communicate with some friends. It helps a lot. What state are you in? Maybe you need a better tribe?

  3. Being prepared for any emergency, whether a lock down or some other Emergency that comes at us out of the blue , is always a prudent idea.
    However, depending upon where you live, the possibility of a lockdown can be more remote.
    The original lockdown was based upon Panic and Fear. Most of which has left the majority of the population.
    We have been lied to to much and abused to much my these so called “Government Medical Professionals” and ” Experts”. So several states are already pulling back and not agreeing to follow any directives from them.
    Elsewhere in the world, like in France (surprise surprise), there are open protests against the Vaccine Passport concept. I can imagine the riots if they tried another lockdown.
    Sydney Australia called out the Military to enforce their lockdown orders. ( in the end that won’t work out so well either). Good Luck on trying that in the US. I think that would qualify as grounds for Armed Resistance in some areas of the Country.
    The list goes on. Needless to say, people all over the World are fed up with this stuff and I don’t think they will be taking much more of it.
    Which is probably why some of the power hungry politicians are pushing it. They liked the Power they got the first time around and are not wanting to give that up.
    But all Good (and bad) things must come to an end. I think the end of lockdowns as a procedure to contain the virus, is in sight.

    1. Good points, Mic.
      Reminds me of a story my sister told me; we, she and I, more or less hail from Eastern Oregon. She told me that one of the young men went to the FBI’s national shootout and won as best shot in the USA (very long range shooting). After the ceremonies he was standing near an FBI agent who asked to look at his rifle. The agent turned the rifle over and over and said, “where did you get this rifle (no identifying info on the rifle)?” and the young man replied, “I made it myself.” The agent said, ” beautiful job, you sure are a good shot.” The young man replied, “back home in Eastern Oregon I know three or four men who can outshoot me.”

  4. I find your content vey valuable and appreciate what you do but I cannot fathom why you would even reference N95 masks or use any of the language of the ***perpetrators** of this disaster. Yes, I am referring to anything related to “coronavirus”. How it is possible for anyone who has enough intelligence to see what is happening to simultaneously believe in and be concerned about the “coronavirus” is absolutely beyond me and quite frightening. The lockdowns are intentional destruction of economic systems and the creation of fear and compliance. The justification by the authorities for that is the “coronavirus”. The people telling you to fear the virus are making it harder for you to prepare for the consequences of lockdowns and supply chain disruptions. Do not trust them. If you are willing to prep and follow the patterns, you should be willing to examine the facts about the lies being spread concerning the threat of this disease. PLEASE DO SO.

    1. Nothing wrong with using factual language. Yes the C virus exists but it is being horribly exploded and abused by evil people. We know it is real because it isn’t like a cold or the flu. It was mild for us(some other s we know not so mild) but very different than anything else. No one I have ever known has ever lost their sense of smell and taste for anything and I’m 43 years old. This taste loss was not just because a nose was stuffed up(never had nasal congestion) and interfering with the sense of smell. There was zero sense of taste at all and zero sense of smell. My husband still doesn’t have his sense of smell back and it has been 5 months. Thankfully taste returned after about 5 days. A young lady my mom knows lost her taste for months.

      1. Wrong!!

        2017 considered one of the worst flu years in decades across the world. My husband and I both completely lost our sense of smell for 3+ months after the flu that wiped us out. I work in a medium size health food store (supplement section) we had dozens of people in the community come in complaining of sever loss of smell and taste that flu season year.

        LOSS OF SMELL is indicative NOT of the VIRUS but indicates LACK of ZINC in the body and the zinc stores being used up rapidly. Research ~ ZINC!! It is heavily involved in smell and taste along with hormones (but that’s another thing)

        For those who are interested RDA values in supplements are based on minimal amounts the body needs in order to function. They are levels to survive not thrive. I have since (2017) been taking 60mg of zinc everyday for the past 4 years because my body gulps it up. You know if you have too much zinc in the body when you start to have a metallic taste in the mouth and then you back down and figure your dose.

        In the case of dealing with any immune attack be it fungal bacterial or viral you need to up your zinc. Not the only thing needed but i am simply responding to the zinc s,ell and taste connection.

    2. OK, so the regular masks may not be worth much for fending off any viruses, but n95 are closely woven enough to filter out at least some of the little buggers.
      And think of it as protective camouflage…if you live in a blue area, odds are that almost everyone else will be masked. As part of being a “grey man” you want to fit in, right?
      There are also good arguments for the masks being effective against pollen and dust, which helps with allergies.

    3. I agree with Thomas..I have NOT worn a mask even in the hospital (blocked intestine) –I do not condone this farce. It’s a flu, engineered one at that.
      Destruction of the world, not just America, is the goal here.
      Thank God for Rand Paul. He gets it.

  5. Will not comply
    No one in this state will. That doesn’t mean we won’t be effected because everything is attached and connected but we will not be locking down.

    1. Kudos, Matt in Oklahoma! Nice to read a comment about standing against tyranny rather than how one will go along with it!

      1. There were a ton of businesses that didn’t with the first. I didn’t say anything then and they kept quiet but it’s senseless.
        I had to work everyday.
        I understand the initial reaction but a 1% death rate leaves questions.
        It’s a bad deal for folks who lost others but I’m not going to destroy my life over it.
        No one should.


        Your grown so make grown decisions

        1. We aren’t locking down either, Matt in Oklahoma. Texas here, Hey there neighbor. We didn’t really lock down per se last year, here in Texas where I am at, a lot of the bars did and a couple self employed people, like myself, because my clients were terrified, I had a house cleaning business. but they and I bounced right back a few weeks later. I had preps and finances were ok, so we didn’t starve or hoard Toilet paper. One Monkey (plandemic) don’t stop no show is kinda the mentality here and while we have a few demtards , we take them with a grain of salt. No sense arguing with folks who have their head up their arses. I totally 100% agree with you on the fact that these senseless lockdowns and killing of the economy over a virus that’s got a 1% death rate are ridiculous and pre planned by the “powers to be”. Something is telling me that this lockdown is going to be a doozy though, because the regime is now suing not only Texas Governor but Florida Governor. I just hope that Governor Abbot will hold strong in his convictions.

        2. Loved what you wrote about looking to the government for everything. Never did do a lot of “running” about. I’m a ‘lone wolf’ ever since my partners death back in ’04. Only had a pet, but lost her in April after almost 15 years. My one big want is to find another “throw away” dog that needs a home, but they seem to be gone right now, so I’ll gather up books and jigsaw puzzles and word puzzles a bit at a time. Already have all the “stuff” needed to survive another one if it should come, just need to keep my “list” up to date better. The biggest thing everyone needs to remember is DON’T PANIC. Do what you can, as you can, but don’t get upset.

    2. Just read an article about UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer, about German “Authorities are increasingly viewing their own people as an enemy.”

      Cannot help but feel some of our elected officials and unelected bureaucrats may see us that way.
      Not talking about LEOs, been reading more than a few articles about them saying they wont enforce some of the mandates or feeling the pressure of the defund movement, they just cannot (i.e. dont have the manpower) to enforce the mandates.

      1. Kings and Queens are not friends to The People. If your not a friend then you are the enemy in war. There is a class war going on.
        As the classes widen we are definitely the enemy. Stir his is a super spreader but obama party isn’t. Every single one of these elite has violated the mask policies. Even the President handed his dirty mask to a child the other day after pulling it off to talk face to face with everyone.
        There are a dozen countries with protest going on right now. It’s too late for most because they’ve looked to the government for everything for years and now it’s bit them

  6. I won’t go into the propaganda of a virus that has never been isolated and the model is just a computer generated model the fraud scientist came up with. CDC has already said it was discontinuing the PCR test because it can’t see the difference between the flu or covid (which is a flu).

    If you don’t fight the lockdown, then you are just giving up. I don’t have “covid”, but also never brought a mask and refused to shop in stores that did not allow medical exceptions. Remember even if you died in a car/motorcycle accident you were listed as dying of covid. Big difference from having covid (flu) and dying from it.

    Being prepared is important for many reasons. The food shortages, the increase UV killing plant life due to geoengineering that is destroying our ozone to preplanned shipping shortages. Before the so-called “plan-demic” I was following the shipping throughout the world. It was almost at a standstill then. Social Security funds are drying up due to politicians raiding the funds. Get rid of the sick and elderly and you don’t have to pay out money that is no longer there.

    Food, water, shelter (including warmth/cooling) and medical supplies are more important than TP. If I run out, which during the lockdown I did not buy any TP, I can get rags and a bucket of water to clean myself up.

    But one thing everyone needs to remember. At some point your supplies will run out. What then? There is a drought in the western states? Rain water entrapment is at its lowest point. Water tables are going down. How will you get water? UV is off the chart due to the geoengineering killing trees and plants. How will you grow food?
    Is your conventional house prepared to take on the climate changes of extreme cold or heat?

    1. The sun definitely seems hotter here in SoCal. Wells in the backcountry are running dry. Reservoirs are all very low. There were only a couple years reprieve after a ten year drought. Things just seem downright unnatural. Vegies are almost kaput already. Pines are shedding heavily. We save our running water waiting for hot water and carry outside for vegie and fruiting plants and trees.

      Living in the conservative knecht of the county helps. Getting to know some newer neighbors escaping the urban. Sub-rural is good. Space between people but not too much. Rural is too lonely. Remoteness can be just as dangerous as anywhere else with crazies out looking for lonelies. Neighbors are watching out for each other all with a quiet understanding. Neighborhood BBQs are a great way to know and care for neighbors. They may not be your best friends, but they are nearest you when you need people. Neighbors are quietly putting in gardens, getting chickens — cuz they can in unincorporated parts of the county. From our sweet perch we can see things coming from a long way off.

      Probably should get a new pup for our 13 year old pup to train. She just ain’t what she used to be.

      All along the section of freeway that runs through our town, there are lots of American flags. That means we aren’t woke over here. Even though the school district keeps trying, people keep voting in a conservative school board. :-D)))

    2. “”” Get rid of the sick and elderly and you don’t have to pay out money that is no longer there. “””””

      That doesn’t make sense to me…yeah, you are right, but then the idiots bring in thousands a day to support at 2000-3000 a month!!
      I do know I am collecting my medical bills to send to ‘slow jo and ho’.
      Here are all my bills from 1 clinic and 2 hospitals…When I dismissed myself after 3 days, I identified as an illegal immigrant. Sign me up!!!

    3. Mette,

      I also saw that article, do you happen to have the link? I want to use that at work when those vaccines go mandatory, please and thanks!!!

  7. toilet repair kit! and those were hard to find last round. finally got a backordered amazon and installed just in time for the second toilet to start leaking. two is one. one is none. three is very, very good.

  8. We were well-prepared the first time, but I have a few things I’d change. We expanded our garden, but for the first time in years, the garden hasn’t done well. Part of that issue has been weather, but I’ve documented what we changed this year so that we won’t do that again. We are stocking up on seeds for next year rather than waiting for next Spring.

    We also noted that some of our close friends had a very different take on what was happening than we did. Comments were made “we’re coming to your place”. My husband and I chose not to get the jab, but they all ran to get it. We’ve noted our differences.

    Last, and this is laughable, I couldn’t get Fresca during the last lockdown. Horrors! With aluminum shortages, soda manufacturers resorted to producing only their best selling products. I guess Fresca wasn’t one of them! I’m stocking up!

  9. Oh, yes, I’m sure more “lockdown” and “quarantine” nonsense is coming. The difference is that this time, as Rand Paul put it to that fear-mongering fraud Fauci recently, we’ve stopped listening. The first time around, it was easy to believe the crisis was real and government measures were intended to help us through it; this time around, after all the censorship and fraud and lawlessness and quackery committed against us the first time, it is impossible to believe this “crisis” is anything but another excuse for the current election-stealing illegal occupation regime to seize more power and trample on more of our liberties.

    When a government loses all legitimacy in the eyes of its constituents, it also proceeds to lose all control of them as ever-increasing numbers of them begin casually disobeying its orders and flouting its regulations. These fear-mongering fools (like Fauci) currently trying to bamboozle the public into accepting another lock-down are not going to have much luck this time. Even in states and municipalities whose governments are corrupt enough to comply with any such authoritarian nonsense from the feds, the people themselves will quickly turn into scofflaws; increasingly, if anyone wears a mask in any place with a mask mandate, it will only be to keep from being identified on camera while they commit numerous flagrant violations of all other such regulations.

    If they start demanding “vaxports” for things like employment and grocery shopping and eating in a restaurant? A crude little web comic I remember seeing recently says it all: in mockery of Bill de Blasio’s orders that all New York City restaurants require their customers to get the “jab” to eat in them, it showed a KFC manager ordering a thuggish-looking inner-city gang-banger type to show his vaccination papers before he’d let him have a bucket of chicken—only to have the gang-banger promptly pull a pistol and shoot him dead and take the bucket anyway. That comic’s rather a caricature of the situation (and a rather racist one too—the gang-banger was portrayed as a foul-mouthed thick-lipped pin-headed black guy), but in view of the NYC municipal government’s open hostility to its police and the consequent spike in crime the city has suffered, is it really so difficult to imagine scenarios very much like the one in that comic playing out in real life?

    Of course, this possibility will also motivate restaurant managers and their employees to disregard de Blasio’s idiotic decree; would you want to take the chance of demanding papers from some thuggish-looking guy in a mask when he might very well respond by shoving a pistol in your face? When you know the police are unlikely to respond to a call and won’t be much help even if they do, would you even want to be working at a restaurant in New York City in the first place, for that matter? If faced with such a no-win scenario, wouldn’t you just close the restaurant, pull up stakes, and move away?

    Indeed, I expect everyone but the predatory criminals will soon be fleeing in droves from New York City; and if Fauci and his fellow goose-stepping vaxcists impose such absurd measures nationwide, we’ll be seeing the same sort of decay and depopulation taking place in just about every city in the nation.

  10. I observed bare shelves already in Southwest Georgia. I was in Walmart to stock up on refrigerated items and peanut butter on 8/3 and it reminded me of Florida as a hurricane approaches. The pasta, peanut butter, flour/cornmeal, sugar, cooking oil shelves were bare. I did a double take and purchased more canned items and the items I was there to purchase. During the last lockdown I only had to venture out to the local Dollar General for milk and bread. Thank you Daisy for this site and all of the valuable information you make available.

  11. Recently heard warnings elsewhere about “hard lockdowns” coming. It’s within the realm of probability; even if it isn’t everywhere – hopefully logic and reasoning prevail, but who knows anymore – , the impact will likely be felt everywhere. Hubby chastises me and thinks I’m just being paranoid (he is in the camp that people won’t allow another lockdown but fails to see big picture of supply chain, etc.), so I’m quietly adding to supplies without fanfare and acquiring additional skills. Getting ready to dehydrate elderberries and apples and maybe can some garden produce, but lids are still impossible to find – I have a small stash that I will use frugally. Also, adding to my personal library in skill areas that I need ti reference. Trying to make the most of everyday, especially for my kids, with activities and memories that resonate normalcy. I also started putting away presents and small items for the holidays and Christmas. I remember what Selco said that those little items can bring moments of normalcy and strengthen resilience.

    1. Tell hubby tales are surfacing about truckers paid to destroy deliveries (you know about the farmers??) AND whistleblowers reporting trucks are parked at warehouses and not being loaded..
      The cabal has money to control this.

  12. Dog food.
    Need to stock more dog food.

    Other than that, what? Another lockdown? Wheeeeee!
    Wife did take Daisy’s advice and pick up additional items every time she goes into town (hand soap, travel sized items, etc.). Our already well stocked pantry is now we had to add additional shelving well stock pantry. Same goes for the toiletry/medical supply closet.
    We are considering getting another batch of chicks for next year. Our current ones should be getting close to their end of laying days. That makes for about a dozen stew birds, and all the stock that goes along with them.
    Pigs are getting bigger.

    My back yard is 150+acres so, getting outside, fresh air, sunshine, and not seeing another person is no biggie.
    Even during the last go around, we still had friends over for dinner. Sure, we “social” distanced far enough but we could still klink glasses for a toast. Or went over to friends for a social distanced cook out.

    Now, it will be interesting to see the reaction of the local small mom&pop stores if they try for lockdowns, mandates. Doing my best to support our local small biz and avoid the big box stores.

  13. We didn’t “lock down” the first go round and we don’t intend on doing it in the future. Didn’t wear a mask except for doctor visits. No one got in my face about it, which is probably a good thing because I have a low tolerance for ignorance and busy bodies. We did miss stepping out to eat at a restaurant with table service since they were choked down on how they could do business. I also missed my weekly visit to my local neighborhood brew pub because our leftist governor closed “bars”. I simply cannot hardly believe people will fall for this crap a second time! Maybe we need to be sharing information on how we will work to thwart this tyranny.

    1. It’s a third time, if it happens again.

      To be clear, this article is not as much about the lockdowns themselves as it is the effects they’ll have on us, our ability to earn money, and the supply chain. No matter how much you dissent, you can’t acquire things that aren’t there. If people work, they can’t afford food, and if they can’t afford food, they’ll commit crimes. As Selco said in an article way back in the beginning (I think it was February 2020) – it’s not the virus you need to worry about. It’s the system.

      1. Selco is correct… it is the “system”, i.e. a corrupt government including its bureaucratic appendages operating without any accountability. Don’t comply! Had business owners not complied en mass the tyrannical machinery would have shut down. Had citizens not complied the tyrannical machinery would have shut down. The message is, DON’T COMPLY!
        “We did not love freedom enough. Every man always has handy a dozen glib little reasons why he is right not to sacrifice himself.” – Solzhenitsyn

  14. The advice to use your pre-lockdown prep time & money for chickens, garden seeds, and other items that continue to produce food rather than purely consumables is great! Remember to stock up on animal feed and pet food. Water is quickly becoming an issue – do what you can to store large quantities. I’ve got a 1500 gal above ground cistern and considering more. Save rain water! Fix or put up gutters, then rain barrels, even if you are in an arid region … especially if you are in an arid region. This is a great project if you are stuck at home. Creating a chicken house/pen is a good use of time. Use prepping funds to buy canning equipment.
    Sign up for online trauma medicine course or permaculture techniques or … you name it. Use online courses for as long as we have Internet – which might not be for long. Read your Bible and strengthen your relationship with the Almighty God.
    On a philisophical note that some might not agree with – get used to using your time for survival projects, not “entertainment”. Children will benefit from learning this as well. We waste so much time getting entertained. When the SHTF, which might be right around the corner, every moment will be needed for surviving. Having 10 minutes to sit at the end of the day to relax, review, and praise God for another day will become so very precious. If you have time on your hands – scavenge for materials to build a greenhouse, carefully network with people if you don’t have your own survival clan. Everything, every spare moment, every spare dollar should be spent becoming more self-sufficient and prepared for the time when we will be absolutely unable to get anything from ‘society’ at large.

  15. Good article, lots of repetition from previous articles, but most of us need repetition. My wife tells me that if I do something 20 times or so, it becomes a habit. That is how I get some of my ‘bad’ habits, lol. Anyway stocking up of necessities is very important, but one thing many people forget about are the things that keep things running; for instance, I can have solar and run my pump, but the pump won’t run if I don’t have fuses in the disconnect box, so spare fuses are a necessity. Other typical things to think about in this genre would be belts, oil, filters, nuts, bolts, screws (hardware in general), extra fuel (which will run out), DC operated equipment (assuming that you have solar to keep the batteries charged), etc; the list is long in that aspect: even chemicals to keep the ants and meat bees at bay can be a necessity. Also, medications are necessary for the critters, i.e. worm medicine, chemicals for goats, sheep and horse, and a good supply of colloidal silver as a general anti-biotic along with virgin coconut oil (VCO).

    Someone below mentioned dog food and that is absolutely right; dogs have a rough time living off the land without human help while chickens, ducks, cats, guineas, geese, etc can scratch out a living and all of them are necessary for us for eggs, meat, bug eradication (ticks), and helping us remain safe and aware of what is going on in the case of the dogs. Twice, my dogs (and cats) have warned me about 3-4 foot rattlesnakes nearby.

    If at all possible, for those living where it is possible, a solar system is an absolute need. For instance where I live, no electricity (from the utility) means no water from the well. The plants in my gardens have to have water and so do I. My wife was concerned about the cost of a solar system, but since then with several drought-driven utility shut-downs, she is glad for the backup. But, of course, the big concern about solar is the initial expense and in these days of shortages, getting the necessaries to put together a solar system. I have a neighbor down the road who has been waiting for over a month for the inverter for an almost completed solar system, to arrive. Lots to think about.

  16. Being a full time farm our biggest worries are parts, fuel, and harvesting materials.

    We topped off and treated all our diesel tanks (1300 gal) and both gasoline tanks (600 gal), as far as parts never know what is going to break so it’s impossible to account for that variable. Material we are set for two years. As soon as coved hit China in December i bought 3 years ahead.

    We always have our home stocked for a year of canned goods and frozen meat. I just last week put in a 6 cell 12V backup battery bank and also have a 15Kw PTO generator. My father likewise.

    Our biggest issue here (very rural area) is people having a place to slaughter and process. So this spring I repurposed a building and remodeled it. I have all the tools and I’m a very competent butcher so it was worth the investment.

    Have all the seasonings, casings, salt, and enough sodium nitrite/nitrate to kill and preserve every pachyderm on planet earth.

    Second cutting is complete, and we are taking a break before i start sawing and splitting the two tri-axel loads of wood I harvested and jacked up last summer.

    Overall, I’m exhausted. Looking forward to some quality time with my wife this fall before we start lambing in February.

    God bless all of us.

  17. I notice a lot of people have had a bit of a yo-yo attitude with the pandemic. They go from total panic stay-at-home as much as possible, to just try to live just as before the pandemic, depending on how the news go. I don’t think that works well. As soon as I noticed the pandemic was coming (early on), I began taking precautions. I adjusted them when it became clear that lockdowns were coming. But all along I made sure that my precautions were at a sustainable level, that I could happily continue living with those precautions indefinitely, because I knew it would be difficult to tell when, if ever, things were coming back to the way they were before. I always believed that was the correct prepper attitude: when things go wrong, plan for the possibility that they may stay wrong indefinitely. And though I’ve eased when the levels of virus have gone down, and after getting vaccinated, I never returned to complete pre-pandemic, because the situation is still not like pre-pandemic. And it may never go back to that, for all we know at this point.

  18. Timely article, good reminders.
    I started a couple of days ago with cleaning supplies, then moved to personal care items including over the counter medicines and vitamins. Now I’m doing the longer shelf life/shelf stable and canned items. I do remember how fast things went last time, but I was not caught with my pantry down.

    I will also get extra automotive filters, oil, etc. due to possible supply chain problems.

    Thank you again for a timely reminder.

    1. Started in January getting dental work caught up. A couple of cleanings, a couple of crowns, and a root canal later I was good to go by the end of May. One of the crowns was because of a broken tooth. Dunno what I would have done during a severe lockdown.

      Got updated eye prescription and new lenses in June.

      Yesterday I had a skin cancer removed. The doctor proceeded to tell me that during the lockdown they were open but people chose not to come in for treatment. By the time the lockdows eased some people had skin cancers the diameter of a nickel and they were very deep. He did not understand why people waited.

      My point is not to highlight my medical issues, but to get people thinking about what they might need to get done now.

      1. Excellent post, Tom.A lot of times we forget to get our medical needs taken care of but something told me to hurry up and get this stuff done asap. I too went to dentist, getting work done now, same as you. And getting Lasik surgery this month because tired of going to get glasses every year and you never know. Have been getting refills on hubby and son’s meds for 6 months supplies instead of monthly, which helps out a lot.

  19. In the pre-internet era of December 1973, a joke about a (fake) nationwide toilet paper shortage in a Johnny Carson monologue actually created a version of the real thing in response. The point is that it didn’t take much to panic people. Today the possibility of a long term power outage raises the question of whether if we don’t embrace the Amish tradition of living without electricity … how desperate can life become … since most people’s knowledge of pre-electric living and survival passed into history. Just these two articles on living without toilet paper (invented in 1857) make the point that some learning may be required to benefit from long-gone know-how:

    Homemade Substitutes for Toilet Paper


    83 comments, a few vastly more innovative than the article.


    History before toilet paper was invented


    Who would have ever guessed that the ancient Roman method of using a sponge on a stick with salt water was so effective? OK, now you’re free to let the bad jokes fly!


  20. A few good things came out of the last lockdown. I discovered a new brand of dish soap which I ended up loving. Would have stuck with the same old stuff if it were in available . Also due to shortages tried store brand turkey( nasty ). Also new sources for TP. So overall it expanded my horizons and made me think outside the box. Its hurricane season here, so I am avoiding frozen goods for the long term -cause of possible power outages and sticking with canned.

      1. Pril.Its a German brand.You can still get it on Amazon, though shipping is steep. Vendors on ebay has it also

  21. I’m needing dental work. Still not able to take care of that. Behind on property taxes but have caught up one year, repaired the truck, and three months of electric on the property. I started getting food bank items a few weeks ago. I’m canning meats and soups from the excess. Also 6 pints of blueberries and a few quarts of apples. Two days ago I picked a banana box of apples I was offered. Most of those will be canned as slices or applesauce. Just plugging along while caring for hubs with alheimers. By getting free food I’m saving up to pay those taxes as soon as soon as possible. 2 folks on Social Security far from the highest paid but we’ll make it. Not buying much for now.

  22. If they push lockdowns again in the US, I think the reaction by the people is going to be a whole lot different than the last time.
    And I think TPTB know it.
    Will it stop them from doing it? I doubt it.
    It’s going to be “veeery interesting”.

    1. I’m afraid it will be very different, but from all I’m reading, that’s why they’re going to try doing it; TPTB don’t want to be the first shot fired, and too many folks are very angry and ready to do something drastic. If ‘we’ fire first, they can use it to create a false flag major shooting event , use the mrdia as usual to push the narrative blaming “it” on ‘anti-vaxxers’ and crush the 1st & 2nd amendments under emergency powers…. No more guns, nothing to stop forced mandatory vaccinations and further deprivations.

  23. I don’t see why there would be a lock down unless it’s so the government can be tyrants. The town I live in and the town I work in people are fed up with this nonsense. I am too but I keep food and supplies replenished as necessary. I’ve always lived this way. God help us all! Stay safe everyone.

  24. Yep, another lockdown is definitely on the horizon. Probably for the majority of the cool weather months.

    Hand sanitizer and rubbing alcohol are two things I would like to get more of because you couldn’t find it anywhere last year.
    Anything for baking.
    Anything for crafting.
    Masks…yes, they WILL be a requirement again.
    Vitamin C, D, E, zinc
    Tonic water (for the low dose quinine in it)
    Gin or vodka (for the tonic water…jk!)
    OTC pain relievers
    Melatonin to help regulate your sleep cycles
    Batteries, any supplies for power outages (it will be winter soon, after all)
    New prescription eyeglasses if you need them.

    1. I have a solar battery charger–thanks for helping me remember that.
      I know, no sun, no charge, but better than no batteries at all.
      I have to charge AA and AAA at same time–bugger!!

  25. For clergylady:

    Having lost a dear relative to what was claimed to be Alzheimer’s several months before his death, I became very interested in what passes for medical news about that. Especially when I read recently that a legitimate diagnosis can’t be made without an autopsy — and in the meantime there are at least 9 different prescription medications which can cause the appearance of Alzheimers’s but not the reality. As you might suspect, this discussion was NOT coming from the pharmaceutical industry … but instead the naturopathic / homeopathic community. I didn’t purchase the list of those 9 drugs since I don’t have a current person in that fight, but perhaps this can give you a hint of how to search for a solution in time.


  26. Made a trip to Walmart today and it was eye opening. (As an aside, I am trying NOT to patronize Wally’s World anymore. They are mandating the research jab for all of their employees. Your healthcare is NONE of your employer’s business and I find it repulsive that employees will now need to choose between a job to feed their families or forced participation in an unknown drug.) Anyway, many empty shelves-even in the meat area. I will be eating lots of chicken, as they had boneless, skinless chicken breasts on sale and huge bags of chicken legs. I got turkey cutlets, but they had no chubs of ground turkey meat for the dogs. I got 2.25 pounds of ground beef, 80/20, for $14.99. Steak? Don’t make me laugh. Cubed beef chunks were $10. I found lots of toilet paper and paper towels. I did load up on my beauty creams, mouthwash, and some kibble. I got some fresh salad mix, tomatoes, and apples. Otherwise, frozen or canned seems to be best as I only cook for myself. There were large gaps in pasta, tomato sauce, rice, and canned beans. Dog kibble looked like a lot, but it was 3 bags of this, 2 bags of that, etc. I did get cleaning spray, dish water soap, and laundry detergent with no problem. It was hit and miss; a full load of something, but then a big empty space. I think the supply line is truly showing strain. I have water bricks that I recently cleaned and loaded up. I have a zero water filter system for taste. If it hits the fan, I will put the Berkey into service. Gas at Sam’s Club was $40.98 to fill up my 13 gallon car!!
    My work hours have literally been cut in half. Since there are help wanted signs everywhere, I will be getting something else. Masks are back in order in California. The Karens are again shrieking from the rooftops and I am fed up. The state is trying to mandate jabs for all. (My body-my choice.) The best that I can advise is to go gray and try to establish your own business. Everytime the state makes another proclamation on Covid status, the traffic increases 10 fold. I think it is a natural reaction to this top down stranglehold that government(s) want. I might also say get ready with books, games, puzzles, crafts-whatever will help you pass the time if the District of Criminals shuts off the internet, cell phone, and/or goes full Australia. God Bless to all.

  27. The coming Delta lockdown is DESIGNED to invoke nationwide protests so they can be exploited as a backdrop for false flag event to blame “anti-vaxxers”
    Tuesday, August 03, 2021 by: Mike Adams

    “Within the next 12 days, multiple sources have told us, the pretender-in-chief Joe Biden will announce a nationwide lockdown, fraudulently blaming the “delta” variant and “anti-vaxxers” for the overzealous action. The lockdown will have no specific end date, and it is likely to be strongly resisted by red states, while blue states will effectively be turned into medical police states with brutal enforcement of the lockdown measures.”



  28. Goodness, DOWNLOAD DATASETS AND READ! This is a fake pandemic. Notice how the flu last year fell off a cliff and disappeared? Or that the “social distancing” trend was based on a computer model from a 15yo Albuquerque, NM High school student named Laura M. glass dating back to 2006.
    Or how masks are detrimental to your health and not very effective.
    Or how you were deemed “nonessential” while preference was given to global corporations.
    Or that the W.H.O. and dictionaries altered the definition of herd immunity and vaccines.
    Or that they used a fraudulent PCR test with CT high enough to always detect a “virus”
    Or that they changed guidelines for “positive cases” based on presumption or presumed.
    Or that hospitals were given financial incentives for ventilators use and admittance of “COVID” individuals.
    Or how they silence ALL opposing opinions.
    Or how MSM switches from cases to deaths to cases on a counter to promote fear to a stupid, neurotic population.
    Or that snitch programs in blue states were encouraged.
    Or how they use catchy phrases to psychologically prime people to learn associations.
    Or how politicians break the rules they impose.
    Read, research, step away from GD Social media, TV & MSM.
    CDC, W.H.O., Fauci are ALL lying to us. FFS

  29. The message here is one of compliance and fear. I suggest standing up for your freedom and our American right to enjoy that freedom; the only ones standing in your way are the corrupt politicians in our Federal and State governments. If you believed the drivel uttered by a corrupt fraud like Fauci and took the vax only to be told that you can still get infected you should have a clue that the vax was a hoax. I won’t be locked down again but, as Daisy advised, you sure as hell need to prepare because something is coming.

  30. Here in Virginia it was kinda nice during the lockdown. No traffic, you could go left on red, business was up. The government kept sending me checks. Can’t wait to go vote lefty again. Just kidding, I just saw a guy mowing a large field wearing a mask on a 93′ day. There will be no resistance here. Besides we still have space under a few bridges for homeless family’s to live.

  31. Water, water, water. Enough water (2.5 gallons per person per day for a minimum 21 days) will be essential. This is water for drinking, cooking, sponge baths, various needs…because to shut the water off is the fastest way to force compliance.

  32. Reports coming out of Israel claim hospitals are being filled with vaccinated people, 95 percent of whom are suffering serious illness despite being fully vaccinated. I believe there is no Delta variant I think the Vaxed are starting to die just as predicted

    1. From my readings and watching experts, the graphene oxide in the injections are killing the people. Why not all?? A nurse in England said the injections only had 70% truly potent and 30% were placebo….all 4 manufacturers.
      That’s why evil insists all get the injection..when only the injected die in the next two years…it will be pretty obvious what the plan was.

      1. Yes, mostly vaxed will die in the next flu season (flu = coronavirus), and probably very high numbers. Then survivors will wake up. THAT is why the frantic effort to plunge a needle into every arm. They gotta murder us before its too late.
        But humans find a solution to things. Hydroxychloroquine + zinc or ivermectin +zinc, Vitamins C and D, pine needle tea, other things. Haven’t seen elderberry tea, but that would likely help. The censorship is to prevent us finding out. Censorship is murder. Its NOT just your right to flap your jaw at whim. It’s life-or-death information. So we have to treat censorship as tantamount to murder and jail the guilty.

        And most of us–me included–were “freedom freeloaders” prior to this year, voting for dear little trumpy or biden or whoever to save us all without me having to get off this computer chair and DO anything, especially locally, to hold anybody accountable. Children could be trafficked, tortured, murdered as long as nobody shut off the football game.

        It is about to get drastically better–as soon as enough of WE THE PEOPLE join CSPOA, Gab, MeWe, Downsize DC, etc. and talk to our local sheriffs and cops and appreciate them to their face.

        Important prep–get outside, take walks, meet neighbors and chat about anything.

  33. Most of the supplies I put in last year are still topped up, we kept up on it for the most part. There are a few items that will need topping up.

    Daily essentials like soap, toilet paper, toothpaste, etc are still at the 1 or more level.

    Trying to find socks last year that would last for more than a wear or two was hard. And at a dollar a pair the price was insane. I found some, at Sam’s Club (their brand) that are still good quality. I’ve already bought several packs and will be buying several more, they’ll get washed and vac sealed for long term storage. The old socks while still useable but discolored or the elastic starting to go will get put away and not thrown out.

    The governor of Minnesota had his emergency powers taken away finally so we won’t see a repeat of the Twin City Idiots running roughshod over the rural areas.

    I found a good deal on a propane furnace and AC system my HVAC guy has so that will go in along with a propane tank. I’m getting some spare parts for the electric furnace that is in the house. The AC unit was replaced last year. I’ll have electric, propane and wood for heat. I’ll go offpeak on the furnace for the reduction in cost on my electric bill.

    My job is essential so no worries there, plus it’s very secure. It will be one of the last jobs to go in the area. I can work remote since it is IT, so no matter how hard they lock things down I will still be able to work. The pay cut I took in accepting the job was worth it – economic hard times and job security were a big factor in applying for and accepting it.

    There are a few projects I want to get done related to my bug out location and a worst case scenario.

    Mask mandates and lockdowns are not receiving a warm welcome in my mostly rural area. Local, county and state government are finding that people are telling them ‘HELL NO!!!”

    I’ve put up no trespassing signs. I’m installing a security camera system from scratch. I found a good Linux based system and have repurposed it to act as the control and recorder. Using inexpensive POE cameras easily available I can cover everything I want for a little money and labor to run the cable myself. I an expand the system into a complete security system. And since I control it all I can make it secure and not worry about it streaming onto the net, or being hacked and used against me. And if I’m really concerned about hacking I just make sure that it has no connection to the rest of my network or the internet.

    I’m playing around with SDR radio so I can have good scanning capabilities. I have all the hardware, surprisingly inexpensive, and just have to get the software working right.

    I’d love to find some old rotary phones at a good price so they can be turned into field phones for security purposes at the bug out location.

    Yeah, I’ve got a sneaking suspicion that things are going to get pretty bad before too long. If they don’t then I have made good preps for the future.

    1. -Thaylore,
      I found the best socks were mix blend of Merino wool and other materials held up over the years.
      I even wear them in the summer (light weight hiking socks).
      They are more expensive, but last more than a few years.
      Note, with proper care, and not trying to pull them on from the tops.

      I only wear cotton socks when running or cycling.

      1. I have merino wools socks, both winter weight and some light weight hikers I picked up from Costco.

        I have a whole tote full of the winter weight socks.

  34. Just reading some of the daily WH Press Conference transcripts, it appears the WH is issuing guidelines for private companies to provide proof of vaccination of their employees.

    Another report that Biden admin is considering withholding Federal funds to various institutions to force a more hardline stance on vaccinations.

    And then there is this,
    “You know, we have, roughly, 350 million people vaccinated in the United States and billions around the world, and virtually no one has died because of that vaccinations [sic],” the president said.
    There are only 330 million Americans.

  35. I’m not really expecting another lock down, I am expecting much more draconian measures in the mandates for shots and the demonization and sequestration of those that have not gotten the shots.
    They will round you up and put in in their quarantine centers, no amount of stocking up can prepare you for that.

    1. -Ed,
      Can you please tell us who is going to be doing the rounding up?
      Inquiring minds want to know.

  36. Well, all that can be said is pretty much covered here. I do have one thing…..are you as tired of the followers as I am?? I’m in Rand Paul country and I still see stupid with stupid face masks on..
    Now for my bitch..I have only one friend since I lost G in Dec….yep, with all her blemishes, it’s trying, but better than no company once a week.
    I prepared spaghetti last night, she knows what all I have here, and brought up stuff..you know…stuff for if she can’t get out or gas is not in the pumps. Yep!!
    Her response was this…well, I have plenty of napkins cause I take a few with me every time I dine out!!!
    I just shut the heck up and cleared the table!!!

  37. I FULLY EXPECT THE MEN TO AMBUSH ANYONE ENFORCING THESE LOCKDOWNS,allowing your family to suffer because your a COWARD OR BUTT KISSER,doesn’t fly…AMBUSH THEM,they’ll stop fast after that,and TELL THEIR DEMONIC BOSSES TO STUFF IT…

    1. I dunno.

      Are those enforcing the lockdowns going to have those Army bio-lab grown super dogs that are trained to eat our children going to be out there?
      Cuz, you know, I am all about fighting the good fight, but Army bio-lab grown super dogs . . . yeah, not so much . . .

      With my knowledge and skills, I think I can tell them to stuff it without being torn limb from limb by Army bio-lab grown super dogs. Granted, Biden by his own admission has acknowledged he is THE Unconstitutional President when it comes to rent, but I am not sure he has a battalion of Army bio-lab grown super dogs to enforce lockdowns.

      I could be wrong.

  38. I didn’t “Lockdown” the first time. I went about business as usual. I kept my Mom & Pop Shop opened the entire time. Yeah, the stores got wiped clean of certain items (TP, Paper Towels, Flour, Rice, Yeast, etc) but because my wife & I are preppers, we weren’t really affected much. After the Wuhan Freakout ended and stuff started to come back to somewhat “normal”, we restocked on supplies that were low. We’re back to pre-Wuhan Flu supply levels and added even more.
    As for my Mom & Pop Shop, 2020 was BETTER than 2019. 2021 so far is better than 2020.
    We live in the Free-State of Florida and while Marxist-run states will probably have Lockdown Part II, Florida will stay open and in business.
    Somethings we have added since the beginning of the Wuhan Freakout.
    1) We added more money into our Emergency Cash supply.
    2) My wife likes to bake bread and one thing that ran out was yeast. We’ve learned how to make Wild Yeast.

  39. I practice this anyway. So for me, it’s just another day in the pahk. Like living in the wild even though they call us civilized.

  40. Old gal in very very small town in Texas. I have a Few health issues that want to kill me..but I’m snubbing my nose at them and carrying on.

    That said I did get the vaccine as a Covid infection would kill me. . I figured “What the hey.”

    Wondered what our parents felt when they let their kids get the New Polio vaccine when it first came out….

    I still wear a mask. Still wash hands a lot.. and am careful to stay out of crowds.

    Life is a “Pay your money Take you chances” world.

    Stay safe out there. Do what is best for you and you family.. And God bless.

  41. I am expecting a false flag attack on Patriots, especially Trump supporters. The plan could be to lock down so hard that even democrats will be screaming about it. People will protest in the streets, and nearly all will be peaceful. But some very bad actors will dress up in MAGA gear, and shoot and kill people so the media can scream it up and get people to fear and hate gun owners.

    Mike Adams of Brighteon says, yes protest, but bring NO weapons with you, not even pepper spray, and don’t go into buildings lest that be a trap. And need I say here, make big use of situational awareness and don’t BE where emotions are running high?

    Real Patriots are well aware of history where war with guns won our freedom–and that such is a very LOSING tactic this time around. Peace and friendship are our “weapons.” The courts may be rigged, but there is some very successful lawfare happening. Find The Healthy American (Peggy Hall). And find out about CSPOA (Duck Search it) and My Patriots Network.

    We are winning. Find those things and we will win faster with less trouble and sacrifice.

  42. Hi Daisy. I give a lot of credit to the OP for helping me stay ahead of the curve last year and stock up my home. I continued to do regular visits to the grocery store throughout the pandemic and never really ran out of anything I needed, though I found that I needed more treat type food than I had planned. One thing we enjoy doing a lot at my house is smoking meat. We did that a lot more during lockdown too, with nowhere to go. Luckily, even when meat shelves were largely bare, the types of things we like to smoke tended to be available, probably because they are not as easy to work with as things like chicken breast.

    Since you predicted a lot of how things unfolded (including your timeline), I’m curious as to how far from more lockdowns you think we are. It feels about the same to me as maybe early to mid February did in 2020. But, I imagine things could play out a little differently with more people prepping earlier. At my last trip to my club store, almost everyone was masked again, so I’m seeing that behavior ramp back up, locally.

  43. Hi,

    Thanks as always for the good guidance. However, I do have a couple of contrary comments:

    1) You seem to assume a second lockdown will be based on legitimate medical risk. Considering that the first one was not, I think that is not a good assumption. The first lockdown was to test the waters, destroy small business, and get people used to the idea of totalitarian control from “above.” Subsequent lockdowns (if there is a second, it will be a never-ending string) will be to further these agendas – not to protect the people in any way.

    2) N95 masks are not effective against viruses. Even these are like trying to stop mosquitos with chicken wire. A radionucleide filter on an approved industrial respirator would re required. Having worked in the chemical industry most of my life, I have some familiarity with this.

    3) The best reaction to a second lockdown is to refuse to be subdued. Go about your business maskless, and challenge anyone who challenges you to show you the state, federal, or local statute – passed by the appropriate legislature or city council vote – that legitimizes their tyrannical demands. Edicts by corrupt medical and health cartels or by appointed bureaucrats are not legitimate, and it is our duty to actively oppose them.

  44. Personally, I’m taking Rand Paul’s advice and not submitting to these unscientific lockdowns for a disease with a survivability rate of 99.7%. More Americans need to stand firm against the tyranny of petty bureaucrats who want to destroy small business and have people surrender their freedoms while they ignore all the rules they foist on us. Obama’s recent birthday bash is just one example of this last comment – hundreds of people and no masks, no social distancing, etc.

    It gives me great pleasure to see the massive protests in France & Italy against the vaccine requirements and vax passports. It’s time Americans voice their disgust with the germ-laden masks, the lockdowns, the social distancing, and the dependence on politicians to ‘grant permission’ to live like a human being.

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