Dark December, Black January: The Future of the American Continent

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We are witnessing significant changes in America’s geopolitics.

We, in both North and South America, share a common history and have lived through similar independence processes, which is more than enough for despotic regimes to fear.

I apologize beforehand because this is an article not so directly related to prepping at the beginning, but the reason is a simple one.

Reality Shock

My experiences indicate that you’re going to need as many supplies as you can get. Surprise surprise.

Unless you are a seasoned farmer/gardener with years of experience as a backup and enough productive land, tools, and access to water, it’s going to be rough to stock up enough preps. Most of the readers live in climates with harsh winters. They are miles ahead of the rest of us, who don’t need to pile up firewood to survive the winter, for example. In the tropics, for instance, you can’t just hang dry meat in the open. Flies will contaminate it with eggs, no matter how salty it is. A smoker is a good idea, but getting the proper firewood shavings is hard: most tropical woods have too much resin.

Don’t get me wrong.

Preparing, stockpiling, and training for the aftermath of an abnormal event is a must; however, life taught me that there is no such thing as a “short collapse.” I had 1-2 months of stockpile enough for two adults, a teenager, and a child, including a good water tank (300 gallons). That was back in the prime of my prepping times, with a good salary.

A small room loaded with dry groceries like (rice/beans/pasta/flour/cornmeal/spices) in buckets with a lid, laurel leaves to repel bugs, and a secondary fridge plus a chest freezer. And like 8-9 boxes of canned tuna, eight boxes of UHT packages of liquid whole milk jars with anchovies and sardines, vegetables in vinegar, chocolate, cookies for the kids, and an assortment of other things, including personal hygiene and house cleaning supplies, sure we could overcome a short disruption.

But the reality hit like a ton of bricks. All of that is gone now. The “government” wasn’t looking for anything else but taking the population to their knees, as it happened, indeed. Rationing and hyperinflation were the weapons.

How long the next collapse will be?

Sadly, the abnormal disruption of life I foresee is not short at all. We are on the verge of a major global conflict, and Venezuela is a “hot corner” in all this. We are going to face a truly difficult 2025, even after having won an election in the most challenging circumstances against a non-democratic regime.

We won a battle, but the war ahead will not be a “political” one, I’m afraid.

The uncertainty will increase exponentially, and many people smarter than me agree.

The ugly truth that no woke socialist will tell you is this: the global conflict is the only way those regimes can survive in a world that craves freedom.

China is working actively and investing heavily in societal control because they know what is coming.

Their Western allies in all the governments have the same agenda: disarm civilians, establish the “15 minutes city”, electric cars or scooters connected via WiFi that can be disabled remotely, social credits, the WHO “vax passport,” and digital currency. All of that is NOT to ease your life. It’s to control people.

All that while their boys and girls are distracted with the TikTok nonsense, losing themselves on the FB/IG dark pits, or falling in love with the last K-Pop band of androgynous beings.

I would love to read your comments on this. I bet that even non-preppers passing by will have to agree.

The path we should follow

I feel that the coming events must bring us together, instead of marking that division that was so convenient for the insidious foreigners who hated the idea of a united Continent that kicked out their former rulers, choosing freedom and independence.

I apologize again if this article happens to be too involved with politics. Still, I feel the need to express that there will be no level of prepping to keep us “safe” if the enemies of the American Continent are not dealt with.

Dark December, Black January

As we, The Americas as a whole, navigate through uncertain times that seem endless, the image of a divided continent is no longer the one we should keep projecting.

Brazil and Colombia have openly exposed their intentions of not wanting anything to do with those pariahs.

These guidelines separate the Americas because of the Spanish/English paradox, for a long time present in our societies, has been used as a wedge to separate our societies.

They have been exploited for a common enemy, who fears and hates the concept of a united American Continent.

Vast resources, a common language in most parts of it, and a common religion, with over 400MM population, should be more than enough to consider how important it is to get closer, ditching every attempt of division.

The actions of those getting benefits from such division are now threatening to plunge us into a period of unprecedented turmoil since WW2. The potential consequences are deadly serious: financial instability, societal collapse, and widespread chaos. Not to mention the chain supply interruptions and the world trade becoming a mess.

Situations will be used for the regimes that hate the freedoms the American Continent represents.

This article delves into the potential fallout of not working on our current differences, drawing parallels with historical events to shed light on what we might expect.

I listen to many countrymen down here talking about the TV shows where preppers are portrayed. What they say makes me think they believe that it’s impossible for them to do the same. I believe they see the consequences of a potential global conflict as something “far far away”.

Consequences of the denial syndrome, perhaps of an ugly truth, despite having experienced the path the regime forced us to go.

Even when dealing with the everyday struggles we face, they still don’t realize that once the containers stop showing up on our shores with supplies, spare parts for trucks, tractors, cars, and fuel…the regime will control everything (once again) at gunpoint, making their illegal fortunes even bigger.

The need for external support is paramount.

News cycles are dominated by polarizing narratives that fuel animosity rather than fostering understanding. This is perfect for the enemies of the West. The outcome is a community increasingly polarized and distrustful of foreigners (reasonably with the Tren de Aragua roaming around).

How long are we going to wait? Until the foreign threat becomes domestic?

We must recognize that the fragmentation of the bonds within both our societies is not just a political or social issue; it is a matter of national security. There is a gang controlling a vast reserve of oil & gas, almost one million square kilometers, and (supposedly) training Yihad warriors less than 1400 miles away. That’s like a 4-day trip on a cruiser motorcycle, taking it easy and stopping to smell the flowers and take selfies.

The Americas will have to work together to bridge these divides. Unity does not mean uniformity; it means finding common ground and respecting diverse perspectives.

Our financial fallout

In the intricate web of global economies, the USA stands as a pivotal player. Once our best customer and ally, we are now tangled in a quite complex relationship. Like the neighbor that hears and sees the next door’s wife and children being beaten, but doesn’t want to interfere openly because the other neighbors will immediately jump to hold him, and manipulate the narrative in pursuit of their interests. The consequences of a deeply divided Continent extend far beyond social and political realms, manifesting in profound economic repercussions. A potential recession, exacerbated by societal divisions, could lead to significant job losses and widespread economic distress.

The experiences of countries like this blessed land, which has faced severe economic turmoil and social unrest, offer valuable lessons in resilience and the necessity of prepping.

Our demise was a weak State that ended by collapsing and falling apart a long time ago, only to be replaced by a tyranny sponsored by the American Continent’s enemies.

Societal collapse and chaos in the Americas

I hate to tell you this, but…The grim scenario of a deeply divided society teetering on the brink of chaos is not merely a dystopian fantasy. It’s a very plausible outcome if current trends continue.

As the nation sees a World War unfold, chances are that widespread civil unrest starts (coordinated by internal agents, or not), and the beginning of looting, rioting, and lawlessness.

Armed vigilantes are becoming a common sight, and the breakdown of essential infrastructure, such as power, water, and transportation systems, will push people to prioritize their immediate survival needs.

As the situation spirals down, the potential rise in violence and crime, exacerbated by organized criminal elements (Cartel de los Soles and the different Trenes) taking advantage of the chaos to tighten their grip, becomes a stark reality. Mass migrations of people seeking refuge from violence, poverty, and instability ensue, further straining resources and social cohesion.

This is one of the possible scenarios in the Americas once a global conflict unleashes if the criminal cartels are not (ahem) dealt with.

On the positive side, the importance of preparedness and community support is well understood in many communities. This feeling is spreading fast.

Immediate Preps

In the face of potential crises, we have been stockpiling what we can within our limited means. This involves much more than just stocking up on essentials.

  • A well-stocked supply of essentials like non-perishable and canned foods, water, fuel, and energy generation sources
  • Practicing fundamental survival skills: 
    • Sneaking out of a city without being seen
    • Cleaning a wound
    • Driving a stick shift car, or a motorcycle
    • Learning how to repair your vehicle to avoid being left stranded
    • Develop an evacuation plan 
      • Must include: 
        • Multiple routes,
        • Safe meeting points,
        • A communication strategy to ensure that all family members are accounted for.

Building strong relationships with neighbors and engaging in community preparedness efforts can create a network of support that is invaluable during times of crisis. Maybe this is too obvious, but sharing information about your preparations should be done carefully to avoid attracting unwanted attention. This includes a very low profile in the digital media.

Prepping is about individual self-empowerment.

About providing resilience and security for our loved ones in uncertain times.

It’s about surviving and thriving in adversity.

Thanks for helping to build a better world for everyone. Your donations through PayPal help me put food on my table and keep writing and documenting the history of this part of the world for the coming generations.

Thanks for your reading. Stay safe, and keep tuned!


What are your thoughts?

Do you see these strategies to damage ties in play right now? If so, how is it playing out? Do you expect even more chaos as President Trump takes office in January?

Let’s discuss it in the comments section.

About Jose

Jose is an upper middle class professional. He is a former worker of the oil state company with a Bachelor’s degree from one of the best national Universities. He has an old but in good shape SUV, a good 150 square meters house in a nice neighborhood, in a small but (formerly) prosperous city with two middle size malls. Jose is a prepper and shares his eyewitness accounts and survival stories from the collapse of his beloved Venezuela. Jose and his younger kid are currently back in Venezuela, after the intention of setting up a new life in another country didn’t  go well. The SARSCOV2 re-shaped the labor market and South American economy so he decided to give it a try to homestead in the mountains, and make a living as best as possible. But this time in his own land, and surrounded by family, friends and acquaintances, with all the gear and equipment collected, as the initial plan was.

 Follow Jose on YouTube and gain access to his exclusive content on PatreonDonations: paypal.me/JoseM151

Picture of J.G. Martinez D

J.G. Martinez D

About Jose Jose is an upper middle class professional. He is a former worker of the oil state company with a Bachelor’s degree from one of the best national Universities. He has a small 4 members family, plus two cats and a dog. An old but in good shape SUV, a good 150 square meters house in a nice neighborhood, in a small but (formerly) prosperous city with two middle size malls. Jose is a prepper and shares his eyewitness accounts and survival stories from the collapse of his beloved Venezuela. Thanks to your help Jose has gotten his family out of Venezuela. They are currently setting up a new life in another country. Follow Jose on YouTube and gain access to his exclusive content on Patreon. Donations: paypal.me/JoseM151

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15 Responses

  1. All that is currently going on today, has been going for several 100 years. George H. W. Bush clued us in on what they were working towards, the New World Order. The New World Order equals WORLDWIDE COMMUNISM!

    1. It doesn’t matter what ‘Ism’ is used, Capitalism, Communism, Socialism, Chritianism, Moslemism, Democracyism… ALL are the same, Mafias lead by Psychopaths. They use the threat and use of force to control what they consider to be exploitable, expendable cattle.

  2. We keep a well stocked pantry. Use one replace one and we have more than a few deep. Around here, since Trump won the election, people seem a lot happier and optimistic. Yesterday there was a poll of farmers who also felt more optimistic about the coming years. I still think an economic down turn is possible, something that was put into motion and cannot be avoided by anyone. A world war is not out of possibility. But I am focusing on my little circles that I can affect and not going to worry about those big ones til there is need.

    1. “Yesterday there was a poll of farmers who also felt more optimistic about the coming years.”

      Are you referring to this poll?


      If so this is a post election dead-cat bounce positive poll, conducted by Purdue and funded by the CME group/CME Globex. They are THE commodities trading platform for American agriculture commodities trading. They have skin in the game and every reason to paint a rosey picture for futures traders. Farmers I run with are happy on the election, but guarded and not spending forward as the poll explains. Elevator prices from this year’s harvest will not clear input investment for most. The weather made an Eden for crops in my area, but corn is -8% YTD and -6%YOY.


      I am good friends with a good big farmer, he is currently sitting on 127K bu. of corn in his bins. FROM LAST YEAR! It doesn’t pay to sell at an 8% loss when input costs were 9-12% higher/acre this year.

      The poll should have tested hopefulness. Then I’d believe it. But optimistic..? Please.

    2. I agree that there is a relief that is palpable in many areas of the US. I live in Florida. Doubtful we are going to have to deal with the criminal elements other than- click/boom. Local police everywhere believe in and use the Constitution. In areas where the police bosses back their officers, crime will be quashed. I see supply chain issues and financial woes. People with debt are screwed. “They” are trying to gin up panic about the 4 viruses now playing havoc everywhere (we are getting over something). All have the same symptoms and treated pretty much the same way. Doctors are available as are meds, for now. Those with med stockpiles including nebulizer, will be ok. It won’t take much for chaos to break out in cities. I have hope for the next few years. Financial collapse is probably inevitable. Preppers will do ok.

  3. I was watching a video about Fifth Generation Warfare on the Corbett Report that actually is quite descriptive of the war that is being waged against all of humanity. Where we are all classified as “combatants” either wittingly or unwittingly. The war for our minds and full spectrum dominance being atomized down to individual thoughts of what the “controllers” are willing to accept or reject. I’ll provide the link to that video for further consideration.

    1. Thank you. That link and video was outstanding. Easy to watch and understand. I appreciate someone who offers solutions that (if one is willing) anyone can do to combat the assault.


  4. Sometimes I learn as much from the comments as from the actual blog. We read in the fictions about gangs and police looting homes and smashing walls to find your goods. I think that burying your stash in food safe waterproof buckets in places that you can find later is a good plan. Not all in one place, not all together. Have some in places along your escape route if you can manage that. Have some at relatives places if they are on your travel route. Have some in buried under the floor of a shed or chicken coop. Under a shrub, under a log, places that aren’t readily viewable by your neighbors. Discretion is the key. I actually sneak in TP after dark so that persons driving by can’t see it. LOL My DH doesn’t actually see the need, but he puts up with me having a big stash. Unfortunately I don’t have a basement, so my preps are mostly in the house in plain view, but I don’t let people into my house, so they don’t know what I have or don’t have. I also put salvation messages in my food preps, so that if/when the rapture comes, my preps may save not just a life, but an eternal life. My kids are not saved, and they DO know that they can come to me if the worst happens. If I am not here, God is still able, and I figure that my preps will save someone. God bless you Jose! I pray that you stay safe!

  5. I do expect more chaos as Trump takes office. IF he lives long enough to take office, that is. There’s too much money against him, and somebody protecting him may need a boost in his income. It’s terrible to even think that way, but I can assure you the left-powers-that-be have not given up on that possibility.
    IF he makes it into office, has he picked the right people to advance his MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN agenda? Will any of them be RINO’s that turn against him? Will he actually uphold the Constitution that made us the only – and therefore the greatest- Constitutional Republic ever, in the world?
    Plus, the antifa and the left-wing-nuts that focus on antifa’s every word can get it started. “It” being a chaotic civil war with true citizens shooting each other, and blowing things up. I expect it, but am in no way prepared for it.

  6. With as divided as people are today, if or when the shtf it’s going to be bad. So many women live alone or with kid’s they will be easy picking for gangs. Most couldn’t build a fire to save their lives and wouldn’t last 3 days without the grocery store. If 911 stops working they are in serious trouble. With the marriage rate going down and divorce rates going up, it not a pleasant thought what would happen to many of these women. The man has always been the protector of the family but because of divorce there not around.
    In most neighborhoods people don’t even know the people that live next door to them and forget about the whole block. Where I’m at if something happened it would be a war zone in a couple days and you would have to be armed to go outside. I hear women saying all the time they don’t need no man, I hope their right and the good times last forever. If that doesn’t come true they will be the first to fall. I know there are many women that can stand on their own but, the other ones will be hit the hardest if something happens. This is just something I thought should be talked about because, I have dozens of women living around me that wouldn’t last a week.😔

  7. I keep a very worried eye on current events and the future. I try not to think of the worst because there is nothing I can do about that. But I have stocked a massive amount of food, medicines, trade items, water filter equipment, etc., enough to share or barter when needed. I don’t throw anything out if it is edible or useful! I live in a good, safe community: if we work together and share what we can, I think we have a better chance of survival than going it alone – or running for the hills.

    1. You say you live in a good, safe community: ‘if we work together’…
      Think about how Selco thinks: How many of those people in your community can you trust with your life? How many would turn against you, and take your preps if they had a chance? Do you know them all that well? If not, you’d better get started making friends… before the shtf.

  8. My kids think the preparations that Household Six and I have put back is kinda silly. They don’t make fun, but I can see the wheels spinning when we talk about the potential issues we’re facing. #1 Son and daughter-in-law live outside of St. Louis and they know to come here in the event of a disaster, though. We still put enough back to cover them.

    I think close family and friends, who have a like mindset, will work much better than a neighborhood. There’s always someone in the cul-de-sac, housing area, what have you, that will definitely make it hard for everyone and if you let it be known what you have you’ll become a target in no time.

  9. Escape the city? Heck, I left in 2020 during the pandemic! Happily never looking back! My husband and I talk all the time about what this world is coming to and our own response to it. We have also been purchasing anything that will make our lives livable when chaos does reign. We’ve been adding to our skills regularly. We’ve been getting out of debt. We need to avoid being overwhelmed and just realize that anything we do today will help prolong our longevity. If all else fails, we have made peace with our maker.

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