AI Is Going to Generate a MASSIVE Porn Addiction Problem…and New Victims

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By the author of The Prepper’s Guide to Post-Disaster Communications and The Cartoon Ham Exam Handbook: A Complete Ham Radio Technician License Study Guide

America already has a porn problem. And it’s about to get much, much worse. And there’s a chance that you’ll be involved in it – whether you like it or not. Here is why.

You’ve undoubtedly heard a bit about ChatGPT, OpenAI, and DALL-E by this point. An artificial intelligence, DALL-E is capable of some absolutely fantastic art. Personally, I’m a fan of seeing how each country would look as a supervillain. When you look at the images that it can create, they easily are at Leonardo da Vinci’s level, and the degree of realism with them is incredible.


And here’s the thing about all this: all you have to do to create an image with DALL-E is to give it a few prompts. Tell it to create each nation as a supervillain, and you’ll end up with a catalog of images that are not only fun to look at but that are creative and very well done.

Currently, DALL-E is programmed not to be able to create “adult images.” I can guarantee you that some of its successors will not come with the same restraints. Sex sells, and it is going to happen. (I would also like to point out that there is a wide berth of opinion amongst people as to what classifies as an “adult image” or not. What you would clearly never want your husband to look at just might be considered an innocent picture by the creators of these types of AI.)

So, using DALL-E-style AI to create porn is a simple 1+1 equation. It’s already being done, and anybody can do it. 

Now, this.

It really wouldn’t be hard for somebody to create an “art AI” that can scrape social media. All you then have to do is say, “Create porn for X” from your workplace, and you will end up with it.

So that’s bad enough, right?

Now think about if you are the one that these pictures are being made of. Do you like the idea of somebody being able to create pornographic pictures of you? What could they then do with those pictures? Sell them? Post them on your social media?

But now add in VR.

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You think this is farfetched? It’s already happening.

What happens when we add virtual reality to a combined new AI tech conglomeration?

We could then easily end up with that porn becoming “real life.” And remember, this could be made from images you’ve posted to social media.

Now add in suits like this that are allegedly created for gamers, and allow them to feel things across your entire body, and tell me where you think this will go?

Now add in this.

Facial recognition is everywhere. 

What happens if you walk into a store with cameras all over the place with this type of technology? By the time you’ve left the store, you’ve been captured by 20 cameras from all different angles, and the guy monitoring the cameras in the back room thinks you’re attractive. He’s also a bit of a perv.

He takes those images of you, feeds them into a ChatGPT/DALL-E style AI, and uses it to create pornographic images of you that he now sells.

Or, what do you think about the idea of your spouse using these types of AI programs to create “enhanced” images of you?

Admittedly, I’m not the first one to put these dots together. Transhumanist Ray Kurzweil discussed it in his The Singularity is Near all the way back in 2005. Aside from bloodborne nanotechnology that emits Wifi and is hackable by 2030, Kurzweil also discussed how VR and AI are going to be used extensively for pornographic behaviors (on page 318-319).

These technologies are all already out there. They simply have to be combined. And they will be. 

Do you remember the mockumentary Slaughterbots? A few people have brought it up here at The Organic Prepper before. The point of the video was to show people the nightmarish future that was possible should already existing technology be merged. What are we seeing now?

Kamikaze drones and bomb-dropping drones are a regular part of modern warfare. They’re being used extensively in Ukraine, we just witnessed them in Iran, and they’ve even been used for attempted assassinations in South America.

Things will be no different with AI and porn.

The technology is already there. It’s only a matter of time before it’s merged. Given the fact that the current Grammys were allowed to air on TV, do you really think it will be an extended period of time? The answer is no.

This is where we are today.

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Artificial intelligence is going to change the world at a more profound level than the smartphone or social media. 

Sure, some ways may be beneficial. Better surgical techniques are great. But “better” porn is not one of them.

You need to start thinking through some of the moral dilemmas this is going to pose in the very near future so that you don’t find yourself caught unawares when your kid starts asking you about things you’ve never even thought of. This type of technology is about to make things much more pervasive than they’ve ever been before. This isn’t the 1950s anymore. Kids aren’t going to have to find their friend’s dad’s magazines. Now, this stuff will be right at their fingertips. And perhaps more startling, I think the case could be made that this new stuff will be much more addicting than it’s ever been before as well.

You also need to start thinking about ways that you could protect yourself.

I welcome all of your thoughts on this below. Do you think I’m being an alarmist with these fears? Or do you think this is going to happen? How does one protect themselves against abuses with this type of technology? Let us know in the comment section below.

About Aden

Aden Tate is a regular contributor to and Aden runs a micro-farm where he raises dairy goats, a pig, honeybees, meat chickens, laying chickens, tomatoes, mushrooms, and greens. Aden has four published books, What School Should Have Taught You, The Faithful Prepper An Arm and a Leg, The Prepper’s Guide to Post-Disaster Communications, and Zombie Choices. You can find his podcast The Last American on Preppers’ Broadcasting Network.

Picture of Aden Tate

Aden Tate

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24 Responses

  1. I wish you were wrong. But I know you’re not. Thank you for taking the time to write this. As more information comes to light on this subject please share it.

  2. I think you are wrong about it being time to talk about moral issues , that time has come and gone … the time to talk was when the idea was first ” imagined” .
    I remember when the first computers were brought out , and all the lies that computers were based on (1). They won’t take anyones job . (2). You will have more “free time ” for relaxation .(3) . You will still have your privacy….. NOT .
    People still are ignoring the past and not learning from it.

  3. Great article, Aden! A few weeks ago, I received an email (went to my spam folder) that said they knew everything about me and had images of me in pornographic content. If I didn’t pay them 1-1/2 bitcoin, they were going to release all the porn to all my contacts. I had 5 days to comply, which I didn’t. Reading this article made me realize how they could create such content and hold someone (anyone) hostage to their demands. I re-watched Slaughterbots and was amazed at how far AI has come. Makes me sick to my stomach.

  4. Definitely inevitable. This is spiritual warfare. All the “compromises” we have made are coming to pass. We are reaping what we have sown. Repentance is our only salvation. We must not live worldly any longer. Evil is widely accepted and has become common practice for most. We now live in a world which evil is no longer in the shadows.

    1. The Bible told us about spiritual warfare. Good is now bad and right is now wrong. Things are no more as they seem. The Bible also told us about satan and how he is going to be the god of this evil world and where humans will honor satan and not GOD anymore. Money and satan are not the gods of this world. Satan came to kill, steal and destroy lives. This he is now doing. Does anybody see this happening right before our very eyes? Hummmm…The closer we seem to get to the return of JESUS CHRIST the more we will see these things happening.

  5. What was the grammy reference about? We don’t watch award shows. As to how we will protect ourselves is same as usual, we rarely put photos of us on social media.

    1. Look up “2023 Grammy Sam Smith satanic”, you’ll get the picture. Super Bowl pregame show had little demon heads dancing around. You may not believe in Satan, but they sure do,

  6. third effort

    I’m not too concerned about porn….

    If AI programs can modify or create video, much worse than porn can proliferate.

    Imagine that several paramilitary predators (pp) pull a guy out of a car and beat him to death, while emergency medical technicians (emt) watch. Imagine that videos show this event. Imagine that witnesses provide videos of pp and emt at the site of the beatdown. Government investigators acquire witnesses’ videos. With AI programs, technicians can transform the video images of pp and emt into gangbangers (gb) and homies (h).

    So imagine that associates of the victim complain about the death and how it came about. PP and emt employers show the modified videos and persuade folks who were not at the scene of the event that gb and h were responsible for the death. Employers can plausibly deny that their employees are involved in the death of the victim.

    Folks who try to file legal complaints have no evidence that their associate died by pp or emt actions. Prosecutors won’t file charges against pp or emt because available evidence will not show their images. Nor will investigators look for the portrayed gb or h because those are imaginary.

    If eyewitnesses testify to what actually happened, will jurors believed them?

    I expect that eventually most judges will deny the use of video evidence because competent technicians can make videos show whatever they want them to show via AI programs. I have seen content that some judges already do deny the use of video evidence because they don’t trust video integrity.

    AI users can make video reality unreal.

  7. So here is an article from Motherboard/Vice about how basically the AI genie is out of the bottle and even the developers do not comprehend how it works once it starts:
    As to what ‘fake name’ alludes to, years ago read a short story about a society which due to the corruption of technology enlisted people trained to be professional witnesses as their testimony could not be readily misrepresented.
    It is going to be like the Joshua war computer, the only way to win is not to play.

  8. There is already an addiction to porn. And the top states that are addicted are in what claims to be the “bible belt”. Oh yeah, I forget, they have to see what Satan is up to so they can “fight it”. But I will give you a brownie point for keeping the red meat issue out there.

  9. Oh and I forgot to ask you for the definition of porn. “I know it when I see it” is not an acceptable answer. SNL did great skit on this when Uncle Clarence was, unfortunately, nominated for SCOTUS.

    1. A good working definition I’ve heard for porn is “anything in which you lose all interest immediately after masturbating to it.”

  10. Time to work on a portable image distortion. The camera can take your picture, but it won’t be usable, or recognizable..
    That’s where this goes eventually.

    1. I’ve been pondering this for a few years, perhaps a baseball cap, with a series of IR lights on the front, it should stop most security cameras from seeing your face, and not be visable to a human eye.

  11. Tate claims that “America” has a porn problem.

    Currently, about 200,000 out of 340,000,000 of the “America” population qualify as porn addicts.
    About 2,100,000 out of 340,000,000 of the “America” population qualify as opioid abusers.
    14,000,000 out of 340,000,000 of the “America” population qualify as alcohol addicts.

    Tate could have done a lot better to warn about government folks using AI programs to provide plausible deniability on behalf of paramilitary predators than to snivel about pornography.

    I noticed that some folks like to snivel about how “America” is under attack by satanic acolytes. The creator is in human terms, inhuman. Given that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely, and that the creator is all powerful, the creator is all corrupt. This is not blasphemy, it is an acceptance of reality.

    When folks are happy and prosperous, they tend not to pay a lot of attention to their creator. When folks are miserable and poor, they tend to turn to the creator for help in resolving their concerns. This is because folks are easier for the creator to control when they are miserable; remember, the creator demands obedience.

    Morris was probably referring to the Fair Witness in a book called “Stranger in a Strange Land” by Robert A Heinlein.

  12. This is really fascinating and scary. It is the porn industry that has been pushing technology for years so to enslave men and women of all ages. It’s insidious and infecting everything.

    This is why it is critical not not simply avoid these images, but experience a transformation of mind, heart, and vision. We must learn to become inoculated from these images so we can see right through them and reject them outright.

    To learn more, check out Freedom Coaching.

  13. Today’s article is mostly about the state of the art in forging visual effects. There is also the state of the art in forging AUDIO effects and the possibilities of being falsely convicted of crimes you didn’t commit — or perhaps plea bargained into such convictions by being threatened with such forged statements. The article below by Mike Adams earlier this month discusses the state of art about AI forging of your voice:

    “AI system cloning of human voices reaches creepy new level of achievement… now you can never trust that what you hear is HUMAN, February 02, 2023 by: Mike Adams

    Plus cited reference links.

    Plus 20 comments, including this one:

    A Reliable Source
    9 days ago
    In the future you will be convicted on a confession you never made. Cops cheat all the time by coercing confessions during “interviews” (not to be confused with torturous interrogations).

    Now all they have to do is clone your voice and put it on video of the “interview” and anybody they want to disappear can be easily dispensed with.

    Too bad all this technology is not being put to good use for the benefit of Mankind. But it’s no surprise when you consider it is being developed by megalomaniacs with unlimited money for nefarious purposes.”


  14. A while ago I did two searched for ‘something good’ and ‘something awful.’ The good search only really showed a song that was mildly explotative, the awful search is one that should never be repeated.

    Understand that the internet is an amoral place, with very little that is inherently good, but with lots of very bad things. Even if you found something good, like a picture of a field, actually walking outside and sitting in any field is much better than any image, or vr, or anything on the internet. Use it as you would a dangerous tool, cautiously and with precautions.

    Twenty years ago there is/was a holy order of knights who had the purpose of cleaning up the internet, but as they no longer seem to be around, I imagine the pornographers encircled the internet jerusalem and raized it to the ground, slaughtering the knights.

  15. Sorry I’m late to this discussion. I was away for a few days.

    Manipulating photographs, adding or taking away objects in the picture, putting faces on other’s bodies, has been done since the late 1800s. At that time it took a skilled darkroom tech to pull it off, but it could be done. This remained the case as late as the 1960s where some of the pictures concerning the JFK assassination were manipulated. I learned the history and techniques when I studied photography.

    The invention of Photoshop made darkroom manipulation much easier. But it still takes basically the same steps, except done electronically instead of chemicals and photo papers and films. Actually, with “layers”, one can dispense with some of the steps.

    At about the same time, digital editing of sound came on the scene. I’ve done that too.

    The advent of CG (computer graphics) added video to what could be manipulated. For example, the video of Nixon interacting with the actor in Forest Gump was CG, done long after Nixon himself was dead.

    None of this uses AI.

    All AI does is to follow the instructions that were put into the program by the programmer. You want a picture of a Samurai soldier? The programmer has stored a picture or a CG model in the database that the AI accesses, then presents it to the person requesting it. You want an image in the style of a Chagall painting? Again the instructions have been put into the database accessed in the program by the programmer and the AI merely spits it out. You want to make some “revenge porn” on some poor woman, I suspect that most of that is still done in Photoshop.

    AI is already being used for some pretty nasty stuff, such as the social rating system in CCP ruled China. But I would caution against blaming AI for every bad thing that comes down the pike.

  16. Saying it’s been done in Photoshop or for a hundred years is a sweeping statement. Yes it can be done but it’s specialized and extremely hard to do convincingly. We are talking about a tech that anybody can use and generate in seconds – not hours of specialized work with specialized software.

    This is exactly the kind of statement that is totally unhelpful to the problem that’s coming

    1. Bob: you missed the point.

      AI is not necessary for what is being done. In fact, AI may not be used at all for these actions. What I say is that one should not blame AI for where AI may not be used.

      You sound like you have not used Photoshop (or freeware GIMP). Actually it’s pretty easy to take someone’s head and put it on someone else’s body and make it look convincing. Putting the different parts in layers makes it possible to make real time micro-adjustments in position, angle and lighting so that everything matches before flattening the image to make the final image. None of this needs AI.

      Porn is bad enough without a smidgen of AI, and it is getting worse, still without a smidgen of AI. The freeware program Blender adds video and CG to what Photoshop can do, still without AI. However Blender is much harder to use.

      I do not say that dumb AI is not dangerous, what it can do is bad enough. I call AI “dumb” because it cannot think for itself. You can count on that bad people will do bad things with whatever tools they can get.

      We need accurately to identify the real enemy in order to fight him. Putting up a fictitious bogyman is not helpful.

  17. What happens if you walk into a store with cameras all over the place with this type of technology? By the time you’ve left the store, you’ve been captured by 20 cameras from all different angles, and the guy monitoring the cameras in the back room thinks you’re attractive. He’s also a bit of a perv.

    He takes those images of you, feeds them into a ChatGPT/DALL-E style AI, and uses it to create pornographic images of you that he now sells.

    About the only part of that I find unrealistic is the part about selling it.

    A) Other people who might like a picture of you doing something obscene won’t know that’s what they want until they see your face just as he did, and if he refuses to show them your face, they won’t be interested in what he’s peddling.

    B) Those others will have the same technology and be able to make their own pornography of you doing whatever obscene act they want to see you doing, so if he does show them your face, they’ll just use that technology to make their own porn of you. He’ll still have no buyers.

    C) The porn industry is already in dire straits because nobody wants to pay for porn anymore. Individual porn “entrepreneurs” such as this hypothetical pervert will fare no better.

    Note that I say the industry is in trouble; porn itself is all over the internet and won’t be shoved back into that Pandora’s Box unless and until the internet itself is closed down. The industry, however, is effectively doomed. As I told my late mother more than a decade ago, the day someone releases a program (I was thinking something like a video game) that can photo-realistically portray anybody doing anything to anybody or anything else in any setting, that’s the day the industry’s collapse is ensured; it won’t even be able to subsist on its older customers very long the way other obsolete industries have, as just about nobody gets nostalgic for old fap material.

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