Advertising With Us is one of the most-read prepper blogs on the Internet. The Organic Prepper’s content is unique, authentic, and relevant. As a result, readership has grown by 161% in the last twelve months.

Becoming a blog advertiser provides an opportunity for you to reach a targeted, highly engaged audience that is responsive to products and services that meet their unique interests and needs.

Our community of readers and contributors return to regularly for news, information, and commentary covering self-reliance-related topics that include emergency survival, preparedness planning, personal defense, homesteading, food preservation, investing, geo-politics, and personal liberty.

To discuss your advertising needs, please contact us at [email protected]

Site Traffic

These are the traffic statistics for 2020 as reported by Google Analytics

  • Unique visitors 2,112,975
  • Overall visits 3,693,382
  • Pageviews 5,171,288

In addition, The Organic Prepper has more than 72,000 email subscribers, 33,000+ Facebook followers, and 2,600 Twitter followers. On Pinterest, The Organic Prepper has 18.2k followers and 1.1m monthly views.

Advertising Rates and Ad Positioning

Sidebar Ads

Position 1: Large Sidebar Ad 300 x 300 (Top Right)

This ad is the largest available on the site. It is 300 x 300 pixels and appears in the right-hand sidebar. You must supply the link to a landing page on your site. You may supply the graphic, or choose to have our project manager create one for you. If you choose to supply your own, the graphic file can be no larger than 40kb and may not include animation.

$350 PER 30 DAYS

Position 2: Medium Sidebar Ad 300 x 150 (Top Right)

This ad is 300 x 150 pixels and appears in the right-hand sidebar. You must supply the link to a landing page on your site. You may supply the graphic, or choose to have our project manager create one for you. If you choose to supply your own, the graphic file can be no larger than 35kb and may not include animation.

$175 PER 30 DAYS

Position 3: Large Sidebar Ad 300 x 300 (Middle Right)

This ad is exactly the same size as the Position 1 ad; it is just in a different position.

$300 PER 30 DAYS

Position 4: Medium Sidebar Ad 300 x 150 (Middle Right)

This ad is exactly the same size as the Position 2 ad; it is just in a different position.

$150 PER 30 DAYS

Sponsored Post

Submit an 800 word post about your product or service. You can link to this post, excerpt it for your own marketing, or quote it on your own site. It will be live on the site for a minimum of one year.

Our Editor will include links in the post to the appropriate landing page on your site. The link to the post will also be shared on social media the day it is published. Daisy will send out The Organic Prepper Newsletter with the the link to all email and RSS subscribers.


In Post Ads

Middle Post Ad

This ad appears in the middle of individual posts. You will need to supply the text and a link to a landing page on your site. The text may be no more than 200 characters long. The ad will appear on each new post on the site for 30 days. There is an average of 2 new posts per day, shared on multiple Facebook groups (average 30k members per group), Pinterest (over 2 million views per month), Twitter, and email (20,000 subscribers). 

$1,000 PER 30 DAYS

End Post Ad

This ad appears at the end of individual posts. You will need to supply the text and a link to a landing page on your site. The text may be no more than 200 characters long. The ad will appear at the bottom of each post on the site for 30 days. There is an average of 2 new posts per day, shared on multiple Facebook groups (average 30k members per group), Pinterest (over 2 million views per month), Twitter, and email (20,000 subscribers). 

$1,000 PER 30 DAYS

Email Ads

Email Ads

More than 20,000 people read The Organic Prepper’s posts via email, and emails are sent once daily. Two ads appear at the end of the email. They are 275 x 144 pixels each. You will need to supply the graphic and a link to a landing page on your site. The file can be no larger than 40kb and may not include animation.


Sponsored Emails

These emails have to be approved by Daisy. We will send a dedicated email to our list of more than 20,000 people on your behalf. We will require a graphic, link, and copy.


Additional Advertising Options

Sponsored Facebook Post

The blog accepts sponsored posts at $300 per post. Your message may be posted on multiple pages and groups to give you a good return on investment. Please note that if you order a Sponsored Post, Middle Post Ad, or End Post Ad, you automatically receive a Sponsored post.

***Unavailable until further notice***

Sponsored Pinterest Post

The blog accepts sponsored pins at $150 per pin. Your message may be pinned on multiple boards and group boards to give you a good return on investment. Please note that if you order a Sponsored Post, Middle Post Ad, or End Post Ad, you automatically receive a Sponsored pin.

Sponsored Tweets

The blog accepts sponsored tweets at $75 per tweet. Your message may be tweeted up to three times to give you a good return on investment. Please note that if you order a Sponsored Post, Middle Post Ad, or End Post Ad, you automatically receive a Sponsored Tweet.

Payment and Discounts offers multiple ways to build your brand and get your message to our large and loyal readership. Ad buys are sold on a per month period using PayPal subscription service. Ads will auto renew every month unless you cancel the subscription.

Discounts: Purchase multi-month subscription packages and save.

3 month subscription package = save 10%, billed every 3 months.

6 month subscription package = save 20%, billed every 6 months.


All rates are subject to change. You may guarantee the price of specialty ads by booking and paying in advance.

Editorial Approval

All ad submissions are subject to approval. If we deem that an ad is not appropriate for our content for any reason, you may submit a different ad, or receive a refund. To avoid abuse or misuse, we prefer that graphics files be hosted on our server. The site and webpage, to which the ad links, are subject to editorial approval.

Your product or service must be in keeping with the content and purpose of our website. The products and services that would be appropriate for advertising on our blog include, but are not limited to: camping supplies, water purification and storage, long term food storage, emergency preparedness kits, first aid supplies, generators, firearms and ammunition, knives, tools, and other preparedness supplies, as well as books and DVDs on similar topics.

Ads for unrelated products or services will not be accepted. If you substantially change your website or webpage, so that the ad no longer links to a product or service related to our content, then (in our sole discretion), we may issue you a pro rata refund and remove your ad. The same discretion applies to text links on our Links page(s).

Additional Information

For additional questions about advertising, please email us at [email protected]

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