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When I got up this morning the sky was overcast and it was raining. I was happy about this because when it’s raining you turn to inside chores and my poor aching body needs a rest after stacking just over 6 cords of wood the past few days.
First, we devoted some time to a little project for the fire – we put all the paper garbage through the shredder – a handful of this is a great fire-starting addition! We are shredding all the moving boxes for this purpose, as opposed to just discarding them.
Our elderly schnauzer Katie got a bath and is all pretty now! She was gets cold easily so we put her in her smart-looking red sweater to keep her cozy.
Finally, I had picked up some organic green beans on sale at a great price this week. I didn’t have quite enough for a canner load so I crushed some garlic and sliced up some carrots to make some lovely little jars of organic veggies to enjoy in the middle of the long winter. I hope to pick up a few more bags of these beans – they were delicious!
We’re having a simple, throw-it-in-the-oven and let it cook dinner, watching movies and being lazy bums for the rest of the day, while the rain falls gently on the roof.
A month ago, before we arrived here, I would have never in a million years considered this a quiet, relaxing day. Now it seems so imperative to be productive that these kind of tasks are precisely how I want to spend my time.