A Mob of More Than 600 Teens Laid Siege to a Florida Movie Theater

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Apparently the Brooklyn, NY shopping center that was put “on tilt” by a horde of teenagers the day after Christmas wasn’t the only public place under attack this holiday season. On Christmas day, over 600 people, mostly teenagers, were involved in a vicious brawl at the Hollywood River City 14 movie theater in Jacksonville, Florida.

It all began when a group of approximately 30 African-American males stormed the theater because they apparently felt entitled to see the movie without paying. (source)

A spokeswoman for the Jacksonville Sheriff’s office, Lauri-Ellen Smith, reported that an off-duty female officer was the only person working security at the time.

“The officer administered pepper spray to disperse the group, locked the doors and called for backup, following protocol,” Smith told reporters. “After the officer administered the pepper spray, upwards of 600 people moving throughout a parking lot about the size of a football field began fighting, disrupting and jumping on cars.” (source)

About 60 officers responded and the unruly crowd responded by attacking them, resulting in a free-for-all battle in the parking lot that took about an hour to get under control.  You can see the video here of the mob of young people.

Unlike the Brooklyn mall riot, at least a few arrests were made in the Florida mob scene.  However, only 5  of the 600+ people involved were arrested.

All five of the people arrested on the scene were charged with crimes related to fighting. Three of those arrested, including one minor, were charged with felonies. Two other juveniles, who have not been named by police, were charged with misdemeanors.

Tevyn Alonza Davis, 19, was charged with resisting arrest and breach of the peace. Jaquade Marquis Miller, 18, was charged with fighting and resisting arrest. Khalil Ahmad Bradley, 17, the only minor charged with a felony, was arrested for resisting arrest, refusal to disperse and breach of the peace.

Davis and Bradley each “took a fighting stance” when confronted by police and told to leave the area, according to arrest reports. Miller, too, “took an aggressive stance” when told by police to leave the parking lot. (source)

Vehicles in the parking lot were damaged, and the movie theater property also sustained damage, but miraculously, no one was seriously injured.

This is just another example of the generation of psychopaths that has been created by the entitlement mentality. These thugs believed that they should be exempt from paying for their movie theater tickets like other people, and become violent when they were thwarted.

Between flash mobs of animalistic teenagers and thugs roaming around assaulting random victims in the Knockout “game” the thin veneer of civilization is rapidly eroding, making downtown America seem more like the scene of some post-Apocalyptic movie than a first-world country. How did we get to the point at which it is unsafe to leave your house and go to the movies or the mall?

Meanwhile, the government is striving to disarm law-abiding citizens, leaving us no way to protect ourselves against a society of truly psychopathic young people who believe that they should have anything they want.  These kids have no respect for others, no sense of empathy, and  no moral compass to guide them. They are not like the rest of us when they get swept up in these mobs.  In these situations, the participants have devolved to such a lack of scruples that they behave like packs of wild animals hunting down prey. When faced with an enemy who is not guided by the same rules that decent human beings are, superior defensive power is your only option if you want to survive.

The most difficult part of preparedness for some people is the concept of defense.  Many of us, especially those without military backgrounds or law enforcement training, don’t want to consider harming another human being. But as our society continues to devolve, being ready to protect yourself and your family is one of the most vital aspects of a preparedness plan. All of the storable food in the world is of no use if you don’t live long enough to eat it or if you can’t defend it.

As a good friend of mine has been telling me for years, “Predator or prey, the choice is yours.”


Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3) PreppersDailyNews.com, an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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7 Responses

  1. I can’t know for sure, but I presume, at the most, one person struck an LEO. The charges don’t fit. Striking a police officer is a felony. Something is being “under reported” here.

    Maybe there are charges pending for the vehicle damage, etc. For insurance purposes there would be charges filed to claim damage.

    Nonetheless, I expect to see more and more unrest and violence from ALL shades in the grind down the backside of Hubbert’s curve.

    Maybe OT here, but locally, an intruder broke into a home on Christmas day and attempted to hold up the residents at gunpoint. One of the residents fought with the intruder and was shot 3 times. The perp dropped his gun and fled the residence. The homeowner picked up the same gun and chased the suspect down and shot and killed him. He is being held without bail for murder. “sigh”

  2. Society is showing symptoms of collapse. I’m afraid we are going to experience worldwide chaos, this event are the mini and numerous examples. I am a person that avoids crowds, even here in Idaho. Hopefully better times are ahead in 2014. But I don’t see it. Pray for everyone….

    1. Ugly, you are absolutely right. Civility in much of the world; certainly in US cities is hanging by thread. Websites such as The Organic Prepper are a valuable resource to help prepare for what lies ahead.

      We lived behind enemy lines. Idaho (N/O Boise) was right near the top of our list when we voted with our feet. We are just east of you now. We are praying for the best too and also using God’s blessings to prepare for the worse.

  3. I actually live down the road from where this occurred (the northwest area of JAX). The entire area is a mess, and this just one example of the predatory practices that occur here. Like any other city, there are good parts and bad, but it does appear that the entitlement mentality is spreading and helps to create a degenerate class of “citizen” that causes havoc and chaos.

  4. I commented in the past about a website called realscience, saying that it was by REAL scientists, and thus, legitimate. Well, I made a mistake. They are real scientists, true, but they are not part of the 98% top scientists. They aren’t even climate scientists! They are meterologists! (Predict daily weather!)

    Anyhow, the following website (videos) shows experts in various fields, such as Jim Hansen, who is the world’s foremost climate scientist and head of NASA, and people such as Natalia, who is a artic methane scientist. Hope you like! (Very interesting!)

    Arctic Methane Emergency Group – AMEG – Arctic Sea Ice – …


  5. That snide and artfully stupid comment was not needed nor was it correct. In this world we are all mutts(mixed breeds).

  6. Idiots like these give young guys like me a bad name. I’m barely twenty and growing up in poverty has instilled in me a sense of humbleness and I’ve never had a sense of entitlement. This is the reason I have lost faith in humanity and believe that I will have to endure hardships in the near future. I see a bad moon rising.

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