Now the Czech Government Is Warning Citizens To Stockpile Food

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By Daisy Luther

Just days after the German government advised citizens to stock up on food and water, the Czech government has followed suit.

Hello? HELLO??? Can you hear me now???? Something is clearly hurtling down the pipe.

Czech news channel CT24 broadcast a message from the government telling citizens to ‘prepare for the worst’.

Czech media sources are reporting that in the event of a national crisis, the food needs of the country will not be met. They’ve never really recovered from the failed Communist government there, and the Czech Republic is already beset by food shortages.

In the video below, Czech resident Steven Ben-DeNoon  told Israeli News Live that the Czech government is telling citizens to “be prepared for the worst case possible scenario” such as a large scale terrorist attack or snuclear disaster.

Israeli News Live

Europe is coming apart at the seams and there seems to be nothing that the governments can do about it. They’re giving fair warning: the citizens will be obligated to provide for their own needs.

You’re completely on your own in a disaster

Much like the situation in Venezuela, people will be completely on their own.

This January, the government told citizens that they would need to produce their own food. The Ministry of Urban Farming was created to oversee this. While self-reliance sounds great, it isn’t so great in Venezuela. Just so the urban farmers don’t get too self-reliant, a registry of the crops and livestock will be required. (And obviously, they’ve already proven that they have no issue forcing farmers to hand over what they’ve produced.)

As I’ve written many times, in a true disaster, you will be completely on your own.

It’s essential to note that once the crisis arrives,  there is little people can do to rectify their situations. If they aren’t already quietly prepared, they are completely at the mercy of the government and must comply to whatever strictures their leaders wish to put on them.  It is absolutely vital to put back supplies like emergency food and filtration devices well before the general public is aware that a crisis is pending. You have to learn to raise your food well before you might need to live on the fruits of your labor, because successful farming is absolutely not an instant gratification kind of thing.

If you do things now to increase your self-reliance, you will fare far better when our own government washes its hands. Most of the people reading this blog are probably the type who prefer to be independent. We’ll get through it, but those who buy their food strictly from the store, who live paycheck to paycheck, and who have no practical skills will suffer greatly. And that, itself puts the independent among us in danger.

Because they were not prepared for self-reliance, Venezuela has now devolved into complete societal collapse. People are starving to death. They’re butchering zoo animals. Crime is ever-increasing.

Because of the ineptitude of the majority, no matter how much food you store or how much you can raise yourself, in a true crisis the ability to defend your food and operations will be essential.

There are signs all around that something is coming.

Governments around the world seem to be preparing for war. President Obama seems to be deliberately provoking one. Incidents of civil unrest are at an all-time high in America.

In the series, Game of Thrones, they say with great foreboding, “Winter is coming.”

It appears that a dark, cold stretch is approaching our society too. And signs around the world indicate this one is going to be a doozy.

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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10 Responses

  1. “Just days after the German government advised citizens to stock up on food and water, the Czech government has followed suit.”

    But of course, the American government is advising its citizens that anyone who stocks up on food as a “crazy, whack-job, paranoid conspiracy theorist who wears a tin-foil hat”

    Obviously they feel it’s in your best interest to have your head entombed in your rectum, or at the very least, your eyes glued to the brainwashing-TV set.

      1. ACTUALLY, the systemically insane schizophrenic US government has lots of “Public Service Announcements” telling People to PREPARE. BUT! BUT if you DO prepare, THEN they say you are crazy.

        1. When I first started trying to inform people about the things I had learned I got similar reactions as you all describe. People who I once viewed as, ‘thinking people’ turned out to be more like the Pod People in the film, ‘Invasion of the Body Snatchers’ when Donald Southerland’s character would try to reason with people, they would open their mouths, screech, and point.

          I saw this comment and thought of this thread, it took me awhile to learn this, and that it applied to people I once thought of as intelligent:

          “Problem is that most people don’t read, understand, and/or care about the news. Leave me alone to live in my false reality…don’t bother me…you mean you want me to think… what the h@ll kind of person are you.”

  2. RE: “Governments around the world seem to be preparing for war. President Obama seems to be deliberately provoking one.”

    Provoking Nuclear War by Media

    “If war with Russia breaks out, by design or by accident, journalists will bear much of the responsibility.” …

    I doubt any of the people ‘Rah-Rah’ing’ the war back then, notice how they were played. Same probably goes for today.

  3. Just a few days ago we got this in our email box from FEMA. It’s a little more low-key but it’s still a warning:

    Ready Campaign
    Promote National Preparedness Month
    September is the first month of fall, when most of the kids head back to school, and our traditional month when we celebrate preparedness. Due to the success of last year’s theme, “Don’t Wait, Communicate. Make Your Emergency Plan Today,” will be returning this September with a continuing emphasis on preparedness for youth- especially teens, older adults, and people with disabilities and others with access and functional needs. We’re excited about the opportunity to help you and your family learn more about emergencies and how to be prepared whenever or wherever they strike.

    As is the tradition, each week of National Preparedness Month has a designated theme:

    • Week 1 (August 28-September 3): Promote National Preparedness Month
    • Week 2 (September 4-10): Preparing Family and Friends
    • Week 3 (September 11-17): Preparing Through Service
    • Week 4 (September 18-24): Individual Preparedness
    • Week 5 (September 25-30): Lead-up to National PrepareAthon! Day

    More information about each of these themes is available on, where you can also find social media content, 2016 NPM logo, graphics, and more to share with your friends and family.

    2016 National Preparedness Month logo Don’t Wait. Communicate. Make An Emergency Plan Today.

    Get the NPM Toolkit ►
    We’re excited to share our tips and tricks with you as we get ready to start one of the most exciting months. Let’s get started!

    The FEMA Ready Campaign Team

  4. FUD. Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt Lots of money to be made on FUD. I think it’s wise to be prepared for what will come. But, Obama isnt trying to provoke a war. It’s coming though. Trump and Hillary are the best candidates to be offered by the two major parties. What does this tell us about the people who donate money to politicians? What does this tell you about who Americans are today? I believe it will be a huge social upheaval following a natural/man- made disaster. Either way, stock up, get ready be prepared

  5. Hi,
    I totally agree with being prepared but I am confused about the information that Czech republic government too advised people to stock up – I searched all of the ct24 and other places and could not find anything like that. I am sure it would be quite a thing in the medias?

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