Survival Saturday: Cash, Words, and Medical Options Are Becoming Illegal

(Psst: The FTC wants me to remind you that this website contains affiliate links. That means if you make a purchase from a link you click on, I might receive a small commission. This does not increase the price you'll pay for that item nor does it decrease the awesomeness of the item. ~ Daisy)

This week in the Survival Saturday news round-up, it seems like virtually everything is either illegal or on the road to becoming illegal. (Unless you’re the government. Then you get a pass like 400,000 pensioners in Kansas just discovered.) Words hurt people’s feelings and scare them, cash is strongly frowned upon because the control lies with the person who holds it, and having a differing opinion about medical care is grounds for expulsion from society.

Survival Saturday is  a round-up of products, the week’s news, and recommended reading material for folks who are interested in being prepared.

This Week’s Products

Prices listed were accurate at the time of publication.

Document bagsIf the banking news lately has caused you to pull your cash out of the banks (assuming you didn’t do that years ago) let me recommend these little document bags. I keep my cash in these bags in my fire resistant safe to provide a double layer of protection for my savings. Cost per bag is about the equivalent of one month of banking fees, making it well worthwhile.

$8.54 – ORDER HERE

Dental MedicNothing will stop you in your tracks like dental pain. This little dental emergency kit is a nice, light addition to your bug-out bag. (Disregard the obvious errors in the description on Amazon.) The kit contains small quantities of the following:  floss, cotton, temporary cavity filling mixture, and dental wax. Obviously, at this price, it doesn’t provide you with something for a long-term major emergency, but it will get you through a rough spot until you can get to a dentist.

$13.36 – ORDER HERE

This Week in Preparedness

Cash is becoming a crime. You see, when you put your money in the bank and make “investments.” it’s a lot easier for that money to be taxed or confiscated. This is why the folks who run our country would love to see cash outlawed. It’s a lot harder to control wealth that they can’t get their grubby hands on. Just watch. More and more countries are taking larger bills out of circulation as the noose gets tighter. Check out this  country-by-country guide to the war on cash. And take note: if the government doesn’t want you to have it, it’s most likely because having it gives you autonomy. Even though an increasing number of Americans don’t trust the banking system, it’s nearly impossible to get by without an account these days. Here are some tips on severing the ties.

Kansas residents lose 55% of their pensions.  Can you imagine getting a pay cut of more than half of your monthly income? Well, that’s what just happened to over 400,000 retired people in Kansas who invested in the Central States Pension Fund. Pensioners saw an average cut of just over $1400 a month. The fund used a 2014 federal law to legally steal the money make the cuts, as they struggle not to go broke. Just another sad day in the economic apocalypse of America. This ties in directly to the story above. If the folks in Kansas had stuffed their money in their mattresses instead of contributing (often forcibly) to a pension fund, then it would be much more evident that the person slicing into their bedding to steal their money was committing a crime. This way, it’s “legal.”

The mysterious death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia could be pivotal for America. Wherever you stand on the political scale, there could be some pretty major consequences when an acting Supreme Court Justice passes away, particularly when it leaves the highest court in the land ideologically deadlocked. Yet somehow, despite the ramifications, despite the suddenness of his demise, and despite the fact that it was reported he was found with a pillow over his face, Justice Scalia was pronounced dead over the phone. No autopsy was performed, and his body was embalmed within the first 24 hours, reducing the possibility of finding anything in a later autopsy. While he was 79 years old and in questionable health, making a sudden death from natural causes well within the realm of possibility, is it also possible that his demise was sped along by someone with political interests? Pshaw. Nothing to see here. Back to your Froot Loops and the morning “news.”

No matter what your beliefs are about vaccines, something just isn’t right. I write a lot about removing the toxic chemicals from your life, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t point out that vaccines may very well be toxic chemicals that we voluntarily have injected into our children. As more people become resistant to the idea, the government is hard at work, trying to force us all to comply. Whistleblowers with information linking vaccines with autism are silenced and the media blacks out their stories. Holistic doctors are mysteriously dying. Regardless of whether you want to vaccinate your kids fully, partially, or not at all, there are a lot of things that just don’t add up. This story that puts it all together is a must-read for any parent.

Trigger warning: butt-hurt ahead. College campuses should come with trigger warnings these days – warnings to those of us who can’t help gawking at the wimpy little every-one-gets-a-trophy crybabies that populate the campuses and rage against butthurt microaggressions. The most recent news that has filtered out of the “safe space” is that students at Rutgers University were frightened and afraid when a conservative writer hurt their feelings. Milo Yiannopoulos (incidentally, a gay man) caused the hullabaloo when he denounced the crybaby culture of excruciating political correctness. Upset students were so hurt by his words that (I could not make this up) they smeared fake blood on their faces in protest.  Students assembled at a post-lecture meeting to express their woe. (Free speech is only free if it doesn’t offend anyone, as evidenced when a street preacher recently got a ticket for hurting a person’s feelings.) These are the people that warning labels protect, undermining Darwin’s Law and surviving despite their unsuitability for life on the planet. Bless their hearts. Trigger warning: video ahead. You might want to avert your eyes at about 1:22 so you aren’t upset, or you may just want to join in my mockery of them.

The Bookshelf

PicMonkey Collage

The Death of Money: This eye-opening book demonstrates how Americans are getting financially shafted by big banks who are aided and abetted by the government. “Everyday citizens who save and invest have become guinea pigs in the central bankers’ laboratory. The world’s major financial players—national governments, big banks, multilateral institutions—will always muddle through by patching together new rules of the game. The real victims of the next crisis will be small investors who assumed that what worked for decades will keep working.” The good news is, it’s not too late to prepare by swapping your investment to tangible items that hold real value worldwide, like gold, land, and food, and

This eye-opening book demonstrates how Americans are getting financially shafted by big banks who are aided and abetted by the government. “Everyday citizens who save and invest have become guinea pigs in the central bankers’ laboratory. The world’s major financial players—national governments, big banks, multilateral institutions—will always muddle through by patching together new rules of the game. The real victims of the next crisis will be small investors who assumed that what worked for decades will keep working.” The good news is, it’s not too late to prepare by swapping your investment to tangible items that hold real value worldwide, like gold, land, and food, and this book can provide you with an actionable plan. He writes: “The coming collapse of the dollar and the international monetary system is entirely foreseeable. . . . Only nations and individuals who make provision today will survive the maelstrom to come.”


Vaccine Whistleblower: Exposing Autism Research Fraud at the CDC

No matter what your feelings are on vaccines, you will want to hear what CDC whistleblowers Brian Hooker and William Thompson exposed about the cover-up perpetrated by the Center for Disease Control. I always thought that I was unable to be surprised by the actions of government agencies, but I was truly shocked by the depth of the corruption they depicted. “Vaccine Whistleblower is a gripping account of four legally recorded phone conversations between Dr. Brian Hooker, a scientist investigating autism and vaccine research, and Dr. William Thompson, a senior scientist in the vaccine safety division at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Thompson, who is still employed at the CDC under protection of the federal Whistleblower Protection Act, discloses a pattern of data manipulation, fraud, and corruption at the highest levels of the CDC, the federal agency in charge of protecting the health of Americans…This book nullifies the government’s claims that “vaccines are safe and effective,” and reveals that the government rigged research to cover up the link between vaccines and autism. Scientific truth and the health of American children have been compromised to protect the vaccine program and the pharmaceutical industry.”


Retaking America: Crushing Political Correctness

This book about political correctness is written, of all people, by an Australian. Don’t let that deter you. Commentator Nick Adams has witnessed the demise of Europe and believes that the same disease is affecting the United States: political correctness. “Political correctness has ripped through America, turning life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness into lifelessness, suppression and the pursuit of mediocrity. In support of political correctness, sneering columnists are seeking out opinions they don’t like and punishing them, speakers are being canceled on college campuses and people are being vilified for exercising their religious liberty. Meanwhile, Europe is in its death throes, completely infected by the political correctness disease. With creativity, flair and his trademark wit, Australian Nick Adams deftly exposes why political correctness is behind every problem in America today, and why it is every American’s patriotic duty to defy politically correct mandates. He explains Americans face a momentous choice in this election year, and lays out a roadmap for an American renaissance.” If you think that the crybaby culture has run amok, you’ll thoroughly enjoy this book



Want more info for self-reliant, real food lifestyles?

For more great round-ups, check out two new features for this website:

Feb 17 Self Reliance Strategies

This week’s Self-Reliance Report is about strategies for small spaces, temporary locations, and rentals. A question from a reader made me realize that many of the strategies I’ve shared here are not really workable for everyone.  So, this week, the round-up is all about the folks who don’t live on a few acres in the country.

The Self-Reliance Weekly Report is a collection of strategies, made up of the articles, books, DIYs, and products that I found useful on my own little prepper’s homestead. 

Click here to go to this week’s Self-Reliance Report.

Rebel against corporate food

The term “corporate food” is pretty disturbing if you stop to think about it. Corporations aren’t usually known for their strong ethics or for placing people above profit. And yet, somehow, a very high percentage of the food consumed in America was somehow provided by a corporation whose main goal is profit, not nutrition.

You can rebel quietly and staunchly by refusing to purchase what they are selling. Growing your own, buying from small local farmers, avoiding processed food like the plague that it is, and cooking from scratch are powerful weapons against corporate food and what this week’s round-up is all about.

Click here to go to the Foodie Friday Round-up of news, food preservation, tips, and recipes.

Anything to add to Survival Saturday?

Do you have any news links you want to share? Now’s the time! You are absolutely welcome to post your links in the comments below. I love the information that you share!

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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5 Responses

  1. Something which everyone should be aware of (and, to beware of) :

    Root Canal Cover Up – by George E. Meinig

    The comments in the reviews are worth taking a quick look at, imho.

    If it’s all you’ve got, chewing raw garlic over the course of a couple of days might help relieve some tooth pains.

    As I was reading your blog entry I began to imagine serious, loud and powerful music in the background. You captured many things and put them to words quite well.

    Anyway, It’s 11PM. Do You Know Where Your Money Is?

    “There are two kinds of people in the world. [Those who dig.] Those who think the problems leading up to the financial crisis of 2008 have been fixed, and those who have their doubts.” …

  2. This might be a little off topic, but I certainly hope those 250 or so residents of Elk City, Idaho are preppers.

    They are cut off from everything by a landslide.

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