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So there we were in all our pioneer girl glory, hanging out, getting things done, when along came a spider, to quote the old nursery rhyme.
Rosie saw the spider first – and she screamed – “Mom – give me your shoe!”
I whipped off my Croc in record time and handed it to her – she took one step forward then one step back shaking her head in horror.
I peered around her and screamed myself. Apparently, huge hairy enormous spiders can hear because that spider jumped when I screamed. Inspiring us both to scream again. We screamed so hard that we had to hold hands and jump up and down and scream!
In the Pioneer Chicks Moving to the Boondocks Guidebook, there was nothing about spiders but no one told THIS creature that he or she was breaking the rules by invading my home!
3 Responses
Don’t feel bad. Many guys, including my bf, hate spiders, and there is nothing sadder than hearing a grown man scream because there’s a spider in the bathroom.
My brother used to have a rubber band gun for shooting those bad boys from a safe distance. Check them out here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubber_band_gun
Aw. Wolf spiders are good guys. I capture them and release them outside.
Oh, this made me laugh so hard. But in sympathy…I remember one fall night I was reading on the couch when I felt something land on my chest. I looked down, right into the beady eyes of a huge wolf spider. I screamed at the top of my lungs, and – I SWEAR to you – it screamed as well in utter terror. It jumped onto my couch while I rolled onto the floor in the opposite direction!
Worst part was my couch had a dappled brown-on-brown pattern, and for the life of me I couldn’t see the spider against the pattern! I had to get my neighbor’s boyfriend to capture the poor thing…I felt bad because I had clearly scared it as badly as it had scared me! When we caught it we set it free outside and I never saw it again.