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Check out our updated book: Be Better Prepared in 28 Days
This guide can help you get prepared with one simple task per day. At the end of just ONE MONTH, you’ll be ready for common emergencies like power outages, financial problems, evacuations, and natural disasters.
After a monthly preparedness challenge, lots of readers asked if they could get the information in a printable format. Your wish is our command! Here it is, with some added information and bonus ideas for small ways to get prepped.
If You’re Looking for a Place to Start, This Is It
Prepping can seem overwhelming, especially if you’re just starting out or if you’re on a tight budget. The good news is, it doesn’t have to be that way. In just one month of thought exercises, organization, and a few very small purchases, you can be ready for all sorts of short-term emergencies.
- Simple (and FREE) ways to build your water storage
- How to determine your most likely disasters
- What to eat (and how to cook it) when the power is out
- Sanitation when the toilet won’t flush
- Organizing what you already own to be better prepared
- How to prep for an evacuation
- Information that preppers must keep close at hand
- How to find local edibles
- How to test your food stockpile
- The best emergency lighting sources for you
This guide offers a simple way to get prepared without getting overwhelmed. And if you’re an experienced prepper, it’s a great way to test your preps – you may find that you need to get better organized or that you’re missing something crucial!
Go here to get your PDF guide: https://learn.theorganicprepper.com/product/be-better-prepared/
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One Response
Well, may not be a meteor, but (Off Topic) NOAA has announced a “Geomagnetic Storm Watch.”
From NOAA: “A G3 (Strong) Geomagnetic Storm Watch is in effect for 30 – 31 October, 2021, following a significant solar flare and Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) from the sun that occurred around 11:35 a.m. EDT on Oct. 28. Analysis indicated the CME departed the Sun at a speed of 973 km/s and is forecast to arrive at Earth on 30 October, with effects likely continuing into 31 October.”
Parts of Northern US could see the Aurora tonight (the 31st).