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Author of Be Ready for Anything and Bloom Where You’re Planted online course
An Ebola outbreak that has been going on in the Democratic Republic of Congo since August is already one of the worst in history – the 7th worst to be precise – and it looks like it may spiral out of control. Peter Salama, WHO Deputy Director-General for Emergency Preparedness and Response, called the situation “a perfect storm.”
Unrest and war in the region combined with community resistance and mistrust of medical personnel are making it difficult for the World Health Organization to get a handle on the outbreak. Dr. Salama said:
“We are now extremely concerned, that several factors may be coming together over the next weeks to months to create a potential perfect storm. A perfect storm of active conflict, limiting our ability to access civilians, distress by segments of the community, already traumatized by decades of conflict and of murder…
…We’ve seen attacks now on August 24, September 3, 9, 11, 16, 21 and most recently and most dramatically September 22 in the city itself of Beni,” he said. He said that Beni was the base for the agency’s base for the “entire operation.” (source)
The outbreak is based in North Kivu, which is on the border of Uganda and Rwanda. Violence has displaced more than a million people in the area, and there have been a number of brutal machete attacks against civilians. Things got so bad that the WHO was forced to cease their operations for an entire week while the Ebola virus spread.
One of the armed groups in DRC which pose a threat to civilians and the international response to Ebola, the ADF – Allied Democratic Forces – has sufficient military capacity to ambush blue helmets from the UN’a Stabilization Mission in DRC (MONUSCO) and government forces – the FARDC.
“The ADF in particular has enormous capabilities,” Dr Salama said. “They’ve been able to overrun entire FARDC-bases in and around Beni, they’ve been able to ambush (UN) forces.” (source)
ADF is an Islamist group that is a serious threat to the Congolese government as well as relief workers.
If WHO and its partners had to leave North Kivu … we would have grave concerns that this outbreak would not be able to be well controlled in the coming weeks or months.” (source)
But it isn’t only violence and war that are factors in this “perfect storm.”
Local traditions are making it the Ebola outbreak more likely to spread.
The local traditions in the Congo are making relief efforts more difficult.
…“We’ve heard this morning, that that ‘ville morte’, which was yesterday, has now been extended right through to Friday of this week,” he said, “which basically means for the UN family, including WHO, a lockdown in Beni. Our operations are in effect suspended.”
…Butembo could also declare a “ville morte” in coming days in sympathy with the people of Beni, he said, potentially increasing the chances of the situation deteriorating rapidly.
“If we do see unsafe burials that can’t be responded to and symptomatic people that can’t be accessed, we can see this situation deteriorating very quickly,” Dr. Salama said.
A “ville morte” is a period of mourning.
Local politicians are manipulating the public so they’re afraid to be treated.
Meanwhile, it’s an election year in the area and local politicians are taking full advantage of this crisis.
In addition to many people’s fear of Ebola, the WHO senior official explained that the situation was being further complicated by local politicians who “exploited and manipulated” them prior to upcoming elections.
Social media reaction to the outbreak was also adding to a “range of conspiracy theories”, Dr Salama said, adding that people have been “actively fleeing” health-workers, including in places where there have been a large number of cases in recent weeks. (source)
“Pockets of resistance” against treatment, fueled by the politicians, are making it difficult to get a handle on new cases. Terrified people are running away from workers into areas that are inaccessible due to security concerns.
We also see a very concerning trend. That resistance, driven by quite natural fear of this terrifying disease, is starting to be exploited by local politicians, and we’re very concerned in the run up to elections, projected for December, that exploitation… will gather momentum and make it very difficult to root out the last cases of Ebola.”
Some people were fleeing into the forest to escape Ebola follow-up treatment and checks, sometimes moving hundreds of kilometers, he said…
…social media posts were conflating Ebola with criticism of the DRC government and the United Nations and “a range of conspiracy theories”, which could put health workers at risk. (source)
This fear of treatment is something we’ve seen numerous times. During the last outbreak, families literally broke into treatment facilities and took their ailing family members who were diagnosed with active Ebola to prayer meetings, where they died in the most contagious stages of the disease.
The disease is now threatening Uganda
Thus far, there are no cases of Ebola in Uganda, but worry has spiked as a case was confirmed near the border at a popular destination for Ugandans.
Tchomia landing site is the closest Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) landing site to Ugandan districts in the Bunyoro sub-region On Friday, Ituri province vice governor Keta Upar said in a statement that the latest Ebola case had been reported in Tchomia.
Tchomia is one of the busiest fish markets in eastern DRC and attracts several Ugandan businessmen from the landing sites of Butiaba, Walukoba, Kijangi, Kaiso,Sebigoro, Nkondo, Ndaiga, Ntoroko, Kyehoro and Fofo from the districts of Hoima, Buliisa, Kikuube, Ntoroko and Kagadi.
Usually, Ugandan businessmen cross to Tchomia market on a weekly basis – posing a big threat that the Ebola outbreak can easily be brought into the country. Tchoima fish market operates every Thursday. (source)
Ugandan officials have stepped up screening at the border.
Screening of people crossing from DRC for signs and symptoms of Ebola is being conducted at official and unofficial points of entry. Communities have been sensitised about Ebola and are vigilant and reporting any suspicious cases for investigation. (source)
Here’s a map that shows the area and where the case was diagnosed.
photo credit: Uganda New Vision
It’s encouraging to see that Uganda is not allowing political correctness to sway them from doing the right thing for their people. We can only hope that the United States will do the same in a time where deadly diseases can spread so easily. Physical check-ups of people from areas where epidemics are out of control should be the norm, not a unique thing that is protested loudly.
At least 100 people have died.
The current outbreak is the 7th largest in history.
In the past two months, 150 cases have been confirmed or “probable” and as of Sept. 23, 100 people had died.
The worst-case scenario is that the Ebola virus continues to spread in North Kivu and moves across the border to other countries. If that happens, we could be facing a nightmare like the 2014-15 Ebola epidemic, during which more than 11,000 people died. The only good news: This time we have an effective vaccine. (source)
As of Monday, 80% of Ebola contacts and three suspected cases could not be reached for disease monitoring.
28 Responses
You hate to see people die and stuff, but sometimes you just have to let Darwin run his course. Without getting political, you have a war going on, and the infiltrators are looking at inheriting an arm full of an extremely virulent disease that very well may engulf them as well. Ironically the situation will have become that bad because of their very acts of war. So now we have a continent essentially that gets quarantined until this all percolates out. Civilizations come and go all the time. If we truly believe we can stop this (or even should in some cases) then we are as big of fools as those who continue fighting each other while a pandemic sets up around them.
I doubt many from there are reading this but if you are. This should be your klaxon to get out. You may have had plans to ride this one thru but you are not going to fight off Ebola without the proper medicines and if it turns into a full blown war, the help with the medicine will NOT be coming anytime soon.
Stay safe and stay away….. far far away.
Why would One trust anything that WHO would do considering their track record?
There is an awful lot of trouble brewing on this planet. Forgive me if I suggest there are forces at work to upset the current world order, to replace it with something despotic. There are common denominators where there is trouble of any kind. There you will find U.S. military, CIA, MI6, Mossod and their vassals at work. The continent of Africa. A giant petri dish where Africom operates. I don’t find it strange in the least that in other such outbreaks, the poor people did not trust the U.S. sponsored health experts, believing they were actually causing the outbreak! I wonder why CDC holds a patent on this horrible sickness? I wonder why the U.S. was collecting DNA from Russian citizens? Africa is a mess. But it has help, just as in other countries that faced disasters and death, the dark forces of the west were there funding the disaster. There is a rogue nation on this earth, but it isn’t who we are being told it is.
Daisy, I want to be sure you are getting the feedback that this article is extremely relevant and interesting. You do a great job of gathering the information and putting it together. No epidemic is far enough away that it’s okay to ignore. I’m not speculating on causes, outcomes or bigger meanings. I just want to know what is going on over there and you have given us that. Thank you.
There have been several flights worldwide that have been stopped here in the U.S.
The media, by direction from officials, have been down playing any delayed flights. The last time this happened
the previous administration let active cases into the U.S.
instead of treating these cases in the home region, or for that fact, transfering to a host country. The facilities
that had been used and protocols were ignored. I hope that when, not if, this becomes a pandemic, that hospitals are prepping for this battle because when we
go into a situation of National Emergency, the standards and procedure methods forced to be used will become the MOST SEVERE to DISTRESS this nation that has ever been seen this century.
This is the scenario I think will take place.
The country has no choice but to quietly begin closing
off communities from egress due to fear of exposure.
Quarentining those affected.
* This during a time that America faces the threat of a
nuclear conflict. just before transition of
administrations, or immediately after.
During hightened civil unrest, Nato forces with the
National guard troops in affected areas will then begin to screen individuals indiscriminately as more facilities are made available, aside from the FEMA centers already
There will be arrests and seisures, families separated
and held, even though they are not diagnosed active.
Then the truth will come out….
Sounds very familiar already doesn’t it? Sounds alot
like our migrant crisis (That was just practice, ac-
complishing more than one task at a time).
We may already be in the beginnings stages of these
events described.
JOHN (1st Gulf War Vet)
Your post on the events taking place in the DRC appear as though it were written by Bill Gates Do you support the UN imposed “effective vaccine” solution as stated in your post?
You’ll notice that was a quote. (Anything in a green box has been quoted from somewhere else and the source is listed.)
I’m personally not a big fan of the massive vaccine schedule we have here in the US. Hell would freeze before I would get a flu shot. But if I was in an area where Ebola was running rampant and I was unable to use social isolation for some reason, I’d consider getting this vaccine.
I don’t like the idea of forcibly vaccinating people. I wouldn’t want it done to me. However, treating them if they have Ebola – or at the very least quarantining them – is common sense.
The vaccine program in Africa chemically sterilizes the people.
Bill Gates even admitted that, “If we vaccinate the people they will have less children”
He said that over a decade ago.
Err, with respect, no it doesn’t (sterilize people). It protects them against many but not all endemic diseases. That ‘should’ make them have fewer children as more will survive to look after them (the parents) in their old age – the only form of welfare most of those s****ole countries have – but, human nature is not that easily redirected.
They are still breeding like rats, maybe Ebola will spread all over Africa and tame the population. Hopefully it will move into Iran and other ISIS friendly countries over there.
Wow, Laura Ann. That’s a horrible thing to say. Just the whole thing. Way to be a good Christian and human being.
“Breeding like rats?” Hoping that Ebola spreads and wipes out the population of a continent? Then wishing Ebola on another region?
Think about what you wrote there. I don’t condone the violence of which you speak either, nor am I asking you to leave the site and not come back. You are valued.
Just think about what you’re saying and remember that you’re speaking of human beings, not insects that need to be exterminated.
Thank you for the hard work you do to research this and compile the information and provide analysis. This is the sort of journalism we can’t get in the mainstream media. I’d never know there was a worsening Ebola outbreak in Africa if not for your reporting. It is up to each one of us to individually plan to protect ourselves through social isolation, since, in the name of political correctness, the U.S. borders will never be closed.
At the July meeting of our Prep group, the guest speaker was a missionary who was in Sierra Leone during the last Ebola crisis. For a first-hand account of what really happened there, you might want to watch the video we made of that part of the meeting – http://volusiacountyprepping.com/july-2018-meeting/
“…community resistance and mistrust of medical personnel are making it difficult for the World Health Organization to get a handle on the outbreak.” Quarantine the area. No one in, no one out. The virus will burn itself out.
“Quarantine the area. No one in, no one out. The virus will burn itself out.”
Probably not. Keep in mind this is Africa we’re talking about. There are no roads and bridges that can be secured. They simply run off into the bush to go to their destination. There is no way to physically seal off an area when it’s mainly jungle. In addition, the people there live hand-to-mouth on a daily basis. They earn enough to go to the market and buy what they need for that day and maybe the next – otherwise, they starve. They WILL find a way around it – which is exactly what happened the last time (watch the video in my previous post). Africa is a whole different world.
Except that the virus is also carried by simians. They don’t carry passports as they travel.
Ma’am, this is a very useful and well researched post, thank you.
Have you seen how Third world people live? They do not have sanitary practices. They live among the filth and do not care. I would not be surprised viral outbreaks do not kill them all. What is shocking to you and me in their lack of good sanitation habits is normal for them.
Add to this the fact that they are digging up the contaminated bodies of their relatives to rebury them later it’s no wonder they are dying.
As I said in a previous post. Sometimes it is just best to let Darwin do his thing.
If they want to believe we are trying to sterilize them out of existence that’s fine, they will take themselves out of existence with the diseases they catch. Is it really such a big loss when those who do not wish to catch up with the rest of civilization, don’t catch up?
As someone else said, it’d be difficult at best to quarantine them as it’s just too easy for them to move around. Even IF they had roads and such like we do in our more advanced countries, it’d still be, difficult at best. It’s really had to tie someone down who wants to go from point A to B. About the best thing we could possibly hope to accomplish would be to put the entire country off limits for Air / Boat travel, refuse flights from. Let them take care of themselves. That way maybe you could contain it to at least just that one landmass.
How stable is Ebola anyways? I mean is an immunization even possible? Look at HIV, when we think we are about to step on it, it mutates into something new and we have to start over with again. Kind of like the ‘common cold’ and how many Flu’s have we been through now?
Are we really even stopping it, or are we doing the DDT vitamin therapy to it where we are just creating a superbug?
This could get interesting, better get a tissue and some listerine.
Hydrogen peroxide has been found to be able to combat a great many medical conditions; for all we know it could help combat Ebola as well. Below is a link to a book on HP. Just read the reviews. An aggregate rating of 4 and a half out of 5 stars from more than 800 customer reviews can’t be all hogwash.
Someone spread the word, please. (I’m NOT trying to profit from any of this in any way.)
There is surprisingly a natural cure for ebola, was here during the outbreak a few years ago and know some African naturalists who got together and got rid of it without the doctors from the west. Just saying from experience. That was never reported. Not everyone trusts the white man (as they call almost all foreigners out here) in these regions but they have various religious beliefs with various natural medicine (herbs and stuff) and sometimes it works out. I hope those people figure it out.
The good thing is we can rely on the airlines transporting sick people around the world in flying aluminum tubes filled to capacity with sick and non sick passengers so the sicknesses can be spread to far flung regions of the globe quickly.
In ye olden dayes, ships often took weeks or at least days to get from one country/port to another, bearing plague infested rats and sailors, today, people transit oceans in around 13 hours. There was a instance in the news not long ago where planes filled with sick passengers came to the good old USA.
That brings up another issue, a lot of people from 3rd world shiteholes have been exposed to 3rd world shitehole diseases and bring said diseases with them when they illegaly enter our country. Tb is likely the most common, but there are a number of diseases common to South and Central America that are uncommon to North America.
This is just a part of the enrichment that soros wants immigrants to bring to the US and Europe. When you’re sick with tb or some exotic parasite you’ll definitely be feeling grateful for being culturally enriched by immigration.
Hmm, I thought Billy was only trying to sterilise them, not murder them.
We are witnessing in this world what has been foretold in the Bible for millennia. Satan’s rebellion is about to be cut off, but he is not going to give up without a determined struggle. It is only going to intensify until the end. It is even at the doors.
Daniel 12:1 reveals:
And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.
Jesus tells us in Luke 21:25-28:
25) And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
26) Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
27) And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
28) And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.
God pleads with us through the prophets to get ready. He bids us through the prophet Isaiah (55:6-7):
6) Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:
7) Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
Again, the Lord says to us through the prophet Ezekiel (33:11):
Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?
Seek the Lord while there is still time, because one day, soon, time will run out:
Amos 8:11-13:
11) Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD:
12) And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the LORD, and shall not find it.
13) In that day shall the fair virgins and young men faint for thirst.