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Do you have a podcast or radio show? I’d love to talk with you.
I’m the author of 4 books on preparedness and frugality, as well as a prolific blogger. I have a background in alternative media, which means I’m a news junkie well-versed in current events. I’m the co-founder of Preppers University, an online school that helps people to become more prepared and self-reliant.
Some topics about which we can speak:
- How to prepare for developing events
- Natural disasters
- Man-made emergencies
- Current issues that threaten personal liberty
- Self-reliance
- Survivalism
- Frugality
- Health and nutrition
- Propaganda and manipulation in the media
- Homeschooling and unschooling
- Politically correct culture
You can reach me for interview requests or quotes at daisyluther2 (at) g mail dot com
Podcasts and interviews
I’m a frequent guest on radio shows and podcasts on a wide variety of topics.
Other interviews can be found at these links.
- NW Liberty News
- Liberty Brothers
- Shadow of Truth
- The Self Sufficient Life
- Down the Rabbit Hole with Popeye
- Prepper Broadcasting
My articles are widely republished across alternative media.
You can frequently find my work at the following outlets:
You can also find my work here (in no particular order of awesomeness)
- Lew Rockwell
- The Daily Sheeple
- Activist Post
- Backdoor Survival
- Alt-Market
- SGT Report
- SHTF and Preparedness
- The Most Important News
- From the Trenches World Report
- Natural News
- DC Clothesline
- Freedom Outpost
- Prison Planet
As quoted by…
Sometimes it’s great when large outlets quote you. At other times, it’s not always flattering. Sometimes the quotes are taken completely out of context…but at least they spelled my name right.
Speaking Engagements
I’m delighted to speak at your preparedness and liberty events.
My rate for speaking engagements is $995 for up a one-hour presentation. In addition, travel expenses must be paid for two people, including transportation, lodging, and food. For booking information, email me at daisyluther2 (at) g mail dot com.