Trouble in Paradise: Belize Destroys Unauthorized GMO Soybean Crop

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There’s been trouble in the tropical paradise of Belize.

Despite the fact that the federal government of Belize has banned all GMO seeds from the country’s borders, a field of GMO soybeans was found growing in the northern portion of the country.  (Two weeks ago, an errant field of unapproved GMO wheat was discovered in Oregon – these examples make it clear that Monsanto and the rest of the biotech industry have no regard for the regulations that disallowed these crops to be planted.)

This discovery in Belize comes, rather ironically, just months after a very successful  national awareness campaign called  “GMO Awareness Month”.

GMO Awareness Month was conducted in response to a recent push by the newly-formed Belize Grain Growers Association to gain Government approval for the importation of GMO corn seed. This GMO v.s. NON-GMO conflict pits the Mennonite and other commercial grain farmers against the cultural natives, the Maya, who first brought corn to the world. Throughout the entire month of March, members of the social network Facebook group Belizeans Against GMOs (BAGMO), now numbering over 1,700, orchestrated a GMO educational campaign which included weekly full-page educational advertorials and letters-to-the-editor in the national Amandala newspaper. (These can be reviewed at: ( BAGMO members not only appeared on Belizean TV/radio talk shows but they also promoted a GMO writing contest with cash prizes for students in secondary schools throughout Belize. (press release)

The lovely Central American country is a popular eco-tourism destination, and perhaps this is the reason that they are so environmentally conscious.  The government of Belize appears to be adamant about keeping GMO crops out of the country.  The following press release was issued by the Government of Belize Press Office on June 7.


“On May 24, 2013 the Plant Health Department of the Belize Agricultural Health Authority (BAHA) discovered suspected genetically modified soybean seeds in Northern Belize.  As a result, samples of the suspected soybean seeds were submitted to BAHA’s Plant Health Diagnostics Laboratory in Central Farm for GMO screening.  The screening tests were conducted on May 28 and all the samples tested positive indicating that the seeds were genetically modified.

A further set of samples were then sent to Eurofins Genescan Laboratories in the United States on May 30 for a confirmatory test using Polymerase Chain Reaction or PCR technology. On June 5th, BAHA received results of the confirmatory test, which verified the results of previous tests conducted by BAHA on the soybean seeds.

Since the sowing of GMO seeds is prohibited in Belize, BAHA has placed the seeds under quarantine, and will render the seeds non-viable by milling. The milled soybean seeds will be used for the production of animal feed which contains genetically modified soybeans. Belize currently imports animal feeds which contains genetically modified soybeans.”  (source)

(Author’s note: Although the government of Belize is to be sincerely applauded for supporting the ban on GMO seeds, feeding livestock GMO crops is dubious because it still introduces the genetically modified material into the food chain.)

Back in 2011, outrage in Belize resulted in the public burning of GMO corn seeds.  BAGMO wrote, “Central America is the birth place of corn. Belize is known for its magnificent biodiversity, astounding natural resources, and tremendous cultural heritage. The introduction of genetically modified corn would negatively affect biodiversity, natural resources and the cultural heritage of the Maya.”

Thus far Belize has been steadfast in the fight against GMO crops.  They don’t want corn fields that require Kevlar tires on the vehicles to drive through them scattered in amongst the ancient ruins and rain forests of their pristine environment.

This find, along with the unapproved GMO wheat that made it’s appearance in Oregon, makes it very clear that  Monsanto and their ilk have no interest in respecting the wishes and regulations of the nations who have banned their biotech corruptions or in waiting for approval from their yes-men in government agencies..   They are breaching the gates by throwing around money, hiring disinformation agents, and when all else fails, arrogantly disregarding the laws and having their seeds planted anyway.

In Belize, the fight against GMOs in paradise goes on.  Denise Frank, the spokesperson for BAGMO, requests support.”BAGMO members ask the rest of the world to stand with them in solidarity in their efforts to keep Belize GMO-free and to help fight this recent criminal action to the fullest extent of the law.


Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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11 Responses

  1. Meso-America is where corn was invented a long time ago and now feeds the world. For GMO corn to be purposely infested into the Maya region is a horrible affront on many levels. First, GMO is so unnatural, obviously. Corn was originally hybridized from the teozinte seed. This was a natural process and the modern Meso-Americans are proud of what their ancestors created. Second, to introduce GMO corn into the region is also an insult to ethno-botany. Teozinte is still grown next to corn plants. It is thought that the oldest strain makes the newer strains stronger. Third, corn is actually a cultural resource for the local people, being used in religious ceremonies. For them to use GMO corn ceremoniously would be a major affront to their theology. GMO needs to stop.

  2. I agree that the crop should be destroyed. It is also the responsibility of the planter of the seeds to verify that they are in full compliance with the law, and allowing the crop to grow is sending the message ignorance of regulation is acceptable.

  3. Hmmm! It’s amazing how people other climes are fighting for regulations to be impose on the distributions of GMO seeds/crops. Where here, from where I come from, nobody raising a single hair of objection. I’m scared for my health and for the future of healthy wholesome natural food supply. I wish I could do something about this! V

  4. Please encourage CBC News, The National to Interview Dr Thierry Vrain

    Dr. Thierry Vrain, formerly Head of Biotechnology @ Agriculture Canada’s Summerland Research Station, once a supporter of GMO is now sharing his understanding of why the science behind genetic engineering is flawed however CBC is completely ignoring the highly logical and important information he is expressing.

    It’s high time that Peter Mansbridge interviews Dr Thierry Vrain on the National regarding the contents of his recent Ted talk entitled The Gene Revolution, The Future of Agriculture:

    Canadians need to be getting more information from our public broadcaster regarding problems with GMO in agriculture that are more and more being researched, published and ignored by CBC. The safety of our food and the future of agriculture in Canada and the world should be of much greater concern to our public broadcaster.

    Sign the petition to request CBC news the National to interview Dr Vrain

  5. Why is it that my wife (who had to be put on a gluten-free diet)can eat the wheat that is processed in Belize? It almost has to be the processing doesn’t it?

  6. Please, please Belize, do not permit GMOs to be grown anywhere in Belize and never permit hydraulic fracturing (fracking). Save your nation, the health of your people and your water. Much love to Belize

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