Survival Saturday: Is Your Family Being Programmed by the American Way of Life?

(Psst: The FTC wants me to remind you that this website contains affiliate links. That means if you make a purchase from a link you click on, I might receive a small commission. This does not increase the price you'll pay for that item nor does it decrease the awesomeness of the item. ~ Daisy)

By Daisy Luther

Survival Saturday is  a round-up of the week’s news and resources for folks who are interested in being prepared.

This Week in the News

You just can’t trust anyone, or so it appears in this week’s Survival Saturday round-up.  We’re all being programmed. Our culture makes the following things normal: food only comes from stores, kids must spend most of their time in a government-run school, and we all require constant entertainment. Industrial food, anything you view on television, and the school system all seem to have agendas that include making tons of money and churning out obedient little citizens who don’t question anything.

The flour recall is way worse than just the bags in your pantry.

Last week, General Mills announced a recall of three brands of flour due to E. coli contamination. The recall affects 10 million pounds of flour.  Holy cow, that’s a lot of flour. In case you missed hearing about this, the affected products are Gold Medal All-Purpose, Gold Medal Wondra, and Signature Kitchens All-Purpose.

These are three of several varieties and brands of flour recalled by General Mills in relation to a multi-state outbreak of E. coli.

E. coli is an extremely serious foodborne illness that can cause bloody diarrhea and dehydration. The elderly, the young, pregnant women, and those with a compromised immune system are the most susceptible. You may recall the virulent Jack-in-the-Box restaurant E. coli outbreak of 1993. 74 stores across the nation served the tainted food that killed 4 children and left 178 more victims with permanent brain and kidney damage.

But, like a Ginsu knife ad, that’s not all. There’s more than just the original recall! A surprise gift from the processed food manufacturers.

The potentially tainted flour was also distributed to restaurants and food production companies. And they aren’t telling us which of those companies may have received and used the flour.

Huh. That’s nice. Well, don’t worry your pretty little head about it, because the FDA says you don’t need to know. “A spokeswoman for the FDA’s Office of Foods and Veterinary Medicine said the agency’s Coordinated Outbreak Response and Evaluation (CORE) Network did not include information in its outbreak notice about the flour sent to food producers because it would not have had meaning for the general public.”

We can probably look for some processed food recalls soon. Food Safety News said, “If the flour was used by producers for foods that are not baked or otherwise cooked before sale to consumers — such as raw cookie dough, pizza dough or pie crusts — there could be secondary recalls in the works.”

If ever you needed more reason to grow your own, buy from people you trust, and avoid all things processed, the massive recalls that have been occurring lately have to cause you to think twice about what you’re buying from the store. I got dinged myself with the most recent recall, products that should have been absolutely fine (that huge recall of frozen fruits and vegetables.)

Industrial food simply can’t be trusted.  Buy local and cook from scratch. I promise. It’s not as hard as the mainstream would have you think.

Who really controls what people think?

If you haven’t noticed the extreme bias and outright dishonesty in the mainstream news, you’ve probably accidentally stumbled upon the wrong web page and it’s highly likely that I’m just going to make you mad or hurt your politically correct feelings.

Well, there’s a very good reason that the so-called news is propaganda. Six megacorporations own all of it. And that means that the propaganda goes further than just the news – it’s also positioned into “entertainment” too. Everything mainstream is touched by Comcast, The Walt Disney Company, Time Warner, News Corporation, Viacom, and the CBS Corporation.  If they want the majority of people to think a certain way, they have the power to make it happen.Emmy award winning reporter Bernard Goldberg wrote a whistleblowing tell-all about the left leaning bias of the media that you’ve got to read.

Entertainment is designed to bias your way of thinking too. The word “program” for what you see on television could hardly be more apt, because it does just that: it programs you for a certain future, certain expectations in life, and to lean toward certain opinions. (Like: guns are scary, rules are good, and you need to become a debt slave so you can own cool new Product X.)

According to a great article on the topic by Michael Snyder, the average American watches/listens to 10 hours per day of programming. That means if you take the folks who don’t watch TV at all as one end of the scale, there are people watching MORE than 10 hours a day!

How do those folks get anything done? Oh….wait…..

A hacktivist group called the Ghost Squad Hackers dedicated this month to hacking the daylights out of the mainstream news corporations. They’ve hit Fox, CNN, and NBC with DDoS attacks. It appears that GSH has a loose affiliation with Anonymous, who was silenced last month as they attacked every major bank in the world. Nick Bernabe’s article sheds more light on this most recent hacktivist brouhaha.  Wouldn’t it be fun if they managed to break into the news one night and actually tell some truth to the listeners?

8th Grade Curriculum Includes Quiz About Pimping Hos and Stealing Cars

Good grief. There’s an old joke math quiz that was floating around many years ago. It’s very politically incorrect, and not in that cool way that most of us like to be politically incorrect.

And some teacher in Alabama decided to give the quiz to her 8th graders. It’s loaded with references to pimping hos, selling drugs, knocking up girls, whacking people, and car theft. You can see the entire horrible quiz here.

Geez.  Speaking of programming. Let’s make drugs, irresponsible sex, and crime really cool and funny, shall we? How else will we populate the industrial prison system with the next generation of slaves who are forced to work for 13 cents an hour?

Hello, homeschool.

Meanwhile in Venezuela

If you’re watching Venezuela like I am, you know that things have gone from abysmal to the 3rd level of Hell.  People are starving. Not like, hmmm…it’s bedtime but I’m hungry and maybe I should make popcorn but maybe it’s too much work…kinda hungry. Starving. Literally.

You need to take notes because we in America could be on the same slippery slope.

Hyperinflation has hit the country. A carton of a dozen eggs costs $150. A pound of powdered milk costs $100.  (Here are the details about the insane prices, from an interview with a single mom who is trying to keep her children fed.) Solution: stock up on long-term emergency food and high-quality dry milk while you can.

In a collapse situation, the failure to prepare can lead to nutritional deficiency diseases that are nearly unheard of these days. Each of these links tells you how to prepare to prevent specific nutritional deficiency diseases.:

And speaking of collapses, shortages of medicine, poor nutrition, and health issues, this is one of the most interesting book reviews I’ve read in a long time.

Protesters who are tired of standing in long lines at government-owned grocery stores only to be turned away when the food runs out, marched toward the Presidential Palace. They were stopped by police in riot gear. This time. Although the Venezulean leader blames everyone and everything but his own (and his predecessor’s) Socialist leadership for the collapse, I think it’s only a matter of time before President Maduro ends up facing the angry mobs directly. Scenes from the French Revolution come to mind.

For a gritty look at life during an economic collapse, this book was written by a fellow who survived the collapse of Argentina.  It’s not for the faint of heart.

Also keep in mind that when things go downhill, so does water quality. Not only are people starving, but, via Zero Hedge,  the water  flowing from the taps looks like this:

You’ll want to also focus on water preparation (read my book on the topic!) and invest in a high-quality filtration device like this one.

Build your pantry. Learn to grow food. I’ll bet the folks waiting in those lines wish they’d done just that before the SHTF in their world.

The Bookshelf

Poisoned: The True Story of the Deadly E. Coli Outbreak That Changed the Way Americans Eat

From Scratch: Traditional, whole-foods dishes for easy, everyday meals

Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the News

Primetime Propaganda: The True Hollywood Story of How the Left Took Over Your TV

Venezuela Before Chávez: Anatomy of an Economic Collapse

The Pantry Primer

The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse

The Prepper’s Water Survival Guide

Survival Mom: How to Prepare Your Family for Everyday Disasters and Worst-Case Scenarios


Want more info for self-reliant lifestyles?


The countdown is on! Next week, I’ll be sending out invitations to join a new intensive preparedness course with my buddy Lisa Bedford (of Survival Mom fame).

This unique and interactive online school is designed for a small group of highly focused students, willing to commit their time and energy to insure their homes and families are prepared.We encourage students to make Summer Prepping Intensive their own, choosing the classes, assignments, reading selections, and other activities that will best help get them prepped in a hurry.

In just 10 action-packed, intentional, and rigorous weeks, our students attend comprehensive online classes taught by some of the most influential names in the prepper and survival world. Classes are interactive, with time to address questions and concerns. Just a few of our instructors are:

  • Author and EMP expert, Arthur T. Bradley
  • Survivor of Argentina’s economic collapses, author Fernando Aguirre (FerFAL)
  • Michael Snyder, author and editor of The Economic Collapse
  • Herbalist, author, and podcast host, Cat Ellis
  • Author of the bestselling book, The Prepper’s Blueprint, Tess Pennington

Be on the lookout for an email with all of the details. Our subscribers will get the first shot at enrollment in this limited-space Summer Prepping Intensive. (Scroll up to the top of my homepage to be sure that you’ve subscribed!)

Anything to add to Survival Saturday?

Do you have any news links you want to share? Now’s the time! You are absolutely welcome to post your links in the comments below. (Your participation is what makes this feature so unique out here in Bloggerland!)

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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47 Responses

    1. I’m not sure yet, Linda. I guess we’ll have to wait until the FDA, etc., traces the purchasers of the flour. It’s definitely worrisome!

  1. This word is getting more nuts with every passing day. How the heck do people have time for 10 hours of screen time?

    And that water – ewwwwwww! I’m glad we have multiple types of water filtration available, and urge others to do the same.

    Thanks for the site mention. An interesting read this week, as always.

    1. I wouldn’t have time to do anything else with that much screen time, that’s for sure. But maybe that’s part of the reason we’ve become a society of consumers instead of a society of producers.

      You’re welcome! 🙂 I need to order that book ASAP!

      1. To mc and LaGrange….I do not understand your “cute talk” and “I agree” replies. Most all of Ms. Daisy’s material I believe is serious in nature with a little “upliftment thrown in the mix. Would you all please expand your “cute talk” reference. Down here where I come from the use of the reply “Pardon” indicates a most gracious attempt to say “excuse me I do not understand your reply”. Mr. Webster says it best by “marked by kindness and courtesy”. Mc and LaGrange please expand your “cute talk” reference. I only make this request because most of the information that Ms. Daisy gives us (in my opinion)will be helpful in the future and my 71 years says that (in my opinion)what is the most probable future for America will be “ANYTHING BUT CUTE”. Thank you for reading my reply.

        1. Thank you, Mr. Snapp, for your kind defense.

          I think that refusing to find something to smile about in this messed up world is surrendering to defeat. I always try to find some humor in the situation, because that’s the way I’m wired. As well, I really hope to reach people that haven’t woken up to the situation in the world. They’re far more likely to be reeled in by some light humor than grim and horrifying statistics. It’s sort of like church: some folks like fire, brimstone, and fear while others like hope and optimism.

          And, you know, it’s just the way I write. I provide all sorts of serious information, but I provide it with my own twist. No one can be everyone’s cup of tea. 🙂

          1. To smile at a messed up world and laugh is not optimism. That is a serious denial of reality. Now is the time to roll up your sleeves and get to work. We do not need any more people sticking their head in the sand …

        2. Daisy gleans most of her information from the orthodox world, where partiality, bias, innuendo, censorship, and deception by omission rule. “Cute Talk”. If the future for America is “anything but cute”, then what is the purpose of humor and courtesy? Humanity is in a rapid collapse now and there is no time for pleasantries. My 67 years up where I come from says that I would much rather a straightforward essay in place of a gracious, humorous, or cute essay. There is nothing “uplifting” going on on this planet. I am not looking for a song and dance.

  2. Perhaps turning off the adult babysitting service called television would be a good first step.

        1. TV is a sophisticated and absolute programming device and you have been watching it all your life. You are totally unaware of the conditioning, doctrine, programming, and brainwashing that you have been subjected to for decades. To reverse what has been done to you, you will have to accept the fact that everything you know to be true today, is actually false. Good luck.

  3. There is no way to prepare for what is coming down the pipe. And you are a fool to try …

    1. Ha! Roger Watson. You are so sthmart.

      No thanks.

      Imho, it’s far far better to have lived and tried, than to have not tried at all.

      ‘Others, seeing the vexations of an active course, foolishly expect more satisfaction in sloth and idleness.’

      Each to their own, I suppose.

      Afterall, we’re not talking about chasing the wind.

      ‘4:5 The fool folds his hands and does no work, so he has nothing to eat but his own flesh.’

      ‘Eateth his own flesh – i. e., “Destroys himself:”‘

      1. Helot … You should live and try to educate yourself. Here is another “bit of info” that you missed, your number two chromosome is artificially and symmetrically fused to your number three chromosome, you have nine gene inversions, 44 of your codons have been disabled, and your genome contains 250 non-terrestrial genes. These bastardized alterations in your genome are not the work of your “God” and they are not the work of “evolution”. There are two other all powerful forces at work on this planet and you are totally unaware …

        And you have absolutely no defense.

  4. RE: ‘In case you missed hearing about this,’ …

    Yah, I did miss that bit of info. Thanks.

    Also, that photo of the water looks like what came out of the taps at a house of someone I know after the city installed a fire hydrant nearby. I felt sorry for them but they’re in that bunch who won’t listen. They’re more worried about the B.S. Zika hysteria/propaganda than the quality of the water they drink. Yeesh, they’re as bad as the University graduates I know who were trained to avoid thinking and do things like lovingly and worship-fully rolling up their sleeves for every jab of a needle the priests_in_white_robes_with_stethoscopes ‘prescribes’ for them.

    Surrounded. By. !@#$ing !@#$ !!!

    Your blog has been an oasis of sanity.

  5. Thank you. When I re-read my article I thought for a minute that maybe I was out in left field on my response. Then I found my sanity and thought “nope I said what I wanted to say”. Keep up the good work.

  6. The true condition of mankind is so monstrous that people are to terrified to even peek at it. We are a domesticated human hybrid. Who altered our DNA and for what purpose? This is nothing to smile about. This is nothing to laugh about. This is not cute. Why is every institution on earth under leveraged control by the Bank For International Settlements? Who owns this private mother of all central banks in Basel, Switzerland? What handful of people are in control of mankind? This is not “cute”.

    The 24 hour day and the 365 day year are just the beginning of multiple natural cycles that affect life on earth. These cycles are not humorous or something to smile about. These cycles are cataclysmic.

    Serious problems require a serious approach. This site is more like controversy entertainment than awareness. There is no time left to chase red herrings, The world is collapsing at a fast rate now. It is time to raise the resolution of your awareness. Quickly …

      1. Seriously though…

        I’d just like to point out that the IPs on Watson and LaGrange are the same. So, it’s not really two different people bashing my approach. Only one.

        You/y’all are welcome to stick around, but I write how I write. There are other more grim places to hang out on the internet if this is not for you. I do appreciate the input, but I won’t be changing over to fire and brimstone anytime soon.

        1. Point well taken and glad to be corrected as such. Two different names and two different levels of awareness. Regardless, the information is coherent and elegantly presented. If the insights are too graphic for you, you can turn your head and look away …

        2. You have someone trying to enlighten you and your immediate response is to defend yourself against an attack of “bashing”. If you want me to go away … just say so. At this point I feel as though I might have better things to do with my time as well.

          1. Stay just the way you are Pirate. We need a critical amount of lazy people, just like you, to keep the world exactly the way it is.

            “an entertainment”

            Do not even think about stirring the pot or questioning anything around you. Just do what the TV tells you to do …

            I have to say Daisy, the level of intellect on this board is pathetic. I am going to have to move on.

  7. The recalls these days are getting stranger and stranger. They seem to be targeting things people might stockpile. Take the e. coli recall. Flour is dry. Completely and utterly dry. E. coli is a bacteria. E. coli is made up of 70% water. Without a source of moisture, the bacteria dies. This is why auger is used in petri dishes, without it the e. coli cannot live.

    According to

    “So far, no E. coli bacteria have been found at the General Mills facility or at their flour mill. No E. coli bacteria have been found in the product. The recall was triggered by epidemiological evidence: people who have been sickened by this particular strain of E. coli O121 used flour, some used Gold Medal flour, and some ate foods containing raw flour before they got sick. Thirty-eight people in 20 states are sick with the outbreak strain of E. coli, including three in Minnesota.

    “And remember that 10,000,000 pounds of flour have been recalled, but there are only 38 people who are sick. These illnesses happened over a four month period, from December 21, 205 to May 3, 2016. Even using the multiplier of 2, which is standard in E. coli outbreaks, 76 people are sick out of the millions who use Gold Medal flour every day.” –

    A mass recall on flour? The primary use of flour is in baking and cooking. Even -if- e. coli could survive the complete and utter lack of moisture in flour (which I have yet to find scientific proof of) then you are still talking about exposing the flour to 350+ degrees (if baking). E. coli simply can’t survive at those temperatures.

    I for one am not going to fret over my flour. I am concerned over the recent spate of recalls that are getting people to trash large parts of their stockpiles on circumstantial, unsubstantiated, evidence.

    1. Ooooh….very interesting hypothesis! Major gluten issues in this house, so no flour, but yeah….we had lots of the frozen organic produce from the last recall.

    2. Welcome to “rule by fear” Garden Nut. Is there anything else you are terrified of that is bothering you?

  8. I am a little concerned about the kind of razzing in the comments on this post. Personally I don’t have a TV in the house but I do spend an hour or so a day on the Internet reading news on both conventional and alternative sites plus several blogs. For the most part I follow and agree with Daisy girl’s approach and comments. Sure things are bad in the world right now but there has never been a time in history that didn’t have its problems. Mongol Hoards, plagues, raiders, drought and famine and so on. The thing that really upset me were the number of people commenting in the post about getting friends and relatives on board about prepping who said the people who didn’t live through a crisis would be the lucky ones. Come on folks, play the hand you are dealt and take time to see the good and the beauty even in tough times.

    1. I don’t understand that kind of hopelessness either, Howard. The confusing part to me is, if someone feels like they don’t want to survive a disaster or life changing event, why are they interested in preparedness? Maybe, hopefully, an optimistic way of looking at the situation will rub off on them. I’ve been through some incredibly difficult times in my life (as has everyone) and I got through them, and then life was kinder for a while. It’s those bright spots, during which life is beautiful, that I like to focus on when things get rough. Because regardless of the situation, it will get beautiful again. Perhaps just a different kind of beautiful, but I believe there’s always some sunshine in the future. And if not for me, then for my children and their children.

      So, you see, I have every intention of living through whatever comes down the pipe. One day there will be happy, rosy-cheeked grandchildren in my future. There will be meals eaten with people I love. There will be a thriving garden that I get to nurture. There will be incredible books that I haven’t yet read. There will be beautiful views enhanced by the music of trickling water.

      Those are just a few of the reasons that I’m an optimist. I’m not going to miss any of that. 🙂

      1. Preparedness is simply a subcategory of organic, independent living. Which is a very desirable lifestyle that I try to maintain. It is too bad that this type of living has been forcefully taken away from us.

        When you get the glyphosate out of the jet stream, let me know. I will come over and “focus on the bright spot” with you. Until then, warm family gatherings around the dinner table will remain questionable.

        The books we need to read are being forced out of print …

    2. Name one major social or economic indicator that has not been spiraling downwards for decades. For that matter, go back for 6,000 years … In your own words “there has never been a time in history that didn’t have its problems”. Now why is that? Why do we never learn from our “problems”? And why are things worse now than they have ever been in history? Is there something going on behind the curtain?

    3. So … you throw away your TV and then … you start watching TV on the internet? You kill my head.

  9. We’ve gone a long time without trolls, but it certainly seems they’re afoot now. Don’t feed ’em, friends. 🙂

    1. “How to spot a liar? First, they call you names”.

      “Intelligence is viewed as arrogance, conceit or enmity by those who don’t have it or don’t want it”.

      You accuse me of sowing discord simply because the moments of clarity I present, upset you.

      Attempting to engage people in legitimate and serious debate is not, in the wildest stretch of the imagination, a form of amusement. Especially in this dull minded thread. I am not here to cause dispute, I am here to share knowledge. Perhaps you should look up the definition of the word “troll” Daisy.

      If I am not welcome here … then just say so and I will leave.

      Otherwise Daisy, if you are not gracious enough, or lack the courage, to show me to the door … then I will find it myself.

      Keep smiling and laughing. While your country burns to the ground. I hope you catch a lot of flies with your honey.

      1. I don’t tend to ban people who disagree or ask them to leave. I’m a big fan of free speech, and there are very few comments that ever get deleted here. I have no issue with people disagree with the information or opinions I provide. Heck, I even let people stay who quote Snopes to me like it’s the Gospel. So, you’re welcome to stay.

        But when you criticize every single commenter, the way I convey the message, and dispute the fact that people, deep down, just want to be happy and secure, what am I to think?

        I do hope I catch a lot of flies with honey. Flies that might otherwise never have considered being prepared. That’s my goal. To help people who are on their way and to gently persuade people who are just opening their eyes to the corruption, the chaos, and the awareness tha there’s actually something one can do besides passively accept the bad things that happen.

        You’re certainly welcome, but deriding people who come here and share their thoughts and fears is not a welcome behavior.

        Have a good day, LaGrange.

  10. Well, La Grange is a bit cheeky, and should abstain from commenting if he doesnt like your articles, and comments. Being rude solves nothing.
    I wonder if… This ecoli was intensionally orchastrated. To create this situation. Either way, it will cause people to get sick, not knowing(unable to think) where it came from, months from now. And… A shortage, and inflation of prices, like i’ve seen in Beef in just the last year and half. Remember the 750,000 cattle that froze to death a couple years back? Within a year prices started going up. Glad I started collecting it 3 years ago(freezed dried) that is.

  11. You are good in your heart Daisy and I thank you for your welcome to stay. Censorship serves nothing.

    ~”But when you criticize every single commenter, the way I convey the message, and dispute the fact that people, deep down, just want to be happy and secure, what am I to think?” “deriding people who come here and share their thoughts and fears is not a welcome behavior.”~

    I absolutely agree with you Daisy … I am a very abrasive person. Honey does not seem to work for me. I have tried it. I will attempt to be more pleasant and considerate of other views in your venue.

    I live outside of the orthodox paradigm and I have sound and objective reasons to challenge and debate everything that this false paradigm has to offer. There is a level of understanding that is a full order of magnitude beyond the understanding of most of the average people that are locked in the dogma of the American Dream.

    For an example:

    ~”People just want to be happy and secure”~. Ignorance is not the road to happiness and security. We should all be sharing knowledge and information instead of beliefs and fears. Why will nobody educate their self and stay informed? Why do we wait for the TV to tell us what to do, what to think, what to feel, and how to behave?

    ~”I don’t have a TV in the house. I read the conventional news on the internet”~. The conventional internet news scripting is identical to the TV news scripting. There is no difference. The brainwashing is exactly the same. So what has this person accomplished? There is a difference between “alternative news” and “independent news” as well.

    When I read statements like the above, I am morally and ethically obligated to challenge and debate. I will just have to be more courteous and polite when I am in your accommodations. I will put on the kit gloves. I am accustomed to a much more aggressive and confrontational environment.

    I do appreciate your work Daisy, and I thank you very much for your generous efforts.

    ~ LaGrange

    (some honey for you … I will forgo the abrasive closing, even though, deep down, you would love to hear it)

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