Denial is a River in the USA: No to Tiny Homes, Veggie Gardens, the Words “Islamic Terror,” Old Remedies

(Psst: The FTC wants me to remind you that this website contains affiliate links. That means if you make a purchase from a link you click on, I might receive a small commission. This does not increase the price you'll pay for that item nor does it decrease the awesomeness of the item. ~ Daisy)

In this week’s Survival Saturday round-up, the news topics are all about denial: saying no and burying our heads in the sand here in the good old US of Nay. Steps toward personal independence? NO. Saying the words “Islamic terror?” NO. Using an ancient remedy Big Pharma can’t patent? NO. Calling a shovel a spade and discussing the real cause of antibiotic resistance? NO. NO. NO. Personal freedom and awareness are positively radical, folks. Cognitive dissonance, that’s what is encouraged.

Survival Saturday is  a round-up of the week’s news and resources for folks who are interested in being prepared.

This Week in the News

Here are the stories that caught my attention this week. You may notice a bit of a theme.

Will tiny homes and gardens become illegal?

If you don’t live the 9-5, consumerist, processed-food-soylent-green, compliant lifestyle of the majority of Americans, you can look for the things you do to become increasingly illegal. Who knew that living on the road or growing veggies would make you an outlaw one day? Here are two examples of overreaching laws meant to quash independence that are getting attention this week:

Soon it may be illegal to live in your RV or tiny house. HUD wants to pass a law requiring manufacturers to label tiny homes and RVs that they are not for full-time occupancy. Everyone who knows how the government works knows that this is merely a slippery slope. Once they’ve been declared “not homes” then a precedent has been set to make it illegal to live in them. (How dare you avoid paying 40% of your income to remain sheltered, peasant?  You’ll stay indebted to your overlords for your housing!)

With another spring comes another front yard vegetable garden to be destroyed. A Missouri man is under pressure to rip out his vegetable garden or face the consequences. Last year he was fined for having weeds in his garden, and this year, he’s being fined for having it at all due to a brand new city ordinance aimed at him. (How dare you grow your own food, peasant? You’ll eat what we dole out!) If you want to be all brassy and grow food out there where everyone can see it, apparently you need to be stealthy. (This book can help.)

The Antibiotic Resistance Apocalypse Approacheth

Did you even know that there was a “national action plan” to fight antibiotic resistance? No? Neither does anyone else, and for good reason. President Obama’s carefully chosen “council” is ignoring the number one cause of antibiotic resistance while developing their plan: agricultural antibiotic use. “There are no targets—none—to reduce agricultural use of antibiotics, even as the council presses for reductions in the amount of antibiotics prescribed to people.” Emphasis mine. As politicans (and people in the pockets of politicians) it’s anethama to tick off the big spenders in Big Agri.

Back in 2014, blogger Lizzie Bennet from the UK warned that this was the biggest threat to mankind, bigger, even, than a nuclear holocaust, an asteroid strike, or societal collapse. “Children will die of tonsillitis, any type of orthopaedic surgery will become a lottery as  infection in the bone is most unlikely to be survivable without antibiotics. Most forms of chemotherapy will be useless as antibiotic therapy is run alongside the treatment. Organ transplant patients are plagued by infections, none of which would be treatable. People would once again become insane as a side effect of syphilis, and other sexual transmitted diseases would run rampant through society.” (Read the rest of her well-thought-out warning HERE.)

There are options, of course. Did you know that a thousand year old Anglo-Saxon potion was found to be extremely effective against deadly, antibiotic resistant MRSA?  It could be worrisome that the ingredients are unlikely to be patented by anyone in Big Pharma. The potion is a combination of simple things like onion, garlic, wine, and oxgall (cow bile.)  Have you noticed that unless Big Pharma can make Big Money, effective remedies get hushed up?  The remedy was rediscovered last year and the deaths from MRSA, particularly prevalent in hospital settings, just keep piling up.  You simply can’t rely on these corporations. It’s time to begin learning how to make your own remedies whenever possible.

If you don’t say “Islamic Terror” there is no Islamic terror

Remember on Scooby Doo back when we were kids how Shaggy and Scooby would huddle in a corner, scrunch their eyes shut, and Shaggy would chant, “I don’t believe in ghosts, I don’t believe in ghosts” over and over, even though there was a giant apparition looming over them? That seems to be the reaction of the White House to Islamic terrorism. In fact, they won’t even let anyone else say it. Check out how they edited a video of French President Hollande denouncing Islamic terror by removing those words. They are carefully nurturing a culture of cognitive dissonance, and unfortunately, the greater majority of the public will only wake up when something irrefutable happens in their own backyard.

Author Salman Rushdie says this is a terrible mistake. “if you have a group of murderers who say–all of them–that they do it in the name of a particular prophet and a particular ideology, to say it’s not about that is just self-evidently evading the truth.”(You may recall that Rushdie’s irreverent depiction of the Prophet Muhammed in his book, The Satanic Verses, prompted the Ayatollah Khomeini to issue a fatwa for Rushdie’s death in 1989.)

Anyway, we should all stop being silly about the Muslim immigrants. They’re working hard to assimilate. To prove it, watch this quick video from Twitter of them marching through the streets in Germany, chanting, “With Allah’s help, we shall conquer you!”

They just want to be loved and accepted, duh. Stop being a racist.

The Bookshelf

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I’ve been slacking on The Bookshelf lately because, well, I haven’t been reading as much, what with our recent move. Thankfully, things have settled down and I got to curl up and do some reading. (It didn’t hurt that I was without internet for a week and a half!) Here are this week’s picks for the books you need to have on your own bookshelf.

Prepper’s Natural Medicine: Life-Saving Herbs, Essential Oils and Natural Remedies for When There is No Doctor

Remember how we were just taking about antibiotic resistance and simple remedies that you can make yourself, since you sure won’t get them from the doctor? Well, here’s your guide. You don’t have to pour over dusty archaic texts and try to figure out what oxgall is. Cat Ellis did it for you and she wrote this incredible book about home remedies.  The ingredients are accessible, and you can grow many of them yourself. This book is loaded with safe, effective, and tested remedies that you can use to treat yourself if you find yourself in a situation in which professional medical care is not an option. The author is a long-time herbal practitioner and her advice is expert, easy-to-follow, and perfect for preppers. Get this book, then make a list of what you can grow and what you need to acquire.

Everything I Want to Do Is Illegal

First, let me say this right off the bat. I have the world’s biggest brain crush on Joel Salatin. I admire his work, his libertarian views, and his farming skills. This book sealed the deal for me. And considering the first topic of the discussion today, it couldn’t be more appropriate. It’s an enjoyable read that holds your interest while providing the facts about the food industry and exactly WHY everything we want to do is illegal. (SPOILER: It’s money.  It’s always about the money.)  Even if you never intend to plant a seed, you need to read this book, because you eat food, don’t you? 😉

Straw Bale Gardens Complete

I’m strongly considering straw bale gardening this summer, and a book by Joel Karsten that I just picked up is pretty compelling.  It’s relatively inexpensive, it doesn’t matter what your soil is like, and it’s apparently incredibly effective. “Straw Bale Gardens Complete contains all of the original information that has set the gardening world on fire. But it also goes much deeper, with nearly 50 pages of all-new advice and photos on subjects such as growing in a tight urban setting, making your straw bale garden completely organic, and using new fertilizers and conditioning products. There is even information on using straw bale techniques to grow veggies in other organic media for anyone who has a hard time finding straw.”

Self-Reliance Strategies: Resources for Setting Up a Prepper’s Homestead Quickly and Inexpensively

Resources for Setting Up a Prepper's Homestead Quickly and InexpensivelyThe Self-Reliance Weekly Report links you to all the best articles relating to prepping, homesteading, DIY, and independence.

This week, the topic is setting up your homestead as quickly and inexpensively as possible. Whether you’ve just moved (like me) or you want to turn your existing property into a more self-sufficient one, these tips from experts around the web will help you get the job done on a dime.

Click here to check out  The Self-Reliance Weekly Report!


Preppers Market Blog

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  • Thinking about stocking up on emergency food? Here are 5 reasons why those buckets are a good idea for a prepper stockpile.
  • If you’re looking for the most nutritious emergency food kit on the market, look no further. Learn what’s actually IN the NuManna Defender Pack.
  • Learn how to combine the contents of your emergency food storage to make a meal that is a foodie’s delight. Check out this delicious, nutritious, and fulfilling recipe made completely from food storage.

The Shopping Cart

This is the area for bargains, things I bought, and cool places to shop.

This week I ordered some signs from Amazon to increase the security of my homestead I’m posting these on my gates, and posting regular no-trespassing signs on the perimeter of the property.

Guard Dogs

This one is meant to warn strangers about the potential of being eaten by my 160 pound guard dog, Thor.  I thought of putting up a regular “beware of dog” sign, but people aren’t always smart and I decided to be a little more blunt.  My dog isn’t vicious, but he’s territorial, and no one gets past him without an invite from his mama.

Order it here


Video Surveillance

I don’t have a camera pointed at my gate just because I want to take pictures. I want people to KNOW I’m taking pictures.  My home is pretty remote, and out here, a lot of people are serious about security. Therefore, having a camera at the gate is not a big red flag that says “There’s lots of stuff to steal here!”

A sign announcing a video camera is proven to be a better deterrent than signs that say your home is monitored by a security company. (Especially if you actually have a video camera.) A criminal will often head for a house to rob where they are less likely to see themselves on the evening news.

Order it here

Anything to add to Survival Saturday?

Do you have any news links you want to share? Now’s the time! You are absolutely welcome to post your links in the comments below. (Your participation is what makes this feature so unique out here in Bloggerland!)

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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3 Responses

  1. Hi Daisy,

    Well…..we lived in a 5th wheel for 8 years: four years while building our first house (by ourselves from the ground up while raising kids and working full time) and 4 years while remodeling an 1888 farm house. Both times we were “illegal.” We did not have the required special permits to live in the RV. We simply did what we could afford and what we needed to do and no one was harmed by our actions 🙂 Both times, we had no power or potable water for the first six months. We lived off of batteries and hauled our water from our workplace in Sacramento, CA, which was 60 miles away. I suppose, if the county had only known what we were up to, we would have been ejected from our own property in a millisecond.

    When we rebuilt the 1888 house, we didn’t get any permits until we made the house structurally sound. Otherwise, the county would have never issued the permits. When we bought the house, there were termites up into the second floor, berries growing up through the main floor and rat raceways everywhere throughout the entire house. We didn’t know it at the time of purchase but, because of its condition when we bought it, the house was zeroed out on the county tax records. It was considered a hazard by the county housing standards. We were told it should be burned down. On the other hand, we saw it as an opportunity to save a beautiful old farm house. (BTW, we were the laughing stock of the entire neighborhood.) Over the course of 4 years, we stripped the house to the studs, sheer sheeted the walls, and raised it up and put a new foundation under it. Once that was done, we pulled the building permits to finish it. We redid all the plumbing and wiring, insulated it and sheet rocked it. We stripped all the old paint and saved all the old moldings and windows and it is now beautiful. Almost all of the work was accomplished by our own blood, sweat and tears. The county rewarded us for our efforts by assessing it as a new structure, and raised our annual property taxes by thousands of dollars. So much for providing people incentive to do anything productive! lol!

    We wanted to save the house because it was a lovely old farm house and because the property the house sits on has a lot of history. The property and original ranch house was owned by the man who discovered one of the main routes over the Sierras and the original ranch house was owned by a man who was a friend of James Marshall, the man who discovered gold in Coloma, CA. There are historical records published in the local newspaper about James Marshall dining at our ranch.

    The reason I share this story is because, sadly, in order to be an innovator or do anything outside of the box, it appears that you have to also be outside of the law. Sadly, there are so few innovators in the world now that there is no one to fight for those who wish to do anything “outside the box.” In addition, there are so many laws and permits and taxes and disincentives that no one wants to do anything anymore: it is always a fight. Couple that with the fact that so many people are lazy “sheeple” who simply “go with the flow.” They watch TV, go to sporting events, eat out, “shop ’till they drop” and are totally oblivious to the vast number of opportunities that life has to offer. I find that to be so sad. I am glad that we took the risks that we took and “bucked the system” so that we could accomplish the things that we have. It was hard but we learned a lot and had a blast doing it. I want to tell people “don’t be discouraged. Regardless of the roadblocks, live your life to the fullest and find a way to make your dreams a reality!” DREAM ON and then live those dreams! Leave the world a better place. Many blessings to all those who follow their passions and pursue their God-given destinies!

  2. Very good article Daisy.
    Yes, is HUD playing the great protector by trying to regulate the RV industry or, has HUD decided to shed its sheep’s clothing bring us further into Agenda 2030?
    We will echo your truth for all to hear and give you full credit for your work so others will find you as they walk their Truth Trail.

  3. Hi Daisy,
    I love your articles, they’re funny, spot on and always worth a read. This one being no exception!
    You are definitely not alone on having a brain-crush on Joel Salatin, there’s probably hoards of us…lol.
    There are SO many of his ideas incorporated into my sustainable heritage farm – he’s definitely my mentor!

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