4th Grader Paralyzed After the Flu Shot – But You Should Still Get One

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By Daisy Luther

In what the medical system is treating as a mystery, a 4th-grade student in Texas has suddenly become paralyzed, incontinent, and is losing her vision. Formerly a perfectly healthy child, 9 year old Breanna Browning has been a frequent flyer in the emergency room over the past few weeks.

The potential triggering event? On October 15th,  she was given the flu shot at school.

Her mother, Brenda Faulk, said, “Eight hours later she was profusely vomiting and again Friday morning. Saturday, she was paralyzed from the waist down, blind and seemed like she had a seizure.”

The doctors claim to be stymied, but have finally provided the family with a diagnosis: Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM). The National Institute of Health says, “Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) is characterized by a brief but widespread attack of inflammation in the brain and spinal cord that damages myelin – the protective covering of nerve fibers.”

While no medical personnel have confirmed the cause of Breanna’s ADEM, the causes listed by the NIH are as follows:

ADEM often follows viral or bacterial infections, or less often, vaccination for measles, mumps, or rubella.

Breanna is not expected to make a full recovery. On a GoFundMe page set up for the family, her aunt wrote:

Breanna received a Flu vaccine Thursday October 15th 2015. This vaccine attacked her body to the point that she was transported by Ambulance to John Sealy Hospital in Galveston, Texas Saturday October 17th in critical condition.

ADEM has attacked 2 areas of her spinal cord, brain and neurological system. This has left Breanna paralyzed from the waist down, poor vision/blindness, & incontinence. She remains in Pediatric ICU.

This will require Breanna to be in a very extensive Rehabilitation Therapy. Doctors say her recovery could take up to one year and will not completely recover. Her Dad & Mom were also told, that this disease will more than likely attack again….  Several test were ran and her white blood count was/is very high.  Her MRI was confirmed that it is definitely ADEM
This little girl was full of life and very active. And just to think that a simple vaccination that is required did this to her.

This family will suffer enormous medical costs and will probably never get confirmation from the system that the shot Breanna was required to receive is what caused the little girl to become paralyzed, partially blind, and incontinent. If you are in a position to help, go HERE to make a donation.

But you’re still advised to get a flu shot

In a stroke of incredible audacity, articles in the mainstream media about Breanna’s case still strongly recommend that people be sure to get their flu shots. That’s right. In the same article about a child who was “mysteriously” paralyzed after the flu shot, the media and medical system collude to tell you it’s perfectly safe. If you believe that it’s perfectly safe, you need to go back and reread the story about what happened to this child.

Here’s some of the doubletalk.


Annual flu shots are recommended by the Centers for Disease Control for anyone over the age of 6-months. The only people who should not receive a shot are those with egg allergies or who have had adverse reactions before.

Dr. Umair Shah advises that flu shots are usually extremely safe. Although reactions do happen, they are usually mild.

“There are a lot of myths that are out there,” the Executive Director of Harris County Public Health and Environmental Services stated to KTRK.


The Centers for Disease Control recommends people over the age of 6 months get a flu shot every year. Only those with egg allergies or who have had a previous reaction should not.

“There are a lot of myths that are out there,” said Dr. Umair Shah, the Executive Director of Harris County Public Health and Environmental Services.

He says flu shots are extremely safe. There can be reactions but he stresses they are mostly mild.

“There are some cases, very rare, that a flu shot has a more severe reaction and those reactions are minor in terms of the number of people who are going to get those,” Shah added.

On Fox:

Dr. Umair Shah, the executive director of Harris County Public Health and Environmental Services, has not treated Brianna, but says flu shots are extremely safe and encourages those over 6 months to get the vaccine. Reactions can occur, but they are mostly mild. There have been cases of more severe reactions, but those are rare.

How does this guy even have a license? How can someone see stories like this (which the medical system refuses to confirm) and think getting their child injected is worth the risk?

This isn’t a tiny bit of discomfort we’re talking about.

This little girl is paralyzed from the waist down. She’s incontinent. She’s partially blind. And before the shot, she was fine.

But…Isn’t the Shot the Best Way to Prevent Catching the Flu?

You will hear in about 10,971 variations that “The best way to prevent catching the flu is to receive your annual flu shot.”

This is actually untrue. In fact, last year, the CDC admitted that it hardly worked.

Influenza viral characterization data indicates that 48% of the influenza A (H3N2) viruses collected and analyzed in the United States from October 1 through November 22, 2014 were antigenically “like” the 2014-2015 influenza A (H3N2) vaccine component, but that 52% were antigenically different (drifted) from the H3N2 vaccine virus . In past seasons during which predominant circulating influenza viruses have been antigenically drifted, decreased vaccine effectiveness has been observed. However, vaccination has been found to provide some protection against drifted viruses. Though reduced, this cross-protection might reduce the likelihood of severe outcomes such as hospitalization and death. In addition, vaccination will offer protection against circulating influenza strains that have not undergone significant antigenic drift from the vaccine viruses (such as influenza A (H1N1) and B viruses). (source)

The absolute, number one way to avoid catching the flu is through the exercise of good personal hygiene.

  1. Wash your hands frequently when you are out.
  2. In public restrooms, use a paper towel to open bathroom doors and turn on taps.
  3. Although I’m normally not a big fan of hand sanitizer, I always carry it with me in my purse during flu season. I use it generously when I’m out, before and after touching things that everyone else has been touching, like the handle of the shopping cart, door knobs, and debit machines.
  4. Use sanitizing wipes or at least baby wipes) to wash your hands and wipe the steering wheel when you get back into your vehicle.
  5. Avoid touching your face – this welcomes germs that are on your hands into your body.
  6. During the height of flu season, consider taking a quick shower and changing clothes when you return home, particularly if you have been in a germ-ridden place like a doctor’s office or pharmacy. Or Wal-Mart – every time I go there, I see loads of sick people sneezing and coughing into their hands, then touching items on the shelves.
  7. Make sure the kids change clothes and  thoroughly wash their hands when they return home from school.
  8. I shouldn’t really have to say this, but….remember to wash your hands after using the bathroom and before preparing or eating food.

If your local area is being hit hard by the flu, practice avoidance measures to keep your family healthy.

9.  Stay home as much as possible. (Obviously, if you have work and school outside the home, this become more difficult, but you can still avoid malls, movie theaters, and sporting events for the duration of the epidemic.)
10.  Stay away from sick people if you can.
11.  Avoid eating at restaurants – you don’t know the health or hygiene habits of the kitchen staff.

If someone in your family gets sick, take steps to minimize the spread of the illness.

12.  If you or a family member become sick, stay home from work or school to prevent passing it on to others.

13.  If a family member is sick, keep them isolated from the rest of the family.

14.  Use disinfecting wipes to clean surfaces that the sick person touches – doorknobs, TV remotes, keyboards, toilet handles, and phones.

15. Immediately place dishes and flatware used by the sick person into hot, soapy dishwater with a drop of bleach in it.

16.  Teach children to cough into the crook of their arm instead of covering their mouth with their hands. This prevents their hands from being germ catchalls that transfer contagious matter to everything they touch.

17.  Have the sick person wash their hands frequently with soap and water to help prevent spreading germs through physical contact. If soap and water are unavailable, have them use hand sanitizer.

Some other ways to stay healthy are to use natural strategies to maximize your immune system.

18.  Drink lots of water to keep your system hydrated and efficient.

19.  Take a high quality, organic multi-vitamin. (I like this one)

20.  Take at least 3000-5000 IUs of Vitamin D3 daily – research has shown a link between a Vitamin D deficit and susceptibility to the flu. (This one has 5000 IUs)

21. Other important immune-boosting vitamins are Vitamin C and Zinc. Most vitamin C is genetically modified, so be especially carefully to find a non-GMO vitamin C. TheseZinc Lozenges are good tasting and high quality.

21.  Eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables (preferably organic and pesticide free).

22.  Get 7-9 hours of sleep per day – a tired body has a weaker immunity against viruses.

23.  Don’t smoke – this weakens your resistance against respiratory illnesses and worsens the effect on your body if you do become ill.

24.  Avoid or limit alcoholic beverages.

25.  Avoid or limit processed foods. Your body doesn’t recognize these as food and they do nothing to nourish you.

26. Get fresh air and sunshine as often as possible – your body absorbs Vitamin D from the sun’s rays.

27. Get at least 20 minutes of exercise a day. You don’t have to be training for a marathon – simply take the dog for a quick walk and you’ll improve your cardiac function, your circulation, and your respiratory function.

28. Choose personal care and cleaning products that don’t contain harmful chemicals. When you inhale the toxins into your lungs or absorb them through your skin, they can break down mucosal surfaces, making you more susceptible to germs and viruses.

29. Maintain a healthy body weight.

30. Try to reduce the stress in your life. When we are highly stressed,we’re far more likely to succumb to illness. This is because adrenaline and cortisol, in the long term, can drain your immune system, making it unable to fight off a cold or flu efficiently. Check out this natural product to help with stress and anxiety

What do you think?

Do you get the flu shot? Why or why not? Have you ever had a bad experience from it? Share your opinions in the comments below.

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3) PreppersDailyNews.com, an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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6 Responses

  1. Also consider taking a probiotic or eating yogurt to keep healthy gut-flora thriving since this is a huge part of our immunity.

  2. I’m not an anti-vaxxer. I believe people have the right to give their obese, drooling, sick, autistic, allergic, immune compromised, hacking/coughing in supermarkets kids whatever vaccines they want. There are hundreds of diseases that there are no vaccines for, but someday maybe they can stick their kids with all of them..

  3. I DO NOT get a flu shot. I have an autoimmune disease and the medications I have to take make me very susceptible to contracting infections.

    I’m retired, so staying home is what I do mostly.

    I would add one more thing to your very good list of things to do to stay healthy.

    If you must use a public restroom while out shopping. Wash your hands BEFORE and AFTER using the toilet. If you have been shopping, chances are you have germs on your hands. You could transfer these to your body when using the restroom.

  4. The vaccine this unfortunate victim was forced to receive worked precisely as intended. It enabled Big Medicine and Big Pharma to suck another family’s finances dry to benefit the Pilgrims Society represented families in league with the British Royal family for the eventual merger of America into the British Commonwealth. I am certainly aware that few have ever heard of this group. Very well, start by Googling “Charles Savoie Pilgrims Society” or enter Silver Squelchers. The final installment, #34 is 340 pages and reads faster than that sounds because it’s more images than text showing the fantastic string of skyscrapers owned around the world by the Duke of Westminster, whose family was into Pharma as of 1782 (729 ton sailing ship chartered by the opium dealing British East India Company). The British are the world’s biggest Pharma operators and The Pilgrims Society (see Google images) is the top group connecting England and America—a very dangerous connection for us!

  5. I really feel for this young girl. I hope she gets her vision back at the least. At the age of 40 I couldn’t tell you the last time I’ve had a flu shot or the flu. I’m not a doctor but from what I’ve seen the flu virus is constantly evolving. Making the flu shot half as effective as people think. My mother has lung cancer and gets the shot every year and doesn’t get the flu. I know that every child should still get the shot until at lest high school. If you don’t know how the flu shot is made each year I suggest looking it up on YouTube. The pore child may have been the recipient of a infected chickens egg. May she get well and never get attacked by the virus again.

  6. Usually I don’t get a flu shot, but about 20 years ago I did because it was convenient to do so. Not only did I catch the flu (or whatever was going around), I got it twice, and the second time was even worse than the first. Never again! Instead I practice good hygiene now and the results have been far better. Since then I’ve learned how useless flu vaccines are, except as money makers for Big Pharma.

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