Season’s Beatings: The 2017 Black Friday Video Hall of Shame

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By Daisy Luther

Another year, another humiliating Black Friday in the bag.

American shoppers continued to embarrass themselves in the eyes of the world during this year’s brawl shopping extravaganza. While smart shoppers stayed home and avoided the insanity by ordering gifts online, the melees were alive and well in malls and big box stores across the country. Things started off with a bang – literally – when a guy got shot in Missouri and last night when mall in Alabama had to be closed down due to grownups behaving badly.

When it’s hard to tell the difference between that brutal cornucopia scene in the Hunger Games when everyone is running for a weapon and shoppers on the day after Thanksgiving, it’s pretty evident that we have a serious problem. Let’s warm up with this video. Start at 1:45/

Watch these videos, and just imagine if these people and their children were hungry.  What if you stood between them and the food they felt they should have? Do you really think that they’ll be more civilized when the prize is life-saving food and not a cheap TV?  Is there really any question that preppers should be armed?

Use this as a case study in collapse behavior. Last week, I wrote about a food stampede in Morocco in which 15 people were killed and 40 hospitalized over $16 worth of groceries and compared the two examples:

Every year, on “Black Friday” we get a glimpse of the kind of behavior that causes people to be crushed to death and assaulted. The day after Thanksgiving (ironically) people get up before daylight, stand in line, and shove their way through a crowd to get the best deals. (Stay tuned this weekend for the 2017 Black Friday Hall of Shame.)

And they aren’t even hungry.

People climb all over each other for cheap electronics. Fistfights erupt over vegetable steamers. People are ready to throw down and do battle for sale priced bath towels and televisions. (source)

The madness also spread to the UK and Brazil, where other scenes of frenzied shopping ensued. Well, let’s get started and see what fresh humiliation this year has brought us.

Fist Fight at the OK Coral – oops I mean K-Mart

It’s hard to see what started this fight last night at a K-Mart store somewhere in America, but one guy sure got the worst end of it.

Grown Men Fight over a Toy Car at Wal-Mart

Fisticuffs were also exchanged at this Wal-Mart store. Four “adults” got grounded after fighting over a toy car, when an employee told them “Neither one of you get it.”

A To-Do Over Towels

No violence, but these folks just about lost their fool minds over a great sale on towels.

The Most Touching Black Friday Moments

If by touching, you mean a total feeding frenzy complete with shoving and snatching. Here’s a compilation, with clips of glory from all over the nation.

And we have Black Friday Fights, Episodes 1-4

This guy made the first video and probably thought, “wow, that’s gotta be the worst of the year” and then had to add 3 more episodes to contain all the crazy.





Well, that’s embarrassing.

Good grief, people. Get ahold of yourselves. The biggest problem is, most of those folks probably aren’t the slightest bit ashamed, even though we’re embarrassed for them. For more videos, be sure to check out Mac Slavo’s annual “Running of the Sheep” report on SHTFplan.

Things will be crazy all weekend long. I certainly won’t be venturing into any shopping establishments until next week. If you want to stay in (like we did) and do some online shopping, it’ll definitely be more dignified (and safer.)  Here is a list of the top 5 products on sale in my online store, Preppers Market, and a list of the tops deals from Amazon.


Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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8 Responses

  1. I have never watched the Hunger Games, so I am not sure what it is about. (No television and only go to the movies maybe once a year). Parents should be ashamed to bring their children out in a crowd like these. Glad I stayed home. This country is very materialistic. There is no justification for the violence or the me-me mentality. What would the stores do if for the holidays everyone gave only children presents and those presents were home made. 🙂 I taught my children not to buy me presents, but when we see each other (they are grown and live far away) they take me to lunch to make up for any past Christmas, birthday or Mother’s Day they weren’t here.

  2. Have never had ANY desire to Black Friday shop, period. I do not have any idea why people spend money on useless, materialistic, narcissistic things that, in a few weeks or months, will lose its luster, and the cycle starts again.
    I shop online, first I’m disabled, and I physically can’t fight off people, and people are unbelievably aggressive and I’m not going to be hurt worse than I am.
    Sorry, but I won’t be doing Small business Saturday either.

  3. No words. I have a niece that almost lost her baby over black Friday madness a few years ago. Never done it never will.

  4. That wonderful Christmas Spirit.
    Makes one so glad to be alive in this great “United” States of America.

  5. hard to comment on scenes like this insanity maybe close to the mess in SWEDEN?
    the people look pretty normal and then they JUST stampede like cattle.
    FOR CHEAP Chinese JUNK!!!
    IF it was a TESLY sale for real for a hundred bucks, maybe I could understand the RUSH, but toys and towels is nuts.
    kids almost got TRAMPLED by the MOB!!

  6. Here in France, some big brand boycott the black friday. No discount, no sales, they even closed the store all day ( no internet shopping too). I think it’s a nice idea…

  7. These people that rush away from their families for this circus affair are bottom feeders, losers that are too stupid to get gifts before the holiday rush. Sales go on year around and some are better than black Friday anyway. I make up food baskets in Oct. and give them out between Nov 23d and Dec 10th. All holiday cards are online, sent via email. Tax time ahead, what a drag.

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