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I can’t help but wonder if people worldwide truly understand how close we were to an epic cataclysm. The official institutions, seemingly, could not avoid acknowledging that something has happened; silently, peacefully, and quietly tried to overlook the topic and wait for the public to forget it. Some of the most important astronomers in the area seemed to overlook that massive 2012 Solar Burst.
I cannot help linking it to the Mayan Calendar. Too much of a coincidence.
The space void is immense. It takes a huge imagination (and I have a very active one) only to have an idea of the distances between bodies: planets, sun, and moons. Yet, the amount of all sorts of energy crossing the void is as well massive. Radiation in several forms, photons, and subatomic particles of all types of energy levels. The physics of the astros is wonderful.
Missing a possibly deadly event for millions of people is nothing to take it lightly. Although we´re much better protected now (because we KNOW it can become a reality, as real as an earthquake) for such an event, the truth is most civilian facilities are just barely prepared to face it. A little research is enough to realize this. The official silence is scary. There is enough scientific research out there issuing warnings and the need to increase the protection against EMPs, but it seems our evolution level as a species has not reached that peak.
We dodged a bullet.
That burst missing the earth was a random cosmic event. Renowned scientist Daniel Baker of the University of Colorado said, “If it had hit, we would still be picking up the pieces.” The public never knew that this could have cost trillions of dollars.
Baker, along with colleagues from NASA and other universities, published a seminal study of the storm in the December 2013 issue of the journal Space Weather. Their paper, entitled “A major solar eruptive event in July 2012,” describes how a powerful coronal mass ejection (CME) tore through Earth orbit on July 23, 2012. Fortunately Earth wasn’t there. Instead, the storm cloud hit the STEREO-A spacecraft.
“I have come away from our recent studies more convinced than ever that Earth and its inhabitants were incredibly fortunate that the 2012 eruption happened when it did,” says Baker. “If the eruption had occurred only one week earlier, Earth would have been in the line of fire.
The people issuing warnings were serious scientists. People of knowledge, not whistle-blower influencers. The immensity of that event was so large that the major organizations decided to ignore it. That attitude of “Wow. I don´t want to think what could have happened if that thing hits us” is enough to raise so many alarms. I am sure there was much more involved with that date than the scientific community is willing to share.
Here’s what might have happened.
Think for a moment. Say the burst is enough to fry every cellphone tower in the world. Most of the servers running the Internet are unprotected, at least for such a huge event. Anyone thinks the building is earthquake-proof until it starts shaking like Elvis. After living on the coast near the Fire Belt, I know how it feels. I wonder how much time will be enough once the burst happens.
Hours? Maybe some days; the coronal mass ejection that generated the Hydro-Quebec blackout on March 13, 1989, launched on March 9. Not too much time, unless you know already that it could hit beforehand and everything is in place.
No long-distance communications for a while: the radio waves will be bouncing all over the ionosphere and the surface for God knows how long).
Millions of people could stranded without mobility unless they can protect their vehicles against the burst. The perfect scenario for a bunch of uniforms appearing from nowhere shouting orders and kicking doors to take over a helpless rural town, slaving everyone once food start to be in short supply.
As of today, we have a good amount of years to prepare.
The best approach is starting now.
By doing so, our children, or maybe even the coming generations, will not have to endure the consequences of an unexpected shutdown of a part of our civilization. I cannot even imagine how rough some teenagers are will have it without cell phones and video games.
I have seen in a few forums how people minimize the solar flare EMP capability of frying electronics. In the area where I used to work, the office buildings are built of cement, including the roofs. The storms and rainy days are frequent. One day, lightning stroke the corner of the roof, where the rebar was almost exposed, I suppose. The lights automatically shot down, and all the power plugs sparked, even some network connection boxes. As far as I know, all the protections worked well enough (which was surprising for me) and there were no damaged PCs. That particular building was not grounded, and the rebar of the structure redirected the energy to the ground.
But this is very different from a weeks-long event, with much more intense fields. One of the problems is, that protecting our infrastructure to prepare it for an event that could not happen in the next 100 years (or could happen in the next decade) is incredibly expensive: Bracing the Satellite Infrastructure for a Solar Superstorm – Scientific American
It is good to know that some people took it seriously: Huge Solar Storm of 2012 Would Have Sparked Calamity on Earth. I remember pretty well that year (I was with the flu and called in sick) went outside after an awful night, and I could feel a purple aura that was hard to perceive, but it was there. I never had a similar sensation again.
That year there was a lot of energy focused on the planet, I believe.
Some scientists tried to avoid adding fuel to the solar burst bonfire: No, Earth Wasn’t Nearly Destroyed By a 2012 Solar Storm – Scientific American. Nevertheless, the very own US Gov. has contingency plans for citizens. Sure, there are plans for a deadly zombie outbreak also. Personally, I will take the solar burst risk, which could destroy all of my equipment before the walking rotten corpses crowd. I could always get riot armor for my entire family in a heartbeat, and probably laughing like a lunatic you-know-who are the ones using such gear these days down here.
Protection methods
For this event, a root cellar would be a good choice. It offers the most protection for most of the subatomic high-energy particles’ radiation. The entrance must make waves bounce in the walls, losing strength.
A couple of 90 degrees turns, like the ones in the bunkers for nuclear radiation, can achieve this effect also.
Some materials will absorb this radiation better than others. It should be unnerving how the scientific community seems to overlook these preemptive measures.
Storing your precious high-end, more delicate electronics in a root cellar is probably the best approach: HAM radios, expensive computers, TVs, and any equipment you can imagine that could suffer the effects of a high-energy EMP.
Radios and ALL the equipment connected to surface elements susceptible to electromagnetic fields, like antennas or some sensors, cameras, or similar, should have a surge protection device in line with the equipment.
I know the experts will help us with this once they read the article. My experience is limited to small-intensity fields circulating in carbon steel…and a good understanding of the interaction between matter and energy.
I know that delicate medical equipment should be underground. It could make a significant difference in the future.
Heart monitors, breathing apparatus, electric wheelchairs, CPR equipment, surgery lamps, whatever you can think of with electronics. I would have this as a high priority. Once it starts, we will have only hours, or maybe some days as most, to package and load such equipment to take it to the bunker.
Expertise is a need here; even the design of the ventilation ducts has to be adequate to protect against massive radiation bursts. Nevertheless, the displacement of high-intensity electromagnetic fields from a solar flare inside a vent duct is not something they teach you at college down here.
Not being an expert in the physics of solar bursts, I have to mention that most of the research in this field is for military goals, and not to keep civilian networks safe.
Plenty of shady areas exist on this topic, and even Mr. Robert Manning, vice president for transmission at the Electric Power Research Institute, agrees that the measures to control such events and dissipate the energy could have “unintended side effects”.
I am sorry, but after all the misinformation we experienced regarding the most recent disease, I cannot avoid believing this is utterly intentional.
Experimenting with this is potentially hazardous for equipment, and I will not suggest doing it unless you know very well what you are doing. I do know the range of frequencies and energy levels will be something never seen. This is a reason good enough to take as many precautions as we believe.
Solar bursts usually do not harm biological organisms, but our tools and toys will suffer.
Much better to research and get some materials and gauges to measure any significant disturbance in the magnetosphere. If those gauges can be used remotely, so much better, so make sure to research this.
Make wise choices regarding your rack batteries, as well.
Lithium-ion batteries need electronics to charge: a small circuit called BMS, to make sure each cell charges at the best rate and avoid overloads. These tiny circuits tell the battery’s individual cells how much to charge, the rate to do it, and when to stop.
Once they stop working, replacing them with identical circuits is the only way to put your batteries to work again.
Nickel-iron batteries (my favorites for long-term and stationary power supply) do not need such sophisticated stuff and will gulp the electricity as it comes. Just don’t go full Dr. Brown with this unless your surname is McFly and you drive a time-travel pimped-out DeLorean.
Storing your EVs in an underground or semi-buried shelter would be a good idea if you want to brace yourself against these events. I believe a lot in semi-buried shelters for a variety of reasons, and concealment and temperature stability are some of them. The windows and openings for this storage room must be thoroughly protected. If space is a concern, surrounding the space with deep shelves from floor to ceiling on three sides and leaving just one opening for the vehicles is a good distribution. You could seal from the outside the edges with conductive tape to avoid fields in the range of microwaves coming in. Because they will. An opening of 0,1 mm will mean that waves under that size (determined by frequency) will bounce inside, and they could be potentially damaging if their energy is high enough.
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Myth: Grounding
As far as my humble research went on, grounding is not going to do any good for a Faraday cage. It will not hurt but will not help too much either. Regarding the conductors like antenna cables or general transmission (data or power), is a different story. Research about this, as it is an extensive topic and needs attention to make good choices.
Integrated circuits are inexpensive and easy to get these days. Make a list of how many and which type you could need to keep your machines running, and plan for getting spares if you believe you could need them. Any electronics technician could provide some advice and reinstalling them if necessary.
Faraday cages, EMP-proof duffel bags, and fabric or sheeting should absorb most of the radiation. Isolate the devices you need to protect from the floor of the cage. This should absorb and dissipate most of the radiation. One thing is for sure: if you protect your equipment properly, you will be way ahead of those who went back to the 1800s.
Going underground (or semi), depending on where you are, is a good practice. Make sure you apply as many safety measures as you need, and follow the rules.
There is a lot to research, as the real consequences are not yet clear even to the experts.
Having a well-protected underground cellar with an infirmary, a monitoring room, a radio communications room, and an entertainment center, large enough to protect all of your equipment doesn’t sound bad after all.
Keep tuned!
Did you know about the 2012 solar burst?
Were you aware of this near miss that almost hit the earth in 2012? Are you preparing for the possibility of a solar burst? If so, what steps have you taken? If not, what’s the reason? Please share your tips with us. Let’s discuss it in the comments.
About Jose
Jose is an upper middle class professional. He is a former worker of the oil state company with a Bachelor’s degree from one of the best national Universities. He has an old but in good shape SUV, a good 150 square meters house in a nice neighborhood, in a small but (formerly) prosperous city with two middle size malls. Jose is a prepper and shares his eyewitness accounts and survival stories from the collapse of his beloved Venezuela. Jose and his younger kid are currently back in Venezuela, after the intention of setting up a new life in another country didn’t go well. The SARSCOV2 re-shaped the labor market and South American economy so he decided to give it a try to homestead in the mountains, and make a living as best as possible. But this time in his own land, and surrounded by family, friends and acquaintances, with all the gear and equipment collected, as the initial plan was.
Follow Jose on YouTube and gain access to his exclusive content on Patreon. Donations: paypal.me/JoseM151
17 Responses
This recent article discusses what could happen if an 1859 style Carrington Event (a coronal mass ejection or CME) hit the earth
What Would Happen If a Doomsday, Carrington-Sized Solar Flare Hit Earth?
This writeup covers a lot more detail about not only the Carrington Event but also several other such solar strikes in history. Below the article there is a very extensive bibliography from around the world:
I wasn’t aware of it at the time, but did learn of it a number of years ago.
I’ve done two things to prepare as best I can.
1. I’ve built several Faraday cages from galvanized trash cans. In them I keep my HAM base station, my last usable laptop, walkie-talkies, batteries, and any electronics that I want to keep safe.
2. I have purchased protection modules from EMPshield.com for each vehicle, for the standby generator and the house power. I know that having my stuff protected won’t be a big saving if everything else gets fried (power plants, cell towers, etc), but having a moving vehicle and retaining my home environment means something. One thing to consider is that the current surge during an EMP could well generate fires.
Most, but not all, CMEs take about 3-4 days to reach the Earth from the sun.
The Carrington Event of 1859 took just under 18 hours to make the same trip.
Think about that one for a moment. Say it occurs at night while most Americans are sleeping, call it midnight East coast time.
We got 17 hours before the wave hits. Of which roughly 2/3s of the country is asleep. That is assuming NASA immediately announces the event has occurred. There could be some delay in confirmation, analysis etc.
1) How many Americans even understand what a CME even is?
2) Those who do, what kind of crazy does that look like? During COVID, people were fighting over TP. Imagine what the grocery store would look like if there was the possibility of our society getting kicked back to the mid 1800s in a few hours. Toss in those who just so happened to be at the grocery store at the same time, see what is going on, and joins in the mass panic. Gets worse as the news gets out, news/internet/SM videos of hysteria in the grocery stores, at the gas pumps.
3) Panic goes viral.
4) Things get stupid.
5) Even when Zero-Hour approaches people are still away from home either in a panic to get things last minute (literally). People have speculated at what vehicles would do if hit with something at a Carrington level CME. Some say nothing at all as your vehicle is a mini-Faraday cage on wheels. Others say the vehicle will shut down, but can be restarted and be on your happy motoring way. And others say the vehicle will shut down and never to be restarted again with massive electrical work.
Our vehicles are 2016. But I have been in a few 2020s, and a Tesla. Sensors and gizmos galor! And all tied into a central computer.
6) Regardless if the vehicle could be restarted, imagine a few millions of vehicles on the road and suddenly it shuts down. How many people could keep their cool, and safely bring the vehicle to a stop on a major busy highway with no power steering, no power breaks.
Be the largest mass vehicular accidents in history, and more than a few with fatalities.
Be also the largest sudden roadways into mass parking lot in history.
7) Even if you did not get into an accident (does not have to be a highway, seen accidents people doing 30mph) you might have to get out the car ready BOB and hump it home. Might have to leave any of those things you picked up at the grocery store right there in the car.
8) How long is it lights out? The most optimistic reports I have read said 6 months, involving heavy military assistance. What I think is more realistic is the 12 to 18 months.
However, reading the recent rolling blackouts across the country last week, how strained the grid was, I now am inclined to think 12-18 months as being optimistic.
9) What does society devolve into with no power, no potable water, no Cheezey poofs on the shelves?
10) Reading the Twitter Files, one has to wonder would the government censor the information to prevent a mass panic?
Good times!
Some very valid points, concerns and questions you raise. There’s a lot of discussion and speculations of the subject on the various forums, but in truth, most of it is really an unknown.
I do believe you’re right on the time it will take to address the issues post event. It could possibly be even longer depending on the extent of damage a CME or CE does. Frying most of the turbines and transformers in the country, rewinding and replacing diodes and other components will take a considerable amount of time and labor.
Answering the most important comments you made:
3) Of course. And wolves will leave their caves once they see LEAs without radio or phone.
4) I’ve seen this in Lima after a soccer game. Go figure. Just imagine how interesting things will become when the millions of addicts can’t get their fix after 4 or 5 days.
5) I´d say there is no way to know the consequences because of there is no way we can measure the CME before it happens; if it happens to be a huge storm, then we´re toasted.
6) It´s going to be a REAL mess if every car in the roads fails. Much worst of whatever anyone can imagine.
7) If you have space enough, carrying a folding bicycle comes useful. There will be some warning time…if you monitor the right places or have some measuring gauges.
8) There is no way to know it. Martial law surely will be in place for years.
9) Those with guns and organized (uniform crooks down here) will instate small caudillo-like control zoning. Until people gets p—d off and gives them a fix.
10) I´d say, you can bet it pal.
First: I don’t know that we are any more protected today than we were in 2012. Maybe even less protected, as we are even more dependent today on electricity/the internet than we were in 2012. Second: the idea that we have years to prepare is preposterous – it could literally happen at any time. And third: We can protect our electronics all we want, but without a functioning electric grid, or internet how much good will they do us? Having a radio survive when there are no stations broadcasting? Having your cell phone still work may help if you have apps that help you, but without the towers and integrated system you can’t make calls or connect to the internet.
I always think of a CME as an EMP – just of possibly longer duration. Or even recurring at irregular intervals. You might save your electronics from the first one, but as soon as you remove them to use them, they become susceptible to the next one – which you have no warning of. All you have to do is look at the EMP commission’s reports to see the possible outcome.
Now, having said all that, let’s look at some other facts not normally bandied about in the media. At this time our magnetic poles are moving at a rapid rate. (At least for magnetic poles). This weakens our magnetic field around the earth, which protects us from solar radiation. That means that even weaker solar storms could have a much more drastic effect on us. I found it interesting that throughout history we have actually had periods where we had multiple poles (up to 8 of them) rather than the 2 we’re used to.
We are also entering (2023-2026) a solar maximum. This is part of the sun’s 11 year solar cycle and when it’s poles shift. It is a time of increased activity and sunspots. Between our weaker magnetic field, and increased activity associated with a solar maximum I would say that the next 3 years are perhaps one of the most dangerous times for us as a people, and yet most people don’t have a clue that it is even happening.
After the event happens the only communication means once the ionosphere is stable (I don´t know, weeks, or months) will be HAM radios. I´m not exactly an operator but I do know I need to strength this part of my preps, but it´s not easy. Uniforms can get the wrong idea, as brainwashed as they are because of the commie hate speech.
I understand how I could protect my own devices, but the Internet and the power grid are likely to be disrupted.
Dear Erin,
Very likely. It´s going to be a mess in the major cities. That´s why having a very secluded place is a must, if you want to be really secure. And I mean something like the refuge in “The Road”, where hardly anyone would roam around.
Should I buy a $60 Faraday bag or start digging a root cellar in my back yard?
It depends upon your needs really. How many devices and their size will determine what you need. If only a few things of small size, then that $60 cage may be the best solution.
There are numerous DIY sites and videos about making Faraday Cages online. I built mine out of surplus Ammo Cans. Big cans like the P124 80mm Mortar Cans rather than the usual .30 and .50 caliber cans. We already have an old root celler where I store our cans, but it doesn’t have the 90° corners that are recommended.
Good luck with whatever you decide to use.
I follow a podcast called Suspicious Minds on YouTube. Although it sounds like a conspiracy group, it’s really not. It does present the Solar phenomenon we’re currently being barrage with in a new light, and does a logical job of tying the climatic change to elements beyond earth’s atmosphere.
One vehicle we keep maintained in case of an EMP (whatever the cause), is a 1965 International Scout. The coils, battery and condensors are removed and stored in a Faraday cage. The Scout has a very basic electrical system, so getting it up and running, shoot only require reinstalling those components that an EMP would affect.
There is a very educational YouTube Channel called Kurgesatz. Or something like that. They have child-like explanations, with simple graphics. I´ve been watching them with my kid for some years now and we love it. They even did a video of this. Good move with the Scout. Friend of mine has one too but he´s been rebuilding it for years. Wants to throw in a chevy 350 though. I´m looking for the best/cheaper way to rebuild and harden my SUV. I´m highly aware of a similar event in the next 15 years, just by looking the data acquired this last 30 years…and the terrifying silence of the scientific community. That´s what scares me the most. It´s like if they are waiting for it to happen to take over the world by force, at gunpoint and kicking doors.
FWIW, as of today 5/10/24, sunspot 3664 has ripped 6 solar flares in the past 48 hours with earth directed cme’s. 4-X1+, 1-X2+, 1X3.9. Multiple heavy M class flares interspersed amongst the larger X class flares. Auroral viewers as far south as Alabama and Northern California should be pleased about this 😁.
Despite what some YouTube channel might tell you, this is no big deal, except for the elevated kp index which will most likely be around ~kp6-8. We’ll see.
I’ve been watching 3664 since she made the final turn around the west limb of our star and, wow, she is massive. If we get her gone without a X10+ launching toward earth, we’ll be fortunate.
Well that is concerning.
Not to keep folks on edge, but this is a copy/paste from https://www.spaceweather.com/
“Giant sunspot AR3664 is probably still active on the farside of the sun. We know because yesterday it (or a companion sunspot) hurled a bright full-halo CME into space. According to a NASA model, the storm cloud will make a direct hit on Venus today, potentially stripping away a small amount of that planet’s atmosphere.”
What is concerning to me about AR3664’s power is, well, she’s mammoth indeed and very active launching several flares with multiple CME’s, but not upper tier X flares. The solar storm we experienced on the tenth was the product of three combined CME’s from flares that were only X1-3. Earths magnetic shield, the magnetosphere, is definitely weak currently. Evidence of this is that auroral lights were seen in mid pacific regions as far south as New Caledonia from what, in past experiences, should have been a nonevent. And yet, it affected the magnetosphere so much that during the storm we had sustained KP indexes +9 for ~18 hours.
Not being alarmist, but folks, AR3664 is going to be back in 8 days (with a different AR designator) and directly earth facing in 10. Something could happen. Nothing could happen. But things will definitely get very interesting this summer. Even in the heavens.
This is the largest solar flare with a heavy full halo CME associated with it to be directly earth facing of SC25.
This eruption comes on the heels of a X7+ eruption that will deliver a partial blow today/tomorrow.
Our magnetosphere is already weak right now. The potential of this affecting our grid is significant.